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  • Data: 03/07/2024
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  • According to the UN (2019), 55% of the world population lives in cities and the forecast is that by 2050 this percentage will reach 70%. In Brazil this proportion, according to the IBGE in 2015 was 84.72%, in the North Region it is 68.6%, and in the State of Amapá, where the proposed object of study is located, which is the Metropolitan Region of Macapá, the urban population is 76.36%. Thus, paying more attention to actions aimed at the sustainability of urban spaces become increasingly important points within government action plans. In Amapá, the State's governmental history identifies whether government plans and actions related to sustainability, given this, it emerges the need to analyze the levels of sustainability of the RMM, for such analysis, a theoretical foundation was sought based on the category of analysis Region, and on the concepts of Metropolization, Metropolitan Region and Sustainability, and the research will be conducted through qualitative and that will be used to present the particularities of the municipalities where the RMM is contained, the method of analysis is the hypothetical-deductive according to Bunge, the statistical and the observational method. To assess sustainability, the Sustainability Barometer tool developed by Prescott Allen will be used, which has a malleable methodology, as it does not show lags in the quantity of indicators in its formulation and can be applied from the local to the global scale, allowing for comparisons between different locations and over a specified period of time.

  • UNIDADE DE CONSERVAÇÃO E POVOS TRADICIONAIS: o Parque Nacional do Cabo Orange e os conflitos socioambientais e a territorialidade da Vila Taperebá, Oiapoque/AP

  • Data: 25/06/2024
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  • s; Cape Orange National Park; Socio-environmental Conflicts; Traditional Communities; Vila Taperebá.


  • Orientador : JOSE MAURO PALHARES
  • Data: 17/06/2024
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  • As queimadas e incêndios emergem como sérias ameaças aos ecossistemas florestais, especialmente na Amazônia, onde a mudança de uso da terra é frequentemente associada a esses eventos, embora fatores meteorológicos, como a escassez de chuvas e altas temperaturas, desempenhem um papel crucial na amplificação desse risco. Nesse contexto o objetivo desta pesquisa é identificar a influência da variabilidade pluviométrica e do desmatamento na ocorrência de focos de calor no município de Tartarugalzinho, no período de 2001 a 2022, considerando a ocorrência dos fenômenos de El Niño e La Niña. Para realização de seu objetivo foram utilizados os dados de precipitação pluviométrica adquiridos do Portal HIDROWEBde três estações pluviométricas situadas no município de Tartarugalzinho que são:Itaubal do Amapá (código 8151000), Tartarugal Grande (código 8150001) e APOREMA (código 8150000); os dados de desmatamento utilizados são sobre corte raso disponíveis no PRODES; e os dados de focos de calor são doportal BDQueimadas,desenvolvido pelo INPE,de satélites de referênciaspara análise de séries históricas. A análise dos dados desdobra-se em duas etapas distintas. Inicialmente, uma análise estatística descritiva fundamenta-se em medidas de tendência central e variabilidade, também realiza análise estatística de dispersão através da correlação de Pearson e regressão linear para identificar a relação entre as variáveis. Posteriormente, foi realizada análise qualitativa dos dados espacializados,onde é utilizada a técnica dos Mapas de Kernel dos dados de focos de calor, shapefile do incremento do desmatamento e a interpolação dos dados das estações pluviométricas, todos processados no Sistema de Informações Geográficas (SIG) QGIS 3.16. Os resultados revelam que a relação de influência do desmatamento para a ocorrência de focos de calor é regular (R=0,4746), ou seja, a associação limitada. O que é confirmado com a espacialização dos dados onde o desmatamento está em área, em sua maioria, de classe média e alta de densidade de focos de calor. A relação entre a precipitação pluviométrica para a ocorrência de focos de calor é fraca (R=0,1326), oferecendo associação não é consistente, tendo pouca relação para a ocorrência de focos de calor, a não ser em eventos extremos de ENOS.


  • Data: 16/05/2024
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  • As regiões costeiras são áreas de transição que conectam ambientes terrestres e marinhos. Esses ambientes abrigam ecossistemas complexos, dinâmicos com grande diversidade biológica e alta fragilidade ambiental. A Zona Costeira Amapaense possui dinâmica marcada pela interação entre os agentes atmosféricos, oceanográficos e do rio Amazonas, responsáveis por alterações na paisagem que se superpõem em uma escala temporal muito pequena em comparação com outros ambientes. Essas alterações são controladas pela ação interativa dos processos de maré, ondas e ventos desencadeando erosão, transporte, sedimentação, mudanças sazonais nas linhas de costa. Entre as regiões mais sensíveis da costa está o baixo setor costeiro estuarino que se estende entre a foz do rio Gurijuba e Araguari, neste trecho, os ambientes são marcadamente fluvio-marinhos, a planície costeira é muito baixa apresentando sua maior largura, são identificados o acréscimo constante de sedimentos fluviais e paleocanais entulhados, forte influência da salinidade, intensos processos erosivos e abertura de drenagens. Esta pesquisa objetiva analisar as mudanças morfológicas de curto período no baixo setor costeiro estuarino entre os anos de 1992, 2005, 2014 e 2022. Os procedimentos metodológicos envolveram etapas de levantamento das características físico-naturais, descrição dos processos costeiros e análise multitemporal com técnicas de geoprocessamento. Para delimitação da linha de costa foi adotada como geoindicador a linha de vegetação em virtude de sua capacidade para mensurar e avaliar processos e formas costeiras, considerando a alta reflectividade da vegetação de mangue em imagens de sensores remotos. Os resultados demonstram que os processos de acresção predominaram em 60% representadas pelas feições morfológicas de formação de barras em pontal, processos de colmatação, formação de bancos lamosos e planícies de maré, concentrando-se nas regiões da antiga foz do rio Araguari, ilha do Bailique e Franco, por outro lado, os processos erosivos 40%, estão presentes na forma de erosão fluvial e abertura de drenagens, destaque para o rio Gurijuba, Uricurituba e Igarapé Mamão. As alterações na paisagem provocaram inúmeros impactos especialmente relacionados aos processos erosivos, como a perda de casas, escolas, falta de energia elétrica devido as constantes rupturas na rede de distribuição, intensificação da intrusão salina, consequentemente, a escassez de água potável. Das 20 (vinte) comunidades monitoradas 6 (seis) estão sob influência dos processos de acresção e 14 (quatorze) sob processos de erosão, destaque para o Junco, Foz do Gurijuba, Escola Bosque, Macedônia, Itamatatuba, Boa Esperança e Vila progresso. Entre as medidas apontadas neste estudo como essenciais no enfrentamento a erosão estão as ações integradas entre os gestores costeiros e às instituições de pesquisa do Estado com aplicação dos estudos existentes nas políticas de gestão de risco, adoção de medidas de mitigação e adaptação a estes impactos tendo em vista que acontecem sazonalmente e estão sujeitos a intensificações devido aos impactos das mudanças climáticas.


  • Data: 22/04/2024
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  • The central theme of this research is to discuss the teaching and learning process of Geography through the application of cartographic and geographic scales using the model as a tool. The study was developed in 2023 with 6th year students at Escola Quilombola Estadual José Bonifácio, located in the community of Curiaú, city of Macapá-AP. The main objective was to analyze the potential of the participatory construction of models for the development of themes related to the geographic space present in the context of the students' experience, using the cartographic scale and the geographic scale to make spatial readings, aiming to develop reasoning geography of students. Methodologically, the study has a qualitative character and was based on the action research method. As procedures for data collection, bibliographical research, field research and media recording were carried out. At the end of the research, it was found that the use of models in the educational context enabled students to exercise mental operations that applied theoretical knowledge, skills and competencies in the construction of models and consequently provided the development of geographic reasoning in students.

    Keywords: Cartographic Scale. Geographic Scale. Geographic Reasoning. Teaching Geography. Model.

  • Data: 14/12/2023
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  • The general objective of this dissertation was to understand the dynamics of the phenomenon of urban centrality in the city of Macapá-AP, based on an analysis of the processes of spatial centralization and decentralization, from 1943 to 2022. Research into the dynamics of urban centrality in medium-sized cities, such as Macapá, is of great relevance to geographical science, society and public authorities, as it provides input for understanding the spatial processes and phenomena responsible for the urban transformations that occur in cities. The research is divided into five parts: the first is the introduction, which deals with general aspects of the research project; the second deals with the process of spatial centralization, the formation and development of the traditional central area of Macapá during the period of the T.F.A; the third deals with the process of spatial decentralization and the formation of Sub-centers after the statehood of Amapá; the fourth deals with the dynamics of urban centrality in the city of Macapá, and the fifth section brings the final considerations, presenting the results and conclusion of the research. The methodology used was based on a combination of qualitative and quantitative techniques, which allow us to observe, discuss, quantify and describe the reality of the phenomenon. The dissertation was written from a historical materialist dialectical perspective and used the following methodological techniques: bibliographical research, documentary research, digital database research and fieldwork. The results of the research show that the city of Macapá has had its urban spatial structure altered over the years to meet the interests and strategies of space-producing agents, such as the state, economic capital and excluded social agents, which have generated contradictory relations in urban space, based on the processes of "centralization" and "decentralization", which have culminated in the formation of other spatial forms such as sub-centres and shopping malls, in dispersed and discontinuous areas of the main center, located on the city's main axes of urban expansion axes, which redefined the city's flows, generating new centralities at different levels, that are linked to the evolutionary logic of the intra-urban fabric.


  • Data: 13/12/2023
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  • A pesquisa insere-se nos debates das práticas aplicadas ao ensino do componente curricular geografia e buscou compreender como estudantes da educação básica apreendem a paisagem do Igarapé da Fortaleza em Santana, a partir de diálogos realizados em rodas de conversa. Traz como problema a seguinte indagação: “Como a paisagem do Igarapé da Fortaleza em Santana é percebida/apreendida pelos estudantes da educação básica a partir de diálogos realizados nas aulas de Geografia?”. Como metodologia de ensino e investigação, para atingir o objetivo da pesquisa, utilizou-se a roda de conversa em virtude dela possibilitar a valorização da trajetória do estudante ao mesmo tempo que articula o saber empírico ao científico. A pesquisa mostrou que a paisagem do Igarapé da Fortaleza em Santana é descrita/caracterizada pelos estudantes com elementos de uma paisagem que mescla o rural e o urbano. Em suas falas, os estudantes apresentaram tanto características que remetem a forte influência do meio rural, inclusive com a manutenção de formas e hábitos ribeirinhos, como também dinâmicas próprias de núcleos urbanos.

  • Geosystems; Cartography; Amazonia.

  • Data: 22/11/2023
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  • The savannas of Amapá are characterized by mosaics with wooded areas of vegetation, with a denser woody shrub layer and open grassy areas with sparse shrubs and trees, and by seasonally flooded areas in the transition zone with flood plains. They occur in 11 of the state's 16 municipalities and their physiognomy is represented by the following typologies: forested savannah, wooded savannah, park savannah and grassy-woody savannah. The savannah ecosystem has been heavily pressured by different forms of land use, involving the expansion of the state's main urban centers, family farming, spaces traditionally used by quilombola communities, as well as large forestry and agribusiness projects. The intensification of land use has prompted the need to expand knowledge about the structure and organization of savannah landscapes. The aim of this research was to map functional landscape units in the savannah region of Amapá, considering their physical, biotic and anthropic elements. To do this, we used methodologies applied to the study of landscapes, such as the GTP system and the taxonomic classification for the lower levels (geocomplex, geofacies and geotope) proposed by Bertrand. The techniques used were bibliographic and cartographic research, fieldwork and geoprocessing tools. The methodological procedures used to identify and delimit the landscape units were: the correlation table of landscape elements and the comparative analysis of maps, which made it possible to draw up the Amapá Savannah Landscape Chart, which consisted of subdividing the savannah areas into 8 (eight) major taxa (geocomplexes). The results show that the geocomplexes are quite different in size, ecological characteristics and land use. However, they can be organized into three groups. The first group is made up of two geocomplexes, which have the largest territorial extensions and also the highest percentage of converted area, one with 415,167 ha of extension and (23.60%) of converted area; the other with 270,163 ha of extension and (35.39%) of converted area. These geocomplexes together represent more than half of Amapá's savannah areas, where the integrity of the ecosystem, characterized by its specific vegetation, fauna and ecological interactions, has been heavily modified by human activity. The second group is also made up of two geocomplexes with medium territorial extensions and a low percentage of converted area, the first with 86,392 ha of extension and (0.33%) of converted area; and the second with 31,399 ha of extension and (4.42%) of converted area. These geocomplexes have pedological and topographical limitations, but are already beginning to come under pressure from land use activities. The third group brings together the four geocomplexes with the smallest territorial extensions and no effectively converted savannah areas, with the following extensions: 25,770 ha; 4,483 ha; 27,404 ha and; 24,773 ha. This group includes savannah formations with internal differentiations that occupy small areas, are rarer and less frequent, have some degree of environmental fragility or are linked to some environmental or social institution. In general, these formations are well preserved and are still under little threat from human activity.

  • Data: 16/11/2023
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  • This research aims to evaluate the geodiversity in places of geomorphological interest in the upper course of the Igarapé Bracco, Estuarine Coastal Zone of Amapá, municipality of Itaubal-AP, to contribute to its Geoconservation. The choice of this area was due to the landscape potential, even though it is in a dynamic environment dominated by Quaternary deposits, with favorable conditions for visitation, highlighting the environmental and scientific appreciation as an element of geodiversity. The evaluation methodology of geomorphological places of interest based on Pereira (2006) was adopted, containing the following steps: bibliographic survey; data collection in field research work, and put an end to the elaboration of localization maps and characterization of the physiography of the identified places. Seven locations of geomorphological interest were identified, named as follows: Point 1- Sandy Sediments; Point 2- Sandstone Outcrop; Point 3- Erosion and Enlargement of the drainage; Point 4- Erosion and Formation of Islands; Point 5- Braço-Igarapé Novo confluence; Point 6- Floodplain Forest lost its character and Point 7 - Formation of an island. The choice of these locations includes geomorphological scenarios of the Amazon region and history of spatial and landscape formation in the region, which are important aspects for working on territorial development in a sustainable way. The appreciation of geodiversity and the recognition of its values can contribute to the geoconservation of the abiotic environment, with scientific and cultural knowledge, as well as with sustainable development for the residents of the study area.
  • GEOPATRIMONY OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CALÇOENE/AP: Inventory of Geosites with a view to Geotourism.

  • Orientador : VALTER GAMA DE AVELAR
  • Data: 31/10/2023
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  • Currently, the municipality of Calçoene, in the extreme north of the state of Amapá, is an important tourist hub due to its potential and natural beauty. The tourism practiced is still poorly structured and is restricted to contemplating the landscape and using natural attributes for leisure purposes. Therefore, it is urgent to raise awareness among municipal managers, the community in general, and professionals in the tourism sector about tools that aim to encompass knowledge and appreciation of the attributes of geodiversity, to enhance and guarantee the geoconservation of this geoheritage. County. The objective of this research is the inventory of geosites, seeking to highlight the potential and valuation of the municipality's geoheritage. For this purpose, methodological procedures were used, based on Meneses (2020), which resulted in operational and exploratory actions to inventory geosites. As a result, six LIGs (GCFI-01, GSMRGI-02, GQC-03, GPG-04, GCFL-05 and GPS-06) were inventoried to understand the potential of the municipality's geodiversity, to promote the best use of those locations for Geotourism and Geoconservation purposes. Two products were created and developed: an informative booklet for each geosite inventoried, as well as a geotourist itinerary for visiting the six geosites inventoried. These geotouristic itineraries represent a relevant tool for disseminating information about local geodiversity, supporting sustainable development through the valorization of geoheritage. Finally, it is hoped that the theme developed in this research can be replicated to other places of geodiversity interest in the municipality of Calçoene, thus seeking to value and conserve its rich geoheritage.


  • Data: 30/10/2023
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  • The advance of the Amazonian agricultural frontier constitutes a reaffirmation of logic
    economically excluding which aims to maintain and reproduce the process of modernization of the
    territory in the mold of capital with the support of the State. Consider the border as a
    space in which reside various historical times is also to conceive of it as a substrate
    for the production of different territories in the same space. In Amapá to structure theActions of agribusiness in the expansion of the agricultural frontier there are changes in the policies ofplanning of territories originally constituted by traditional populations, robbing them of the right to own their lands, either legitimately by expulsion from their territories, orsymbolically by the denial of their life trajectories. So this work starts from the assumption that the consequences of the modernization of the Amazonian agricultural frontieron the states focus on the production of the territory through the divergent territorialitiesactive and in the Amapaense field, the agricultural frontier materializes through production grains in the savannah. Thus, the problem consists in understanding how changes in use andland cover between the years 2000 and 2021 organize the production of the territory in twostretches of state highways AP-070 and AP-340? In view of the above, the objective isto analyze the production of the territory in two stretches of the state highways: AP-070/ and AP-340; between the years 2000 and 2021. For this analysis, the concepts of territory, border were usedagricultural, land use and cover, and Amazonian occupation patterns, allowing us to understand theformation of the new agricultural frontier of Amapá and analyze the production of the territory in the area ofinfluence of state highways AP-070/AP-340. Methodological procedureswere based on: bibliographic survey in recent journals, theses, dissertations,technical reports to build the theoretical basis of the discussion and data of use and coverage of theland of the MapBiomas project as a tool to temporally demonstrate the changesoccurred between the years 2000 and 2021. In addition, interviews were conductedsemi-structured both with representatives of public agencies and also withcommunity of a quilombola community that is fully included in the area. The researchshows a relationship between the expansion of the agricultural frontier and the reduction of savannah areas, presenting itself in both physical and symbolic dimensions and producing territoriesdiscontinuous and demarcated by agribusiness thus forming a kind of mosaic in the area. Another notorious process inherent in the border is the conflict, there was an increase in occurrence of conflicts over land according to the data of the Pastoral Land Commission and interviews. It is also noteworthy that the production of the territory in the area can be understood as heterogeneous territories that may be gradually being led to a process of homogenization and although it is considered that the territory cannot disappear in totality; because it is constituted and given legitimacy in symbolic, lived dimensions, there is clearly here an attempt to objectify it, however these populations although cornered, continue to fight, they continue to exist and seek the perpetuation of their trajectories.

  • Viability of Tourism Development in Cabo Orange National Park, in the State of Amapá

  • Data: 02/10/2023
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  • The tourist activity presents itself as an option for economic and social development in many areas of Brazil and the world, since this prosperous alternative, if well planned and organized, can generate benefits for everyone who is directly or indirectly involved with tourism. Many Brazilian states use tourism as an economic alternative for the improvement of cities and communities, such as the Sun and Beach tourism in northeastern Brazilian states, the religious tourism in Belém, Pará, with the "Círio de Nossa Senhora de Nazaré", the event tourism in Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo, among others. Tourism in a conservation unit such as those occurring in the Tijuca National Park and in the Iguaçu National Park are presented as successful cases of tourism development in integral protection units. Thus, this project proposes to study the feasibility of developing tourist activities in the Cabo Orange National Park, in the State of Amapá, analyzing the relationship between geography and tourism in protected areas, the historical/social context of the creation of the Park, as well as suggesting options for viable tourist activities on the site. The park is located in the north of the state of Amapá, in the municipality of Calçoene and Oiapoque, with an area of 619,000ha (six hundred and nineteen thousand hectares) and a perimeter of 590km (five hundred and ninety kilometers). The Cabo Orange National Park was the first federal conservation unit created in Amapá and the twenty-first in Brazil. Initially, this research will use the hypothetical-deductive approach method. The investigation of the current study will be done through the SWOT Analysis, which consists in helping to broaden the vision of the strategic context, through internal and external factors to the Park. Data collection for this research will be done through structured observation and on-site research in the Park, since these techniques allow a better investigation of the object of study. This research will use as data collection tools the tourist infrastructure checklist related to tourism in the Park and surrounding areas, as well as the basic infrastructure checklist, in order to corroborate the premises of a service or product, and the natural attraction checklist, yet to be applied, only in the Park, in order to detect as many natural attractions as possible. The leisure services and equipment tourist inventory forms and the tourist information provided by the Ministry of Tourism will be used. Intensive direct observation will be carried out through interviews with professionals who work in the Park, in Receptive Tourism Agencies and in the State and the Municipal Departments of Tourism and Environment and UNIFAP.

  • Data: 27/06/2023
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  • It is considered in this research that the geographic space is nature in movement and that the appropriation of this nature by the societies that are formed over time constitutes the territories. These societies through interactions that allow the coexistence of the multiplicity of territorialities that cohabit this space, not always in a harmonious way. Territories, as they are multiple social products, can be analyzed from innumerable group cuts and spatio-temporal scales. It is from this point of view that this work seeks to delve into the analysis of the prostitution of transvestite women and its aspects that constitute the scope of the manifestation of the life of transvestites in the city of Macapá-AP. The objective is to identify the spatialization, spatiality and territoriality of prostitution in the city, its fixity and mobility. In this way, a reflection will be drawn on the scales of relationships: customers, pimps and prostitutes and prostitution and the agents that operate in their viability. To do this, the concepts of space and territory will be presented in order to reflect on the socio-spatial and socio-territorial aspects of prostitution in Macapá. The methodological procedures consist of the following stages: the first stage, in progress, refers to the recognition of the problem and delimitation of the conceptual framework for the approach to the territory, the basic geographic analysis category of this research, gender as a category, gender violence and the body-territory, followed by the survey of the methodological reference for fieldwork; the second stage is the planning and carrying out of field research through demarcation of prostitution points and structured interviews with trans* prostitutes, with a qualitative approach, collecting data and narratives that will later be analyzed from the perspective of psychological reception and analysis of speech; the third, and last stage, corresponds to the analyzes and reflections according to the proposed objectives. Gender violence is involved in a complex relationship between body, power and culture, and reveals how prostitution territories are constituted and the dynamics of socio-spatial changes in these/those territories. In this way, we use an approach of the subject - space - territory relationship, questioning the spatial and territorial actions carried out by this focus group and the dynamics between the territory of prostitution and the transvestite, thus contributing to the production of gender, feminist and of sexualities.



  • Data: 17/05/2023
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  • Cape Norte (currently the State of Amapá) located in the Northern Amazon was a space for the reproduction of the Portuguese administration during the 18th century, when the Companhia do Comércio do Grão-Pará (1755) was in force and later the policy of the Diretório dos Índios (1757- 1798). In this process, socio-territorial and socioeconomic experiences were established, transforming the North Cape region not only into a space for the reproduction of work, but of successive social experiences carried out by different historical subjects (indigenous, African, Portuguese, settlers) throughout the territorial extension demonstrating the historical geography in the North Cape Lands. In this sense, the main objective of the study is to analyze how these experiences explain the territorial and socioeconomic dynamics in Cape North, for this, documentary research (colonial correspondence) produced by the Portuguese authorities was used as a methodology, the colonial sources demonstrate that in addition to the efforts to implement commercial agriculture, the formation of Vila de Macapá deepened socio-territorial relations in the northern zone. In addition to labor relations, the Vila de São José de Macapá incorporated structures, forms and fixed points linked to the reformist policy of the Marquês de Pombal for the Northern Amazon, the documentary sources register the specificities of this colonial past as well as the historical spatialities produced in this period. In view of this, the study is divided into three specific sections, the first section concentrates the theoretical discussion on the implementation of the policy of the Directory of Indians in the Northern Amazon, the main agents and their impacts on the formation of the urban network of Macapá, whose objective is to understand how the village of Macapá became a center of Portuguese administrative reproduction through the installation of the first Azorean families and the efforts to implement and maintain commercial agriculture. In the second section, a survey of colonial documents was carried out to analyze, through narratives, how work and production relations were established in the daily life of the populations of Vila de Macapá and surrounding villages, for this purpose, the spatialization of information and the construction of maps that spatialize the routes of circulation and commercialization of foodstuffs (flour, fish) in this region. Then, the third section emphasizes how the construction of the colonial urban space in Cape Norte and specifically in Vila de São José de Macapá constituted a substantial experience to interpret the historical spatialities that rescue the historical geography of Vila de Macapá. Finally, the historical spatiality that occurred in the Portuguese Amazon is not an isolated field, since the experience of the Pombaline Directory system led to successive changes in the colonial space, conceiving ways to analyze the processes related to the Portuguese presence through the Pombaline reform projected for the Amazon. Eighteenth century, thus rethinking the temporalities and spatialities linked to the colonial space.

  • As transformações da paisagem na unidade floresta Amapaense entre os anos de 2001 e 2020: o padrão espacial e Temporal dos principais agentes antrópicos.

  • Data: 12/05/2023
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  • O intuito desta pesquisa foi analisar o padrão espacial e temporal das transformações da paisagem provocadas por ações antrópicas. O objetivo geral foi analisar o padrão espacial e temporal das transformações da paisagem por Desmatamento de Corte Raso, Incidência de Focos de Calor e Cobertura e Uso da Terra na Unidade de Paisagem Floresta do Estado do Amapá entre os anos de 2001 e 2020. Como objetivos específicos tem-se: a) Mapear as áreas transformadas por Desmatamento de Corte Raso, Incidência de Focos de Calor e Cobertura e Uso da Terra entre os anos de 2001 e 2020; b) Analisar o padrão espacial e temporal de transformação da paisagem do Estado do Amapá por Desmatamento de Corte Raso, Incidência de Focos de Calor e Cobertura e Uso da Terra; e c) Apresentar a evolução das transformações da paisagem e ações antrópicas a partir da distribuição espacial e temporal dos Desmatamentos de Corte Raso, Incidência de Focos de Calor e Cobertura e Uso da Terra na Unidade de Paisagem Floresta no Estado do Amapá. Considerando o comportamento dos dados de modificações da paisagem na Unidade Floresta Amapaense tendo como critérios de análise o Desmatamento de Corte Raso, Incidência de Focos de Calor e Cobertura e Uso da Terra, tem-se como hipóteses de pesquisa: a) Que as métricas e taxas de ação antrópica geradas por Desmatamento de Corte Raso, Incidência de Focos de Calor e Cobertura e Uso da Terra ocorrem em maior incidência sobre os limites dos Assentamentos Rurais e em menor intensidade nas Áreas Protegidas como as Unidades de Conservação e Terras Indígenas; b) De maneira geral as transformações da paisagem estão aumentando de forma significativa na Unidade de Paisagem Floresta Amapaense, desencadeadas pela implantação de novos projetos agropecuários e minerários, bem como a intensificação dos usos antrópicos nas áreas de Assentamentos Rurais e Terras Indígenas. Para a execução da pesquisa foi realizada a coleta, a seleção, a quantificação e o levantamento da ocorrência de Desmatamento de Corte Raso no período de 2001 a 2020, disponibilizados pela base de dados com informações pelo Projeto de Monitoramento da Floresta Amazônica por Satélite – PRODES/INPE. Os dados de Incidência de Focos de Calor foram obtidos da plataforma BDQueimadas/INPE que disponibiliza os pontos georreferenciados de ocorrência obtidos por satélites de referência. Os mapeamentos e métricas da Cobertura e Uso da Terra foram obtidos na Plataforma MapBiomas. Os dados de Desmatamento de Corte Raso, Focos de Calor e Cobertura e Uso da Terra foram organizados e sobrepostos ao limite estadual e da Unidade de Paisagem Floresta utilizando como ferramenta o software TerraView. A categoria geográfica utilizada na pesquisa é a paisagem, pois ela é capaz de evidenciar a evolução espacial e temporal das alterações ocorridas na Unidade de Paisagem Floresta Amapaense.

  • Landscapes are dynamic and are in constant transformation, whether due to natural or anthropogenic influences. In the coastal zone of Amapá, recognized for presenting naturally dynamic environments and susceptible to short-term morphological changes, in general, what is found is low human occupation and land use focused on agricultural activities, especially in the Atlantic coastal sector. In this sense, it is important to carry out studies that accompany these changes, aiming to generate information that can support the construction, planning and environmental management of these spaces. Considering the above, the objective of this research was to carry out an analysis of the dynamics of the landscape for a spatial section of the coastal plain of the municipality of Calçoene, between the years 1993 and 2020. The methodology used two methods of geospatial analysis, the use and land cover, through supervised classification, and coastline variation, through the change polygon method. A scene from the Landsat 5TM satellite (08/03/1993) and two from the Landsat 8 OLI (08/13/2014 and 10/16/2020), orbit/point 225/56, were used, all referring to the dry period. In addition to these data, a drone flyover was carried out to recognize and validate the coverage present in the area. With the results obtained, it was possible to distinguish the existence of ten classes of land uses and land covers, which make up the landscape of the area, namely: Vegetation (forest and grassland); Mangrove; Mixed mangrove in Chenier plain, Sandy tidal plain, Water body (coastal and continental), Pasture (with and without fires), Cloud shade and No data (data not observed). In the analysis of the coastline it was verified that the erosive processes were predominant in the area, between 1993 and 2020 the loss of 1,507.68 ha was registered, meaning 93.99% of all areas of changes, in this same period the accretion was of 96.99 ha or 6%. With the integration of the results, it was verified that the class that presented the greatest spatial dynamics due to erosion processes was the Mixed mangrove in the Chenier plain, with a loss of 14.85 ha between 1993 and 2020. The results point to the confirmation of short-term changes period and even though images of medium spatial resolution are used, it was possible to perform a more detailed breakdown of coverage and current uses. Thus, although punctual, the information collected in this study can contribute to the physical and environmental recognition of the coastal area of Amapá, providing replicable methods for other sectors of the coast and data that can help in the creation of management instruments or land use regulators in the region. coastal plain of Calçoene.

  • Data: 04/05/2023
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  • Landscape, Use, Coverage, Coastline, Calçoene

  • Data: 28/02/2023
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  • This dissertation aims to analyze the use of digital media in the teaching and learning of geography in high school at the Professor José Barroso Tostes State School in the municipality of Santana-AP with the elaboration of a diagnosis with the weaving of propositions on the subject under analysis. Digital media has been presenting itself as a significant didactic resource, especially in COVID-19 pandemic times, for geography teachers in their classes. However, for this resource to be efficient, it is necessary that teachers have full mastery of the use of techniques and methodology to be used in pedagogical activities. This research contextualizes the difficulties of educators regarding the use of digital media as a pedagogical resource, in addition to identifying its pedagogical practices in the teaching of geography in high school at the aforementioned school institution, in order to make an analysis of the reality of teaching and learning. geography linked to the use of these digital media. Regarding the methodological procedures, the research is characterized as a quantitative and qualitative approach, based on dialogical studies: ethnographic, historical and documentary, based on authors such as Bourdieu (2006), Bazzo (2011), Young (2007), Castelar (2003), Tardif (2002), Cavalcanti (2010, 2011, 2017), among others, in order to contemplate the empirical analyzes through the important references cited. In view of the above, it is intended to achieve the following results i) effective characterization of the José Barroso Tostes state school environment taking into account the physical structure and pedagogical organization; ii) carrying out a diagnosis taking into account the potential, problems, limits and challenges inherent in the use of social media in high school geography; iii) presentation of alternative didactic proposals that aim to achieve improvements in the teaching and learning process within the scope of school geography through the use of digital media.


  • Data: 31/01/2023
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  • The objective of this study was “to analyze the participation of women from the
    Anauerapucu Settlement in the production and commercialization of agricultural
    products”. Specifically, the aim is to “research bibliographical sources on female
    protagonism in the countryside, and the situation of women as agricultural producers”;
    “Investigate the participation of women in the production and commercialization of
    agricultural products in the Anauerapucu Settlement”; “To analyze the results of data
    collection on an organization of women producers in the Anauerapucu settlement”.
    Methodologically, it is a qualitative field research, hypothetical-deductive, of an
    exploratory nature. The research site was the settlement of Anauerapucu, rural area
    of the municipality of Santana-AP, specifically with the Association of Workers and
    Workers of Family Agriculture and Extractivism of Santana (ATTAFEX-SAN). Data
    collection took place through interviews in conversation format, in which farmers
    associated with ATTAFEX-SAN participated. The experience of ATTAFEXSAN
    presents a model for strengthening the organizational and leadership capacity of
    women workers in the informal economy sector. As women become subjects with
    power of social, economic and cultural agency. Women perform activities that generate
    income and they are the ones who enjoy the benefits. In the vision of alternative
    development generated by these narratives of emancipation, women conceive models
    of participatory economic production and entrepreneurship that enhance the social
    fabric of the community. The methodological and strategic approaches used by these
    women highlight their power to transform oppression and understanding into
    opportunities for individual and organizational empowerment. These women organize
    themselves not only to produce and generate income, but also to transform their
    material, social and cultural reality.


  • Orientador : RONI MAYER LOMBA
  • Data: 21/12/2022
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  • The present study aims to analyze the recent territorialities caused by the advance of capital in agriculture. The theme is related to socio-territorial conflicts in the cerrado of Amapa. The problem raised in this work is: what socio-territorial transformations have been provoked by the expansion of capitalist agriculture? The general objective is to understand the impacts caused by capitalist agriculture on the traditional peoples and communities of the cerrado in the micro-region of Macapá/AP. The research is structured through dialectical historical materialism based on the understanding of the production of territory and the role of socio-territorial movements. We opted for the explanatory-descriptive study, for the quali-quantitative analysis, with field research procedures, based on oral interviews (recorded) with representatives of social movements of the quilombola peoples, agents of rural communities, with representatives of the State (agents of public agencies and secretaries), of groups focused on capitalist agriculture. In the interviews, references from each sector will be used. Quantitative data will be collected from agencies such as IBGE, CPT, Embrapa, RURAP and INCRA, because both the qualitative interviews will guide the understanding of the phenomenon of socio-territorial disputes and the data will be useful to quantify and territorialize the conflicts. It is hoped that the result of this work will contribute to reflections on the different modes of territorial organization, allowing the understanding of the ways of life and socio-territorial conflicts that exist as a result of capitalist agricultural exploration and the resistance of peasants to develop their activities.


  • Data: 19/12/2022
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  • This project aims to analyze socioterritorial conflicts in the Igarapé of Palha community, located in the municipality of Ferreira Gomes, State of Amapá. The problem raised in this work is: What factors contribute to the occurrence of socioterritorial conflicts in the Igarapé of Palha community, in Ferreira Gomes, state of Amapá?. Through this, the project also seeks to understand the theoretical conceptions consistent with the territory, peasantry and social conflicts, in addition to understanding the peasant conflicts in Amapá. Regarding the hypothesis, it is believed that the factors that contribute to the occurrence of socioterritorial conflicts in Igarapé of Palha, among them, are: the lack of land tenure regularization by the public power, such as the definitive title of land ownership with the respective demarcation of the territory; the low performance on the part of the public power in resolving conflicts; and the pressure of large companies that force peasants to abandon their lands, consequently generating resistance and struggle. Among the methodological procedures that will guide the research are bibliographic research, field research, documentary research, photographic series, observations, interviews and the production and maps, in addition to surveys of the conflicts registered by the Pastoral Land Commission - CPT in the last ten years referring to Amapá and the Igarapé of Palha Community.


  • Data: 15/12/2022
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  • The different models of occupation that were established in the Amazonian territory, and consequently in Amapá, reveal the different forms of appropriation and use of their territories, a consequence of the capitalist production relations now established. The way society starts to organize itself, due to this new way of producing, are guiding elements, which allow a historical reading of this process that reverberates in the capitalist production of the territory surrounding the APA da fazendinha. In Amapá, land use is presented from different perspectives. The environmental bias is one of these scenarios, which echoes in contemporary society, as an urgent discourse of planetary survival. The environmental preservation, built in the implementation of UC is, in fact, a governmental geopolitics, in order to assure to the State, the domain and control of portions of the territory. The globalized economy, enters and consolidates in the territory of Amapá, a new social relation with land, sustained in the possession of juridical instruments, guaranteeing to the capital, new ways of expansion and obtaining profit, through land ownership of the land.  Faced with this scenario, the use of land was legitimized as a strategy in capitalist logic, producing and/or generating population concentration movements around privileged areas. This research intends to reflect and analyze how the advance of capitalist relations of production occurs in the vicinity of APA da Fazendinha, through the use and appropriation of this area. The basic concept that permeates this research is that of territory, as it is this category that enables multiple readings to understand socio-territorial realities. The different visions of the territory offer important contributions to understand the transformations in the territory of Amapá, based on the theoretical-conceptual discussions of Gottmann (2012), Raffestin (1993), Moraes (2008), Calabi and Endovina (1973), Moraes and Costa ( 1987), Souza (2000) and Oliveira (1978, 2007 and 2003). Due to the nature of the research object of study and to achieve the proposed objectives, Dialectical Historical Materialism was used. For the methodological procedures, the systematization and analysis of the documentary sources of creation of the APA, produced by SEMA and survey of the land situation with the SPU-AP, INCRA-AP, SEMA, PMM, AMAPÁ TERRAS and the Macapá Property Registry were carried out , field survey, with semi-structured interviews with SEMA, PMM, SPU-AP, PRODEMAC, INCRA-AP, AMAPA TERRA; application of questionnaires with the oldest residents of the surroundings of the APA, residents of the identified neighborhoods in the buffer zone and real estate developers, which unfolded in photographic records, qualitative analysis of data production of thematic maps. As a result, it was confirmed that the urban pressure exerted around the APA is a reflection of the urbanization process that the cities of Macapá and Santana are experiencing. This is due to the presence of developers, which in recent years have been promoting a process of land valuation in cities, promoting a population advance to trigger disordered, subnormal and/or spontaneous occupations, as well as potentially degrading activities, among which, the deforestation, destruction of habitats, dumping of domestic waste, fires, invasions that tend to impact the existence and maintenance of this UC.

  • The Geographic Concept of Landscape in the Conception of Teachers and Didactic Books in Elementary School II in Public Schools in Amapá

  • Orientador : JOSE MAURO PALHARES
  • Data: 09/12/2022
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  • The concept of landscape in the historiography of Geography is to try to bridge its meaning and the perception of the environment that surrounds us, understand it in its historical evolution, how it was understood and applied and its importance, as an object in the explanation and understanding of the relationship between society and nature. The way the landscape has been seized and taught within Geography mainly on the national scene exerts a strong influence on how we deal with our environment and how we face our challenges imposed on society, in all its dimensions. The construction of a consciousness of respect and solidarity is directly linked to the way the landscape was and is taught. In this sense, this study aims to analyze how the concept of landscape is being approached in Geography teaching, in the early years of elementary school, as well as to identify the evolution of the concept of landscape within geographic knowledge, in addition to identifying how the landscape is approached in textbooks, and then discuss and identify how books and teachers approach the theme, as well as, what demands are imposed on the concept of landscape. For this, bibliographic research, case study, was used as data collection, based on the contents raised in the Theoretical Framework on the importance, challenges, and legitimation of the identity of geographic science at the present time. From data analysis one can perceive the importance of listening to teachers to understand how the concept of landscape is operationalized for reflection, observation and understanding of the complexity of reality, and how its practice contributes to student education. Finally, the expected results are: identify whether the student is managing to give meaning and meaning, through the study of the landscape, for aspects that make up his lived and experienced reality; whether the methodologies identified are contributing to the total formation of the student, the central object of Geography teaching.



    Keywords: Geography teaching; geographic knowledge; complexity.

  • GEOGRAPHY AND GENDER VIOLENCE IN THE FIELD: The Bom Jesus dos Fernandes Agrarian Reform Settlement – Tartarugalzinho/Ap in question

  • Data: 30/09/2022
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  • The present dissertation entitled geography of gender violence in the countryside: the Bom Jesus dos Fernandes agrarian reform settlement in Amapá had as its theme gender violence in peasant territory in Amapá and started with the following problem: How is gender violence configured in the process of territorialization of Agrarian Reform Settlements in Amapá? The general objective was to analyze the configuration of gender violence in the territorialization process of the Bom Jesus dos Fernandes Agrarian Reform Settlement in Amapá. In this sense, the specific objectives are: to analyze the appropriation of the territory from the gender category and the territorialities of peasant women; to characterize Gender Violence in the peasant territory of the Bom Jesus dos Fernandes agrarian reform settlement, specifically with regard to the inseparability of body and territory. The research subjects were women from the Bom Jesus Fernandes settlement. The study revealed that violence in these territories is the product of a coloniality present in the individual and consequently in the territories, given that they are produced from power relations.



  • Data: 30/09/2022
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  • The present research is focused on the occupation of soybean. It is structured in three articles: the first analyzes data from the last 40 years of soybean production in Brazil, the second focuses on the last 10 years of production in Amapá and the last establishes the relationship between the area planted with soybeans and the deforested area. Soybean (Glycine max) represents more than ⅓ of the value of Brazilian agricultural production (R$ 125.6 billion in 2019). The growing demand of the world market for sources of protein such as soy, presses the incorporation of new areas of production of this oilseed in Brazil, which is the largest producer in the world. In the Legal Amazon, the soy planted area expanded beyond the Cerrado Biome, reaching a 377.8% increase in planted area in municipalities located in the Amazon Biome in the period from 2000 to 2019. The research indicates that this expansion of the area planted with soy occurs following the logistical corridors, as part of the strategies of business groups to achieve lower costs in accessing consumer markets. In Amapá, the beginning of production of this temporary crop generated expectations that were not consolidated due to not meeting conditions such as: availability of large areas suitable for planting and incipient land regularization.


  • Data: 29/09/2022
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  • The work deals with the geoecological compartmentalization of the low course of the Oiapoque river basin, located in the northern part of the State of Amapá, Brazil. The Oiapoque River is the main tributary of the basin, which covers one of the most unique areas of the State of Amapá, historically marked by an intense and broad dynamics of land use and natural resources. The cross-border watershed of the Oiapoque River covers part of the State of Amapá, Brazil, and part of French Guiana, French Overseas Department, with about 32,000 km² of area and extension of the main river of 352 km, from the springs (Tumucumaque Mountains National Park) to the mouth (Atlantic Ocean). It presents a variety of landscape units and economic activities that are interconnected to multiple uses of water, which causes an overload in natural resources. In this context, this research aims to delimit and analyze the geoecological units present in the low course of the Oiapoque River hydrographic basin, discussing the potentialities and weaknesses that each compartment presents in relation to anthropic activities developed in the area, having as theoretical and methodological support the Geoecology of Landscapes and geoprocessing techniques. In methodological terms, the research followed phases applying geoecological analysis, which were: organization and inventory, analysis, diagnosis and propositional. To this end, maps were elaborated on the scale of 1:1,500,000, aided by more detailed surveys on a local scale, also supporting the elaboration of the land use and land cover map. From the integrated analyses between physical-natural and anthropogenic components, it was possible to delimit the seven geoecological units of the low course of the hydrographic basin, which are: wide and soft hills, dissected hills and low hills, low hills and low hills, marine river plains, conserved flattened surfaces, retouched or degraded flattened surfaces and dissected boards. The geoecological units were essential for the discussion about the potentialities and weaknesses, as well as to subsidize integrated management strategies for the reality of the basin, where the aspects already mentioned were taken into account, making a correlation with the land use and occupation of the perimeter of the hydrographic basin.


  • Data: 22/09/2022
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  • With the intensification of globalization and the new dynamics and scales of accumulation, orchestrated by the hegemonic agents of capital, within the global logic of accumulation by spoliation, the Amazon it is inserted as another space for the integration of the globalized economy and through territorial policies, implemented mainly by the State, several engineering systems (waterways, railways, highways, ports) are created for the fluidity of capital and consolidation of the region as a frontier of agricultural expansion. The Port Complex of Santana - CPS, is inserted within this logic, composing the logistic sands of export of Arco Norte, and the interest and use of this territory begins to be increasing by large corporations (such as the insertion of the port of Caramuru Alimentos and the port of Cianport, located in the CPS) mainly due to the synergy of territorial policies on a national, state and local scale, through decrees, laws, government programs, strategic plans and large projects, providing conflicting relations in Santana-AP. Thus, this dissertation has as a guide to analyze how territorial policies have reverberated in the production of port complexes in Santana, Amapá, taking into account their uses and territorial effects (2013 to 2021)? Aiming to analyze how port territorial policies reverberate over the territory of Santana, taking into account their uses and effects, from 2013 to 2021. The methodology adopted is based on the dialectical method, using as theoretical support the concept of territory (use of territory) and networks, also bringing the discussion of territorial policies and spatial adjustments. It has a qualitative approach, because it shows more closely the understanding of the complexity of the object under study, despite dialoguing with the quantitative approach. As for the methodological procedures used, this social research consists of: i) bibliographic research; ii) documentary research; iii) field research (systematic observation and semi-structured interviews); and iv) organization and analysis of data.



  • Data: 24/08/2022
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  • This research presents a discussion about the management and territorial planning of the Environmental Protection Area of Fazendinha, in Macapá-AP. Its objective is to identify and analyze the implications resulting from the absence of management and planning instruments in the conservation unit cited, for example, the management plan. In a specific way, this investigation seeks to legally and theoretically characterize the socio-environmental management of Brazilian CUs, focusing on the APA of Fazendinha, in Amapá; identify and conceptualize the main management tools of protected areas and their importance for the APA of Fazendinha and finally, analyze the problems arising from the absence of management plan in the APA of Fazendinha. It is also of interest to this research to base the study according to the categories of geographic analysis: Landscape, Territory and Place. As a hypothesis for the identified problem, it is suggested that, from preliminary research, it is plausible to consider that the implementation of territorial management instruments is effective in reducing impacts, such as other realities in Brazil in which these instruments are well consolidated and help in the promotion of sustainable territorial development by directing the development of some activities. The scientific method used in this research for data collection was qualitative, based on the following procedures: bibliographic research, documentary research, non-participant observation, fieldwork and interviews. The analysis of qualitative data was performed using Bardan's content analysis technique, with the help of atlas ti software. As the main result of this investigation, we have the identification of the main socio-environmental and socioeconomic impacts recurrent in the APA of Fazendinha, mainly caused by the absence of management instruments and territorial planning in the unit.

  • Data: 05/08/2022
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  • This master's thesis aimed to analyze the social elements that engender spaces of fear in the
    daily life of the female gender, living in the city of Santana. Several social elements
    contribute to the production of fear in the city in a perspective ofwomen in a material and
    symbolic way. The research object was revealed from the realization of the focus group with

    collaborators living in the city of Santana-AP and, therefore, the female cartography produced
    by these interlocutors was analyzed, as a possibility of instrument of representation and
    feminist struggle for the right to the city. In this sense, their experiences, experiences and
    perceptions of insecurity and fear were evidenced, in socializing in public spaces due to the
    various forms of violence that these women suffer in these spaces. The results of the research
    pointed to machismo as the main element of fear production in the city; therefore, this
    territory is produced and reproduced following sexist principles that inferiorize women,
    putting them in a situation of vulnerability to various types of violence in public spaces.

  • Socio-Spatial Transformations the Landscape on the Island of Santana-AP, in the period from 2005 to 2019

  • Data: 02/08/2022
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  • The present research aimed to analyze the socio-spatial transformations in the landscape of the Island of Santana-AP, based on the category Socio-Spatial Formation, theorized by the Brazilian geographer Milton Santos and, allied to the understanding of the research proposal, the category Landscape was worked as a basic element for understanding the socio-spatial dynamics of the study area. The work contributed to the development of knowledge and skills regarding technical-scientific investigations and their unfolding in the search for a quality product, awakening a holistic and critical view of the structure and configuration of landscape and space, understanding that both are results of social relations and practices that have been happening throughout its historical-spatial context.  The Ilha de Santana has a socio-spatial formation that is linked to the military interventions in the region by the Portuguese government of the time, King Philip IV, around the years 1637 and later by the pombaline policies in the region (1750-1777), and the island had owners, Bento Maciel Parente (hereditary captaincy) and Francisco Portilho de Melo (village) raised by Governor Mendonça Furtado in one of his visits to the region of Grão-Pará. The Ilha de Santana is located on the left bank of the mouth of the Amazon River, thus suffering the influence of the urban dynamics that has the river as its main ally in the geographic configuration of the region. Thus, the socio-spatial transformations in Ilha de Santana, come from its historical trajectory over the spatial-time, as already said Milton Santos (2020). In the current context of Ilha de Santana, the configuration of landscape and space, carry their historical traces and come together with economic and sociocultural actions, giving a dynamic and transformations in its landscape and space. This is evident, for example, when we see areas being occupied by people who are looking for a place to live, thus causing a densification and the problems that the urbanization process causes in spaces without an infrastructure that meets the desires of the community that occupies these living spaces. Therefore, the alterations and changes in the landscape and space of Ilha de Santana are visible.


  • Data: 29/07/2022
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  •  A presente pesquisa dedica-se a compreender as queimadas na Amazônia Legal, o objetivo geral desta dissertação busca compreender os padrões espaciais das incidências dos focos de queimadas nos Estados da Amazônia Legal. Em específico, busca-se quantificar os focos de queimadas registrados entre 2001 e 2020; mapear os focos de queimadas em Unidades de Conservação, Terra Indígenas, Assentamentos Rurais e em áreas de influência das rodovias federais, assim como compreender os padrões espaciais dos focos de queimadas. Outro interesse da pesquisa é analisar a correlação entre o desmatamento de corte raso e focos de queimadas. Considerando os padrões espaciais das incidências dos focos de queimadas e os atores sociais presentes na Amazônia Legal, tem-se como hipóteses de estudo que: a) Os Assentamentos Rurais e as Áreas de Influências das Rodovias constituem e representam as áreas com maior pressão antrópica e incidências de focos de queimadas; b) As Unidades de Conservação e Terras Indígenas constituem pelas suas características de uso as áreas que apresentam menor pressão antrópica e incidência de focos de queimadas. Nesta pesquisa, a região foi escolhida como categoria de análise geográfica fundamental para o entendimento da dinâmica da Amazônia Legal. Para os procedimentos metodológicos foram utilizados dados quantitativos e qualitativos, que consistiram na coleta e processamento de dados a partir de técnicas de Sensoriamento Remoto e Geoprocessamento. Foram utilizados os dados secundários do IBGE, INPE, EMBRAPA e de outras Instituições Governamentais para a caracterização da região amazônica, seus aspectos físico-geográficos e socioambientais. Para geração dos mapas dos focos de queimadas em Unidades de Conservação, Terra Indígenas, Assentamentos Rurais e em áreas de influência das rodovias federais, foram utilizados dados do sensor MODIS, abordo do Satélite de Referência AQUA, disponível no portal Banco de Dados de Queimadas do INPE, no período de 2001 e 2020, que aliados ao Terra View e o ArcGis permitiram a geração de distintos mapas, bem como compreender os padrões espaciais das incidências dos focos de queimadas nos Estados da Amazônia Legal e  a incidência destes sobre os Atores Sociais. Como resultado deste estudo, os padrões espaciais dos focos de queimadas evidenciam que maior parte destes focos ocorrem na área de influência das rodovias federais, sendo que a maior incidência dos focos ocorre nos Assentamentos Rurais, seguido pelas Terras indígenas e com menor incidência nas Unidades de Conservação.

  • Data: 28/07/2022
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  • This research aims to analyze the socio-spatial segregation in the production of Macapa's urban space, taking the wetland “ressaca” anthropized area of the Canal do Jandiá as a case study, comprising the time frame from 2011 to 2020, when the State’s actions had greater impacts on segregation in this area. Therefore, the concepts of urbanization, urban segregation, and production of urban space are fundamental in understanding the spatial arrangements of wetlands, locally known as “ressacas”, which are occupied by the low-income population. The research methodology is of interdisciplinary qualitative-quantitative nature and involved bibliographic, documentary, and empirical studies. The bibliographic study aims to build the conceptual basis of the research; the documentary seeks to identify and analyze the legislation aimed at the wetlands of Macapá and the aspects that characterize the socio-spatial segregation in these environments. The empirical consists in the collecting information through semi-structured interviews with representatives of the Resident’s Associations of the Pacoval neighborhood and the Macapaba Housing Estate. The research revealed that the interventions of the State in the “ressaca” areas in Macapá, specifically in the Pacoval neighborhood, are partial and, in the case of the “ressaca” of Canal do Jandiá (an integrant part of this neighborhood), the population transferred to the Macapaba Housing Estate had access to housing, but without sufficient supply of services and urban infrastructure that would have a positive impact on their quality of life. In this way, the actions of public agents maintained the process of production of a city marked by socio-spatial segregation and urban planning has shown itself to be incapable of meeting social and environmental demands insofar as its actions are punctual and not systemic, especially in “ressaca” areas.


  • Orientador : RONI MAYER LOMBA
  • Data: 08/07/2022
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  • This dissertation deals with the context of production, transmission and commercialization of energy in Amapá in a recent scenario of privatization of the electricity sector and poor service to society. The intention is to address security within the scope of the Brazilian Energy Sector, more specifically in Amapá, having as a background the historical process of spoliation of Amazonian resources, through the formation of a structure to take advantage of the energy potential of the region in which production it is aimed at the most profitable consumer market (industry and large capital) to the detriment of the energy security of society in general. This research serves to alert to a risk scenario induced by the logic of the market present in the Brazilian energy system, which is revealed to be even more aggressive in the Amazon, when we realize that the infrastructure implemented in the region has as its primary objective, to enable the flow of production of energy, without creating a safe, efficient and equitable electricity system for the supply of electricity to the local population. The main question of this research is to understand what is the relationship between energy security in Amapá and the territorial policies that guide the expansion of the current model of electric energy production implemented in the Amazon? The following hypothesis was adopted: that the development of the electricity sector is a territorial policy that does not fully meet the needs of the local population, having as a background a historical process of dispossession in the Amazon, even determining a configuration of the system Amapá Electricity that prioritizes the transmission of energy to other federative units, to the detriment of the security of energy supply for the local population. This scenario of insecurity has as its main example, the electrical blackout of November 2020. As for the methodological procedures used in this research, the following route was guided from the proposed objectives, as axes of investigation: i) bibliographic research; ii) documentary research; iii) field research (systematic observation); and iv) data analysis and interpretation. The main result of this research was the identification of operational, administrative, technical and structural bottlenecks and limits, which together characterize energy insecurity in Amapá, as well as define a new stage in the process of development of the Amapá electricity sector.

  • Housing of social interest and occupation in the hangover areas: case syudy of the macapaba I and II.

  • Data: 26/05/2022
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  • The housing policy of social interest aims to promove housing to the low income population and perhaps taking these families from areas that are considered inappropriate to live. In Macapa city, capital of Amapa state, the areas that are considerate inappropriate to live are nominated “hangover areas” that behave as natural reserves of water, suffering the effects of the rain and the tides. have as base the population grown and perhaps the demand of habitation regardless the level of income, the occupation of these areas is a reality that is more and more constant. this way A research was developed based on the general objective of analyzing the territorial effects caused by the implementation of housing policy of social interest,  from the study of the case “Macapaba Housing Set I and II”, that corresponds  the biggest housing sat ever made on the city with more than 4000 housing unities intended to the low improve population, but the infrastructure of service sports and leisure offered by the public state power. to get to the objective approached a descriptive methodology used in the bibliographic research technique, documental, field study, photographic survey and field diary. The study divides in three sections: housing of social interest to have the knowledge of the genesis of this process well as it happens in the country; urban expansion and the stilts housing, showing the process of the city growing and the occupation of the hangover areas in the city, comparing with the hangovers that were attended by the set. The results show that the hangover areas attended by the housing set were effectively unoccupied, adding to the recuperation of the native vegetation of these áreas


  • Data: 23/02/2022
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  • Geoarchaeological research shows that the origin of the Amazonian Archaeo-Anthrosols is directly linked to ancient indigenous villages, current archaeological sites, which are areas of soil associated with the accumulation of organic matter, artifacts and/or ceramic fragments and have a high fertility when compared to soils. natural in the Amazon. The Terra Preta Arqueológica (TPA), addressed in this work, belongs to the Anthrossolos class and are vestiges of extreme natural/cultural and scientific importance, as they keep the record of human occupation in the past. The present work proposes to investigate the geoarchaeological context of Anthrossolos in the archaeological sites Vila Triunfo, Monte Belo and Pedra do Índio, located in the municipality of Ferreira Gomes, state of Amapá, discussing the importance of Anthrossolos in cultural, economic and scientific values and how to use them. their pedogenetic properties to discuss subsidies/strategies for the geoconservation of these sites. To this end, a bibliographic survey of the environmental and cultural aspects of the area was carried out. The survey of the CNSA catalog sheets resulted in information on 65 archaeological sites. The fieldwork resulted in the collection of 17 soil samples that were collected in mini-trenches and morphological analyzes were carried out with the help of Munsell's (2017) and Lemos and Santos (2002) letter. The physical and chemical properties of the soils were obtained through laboratory analyses. The granulometry was determined by the international pipette method and the fractions separated by the principle of Stokes' Law. For the total chemical analysis, the samples were previously pulverized in Agate mortar and submitted to classical chemical analysis, by wet method, of the total contents of P, Ca, Mg, K, Zn, Mn and Cu. The extraction method adopted was multi-acid digestion and determined by ICP (Induced Coupled Plasma). For the available chemical analyses, the chemical parameters were verified, measured by determinations of pH in water, Organic Matter, P available, Ca, Mg, K and Al exchangeable. Through the information obtained, it was found that more than half of the archaeological sites in the municipality of Ferreira Gomes are in a moderate degree of preservation and have a high relevance. The morphological parameters identified comprise the geoindicators of ancient human presence in these places, especially in the Vila Triunfo and Monte Belo sites. All points collected showed a predominance of the sand fraction, over the others, allowing the identification of two main textural classes: Loam-Clay-Sandy and Areia Franca. The total chemical analyzes showed an enrichment of the soil by some elements, the analyzed points showed similarities between them, the most significant variations were observed in the P and Ca contents. The available chemical analyzes of the elements showed that the Vila Triunfo and Monte Belo sites have significant contents that configure a higher fertility potential in relation to the Pedra do Índio site, suggesting that the rock site was not used for housing. Anthrosols are areas that have a lot of potential in geoconservation studies, until then, little explored. Its contributions go beyond cultural information about the ancient peoples who inhabited the Amazon region, and may have economic and scientific/educational use. But for this to happen, strategies need to be created to subsidize the preservation of such heritage.

  • Socioenvironmental impacts arising from the use and occupation of soil in the urban area of Laranjal do Jari-Amapa

  • Data: 23/02/2022
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  • The historical process of expansion of the urban nucleus of Laranjal do Jari-Amapa, was marked by the accelerated and irregular growth and without planning. This is associated with the occurrence of negative environmental and social impacts. Thus, the present research has as its theme: Socio-environmental impacts resulting from the use and occupation of land in the urban area of Laranjal do Jari-Amapa. The concepts of the Theory of Geosystems were used in order to subsidize the studies for classifying degrees of environmental fragility in the area. The research focused on the identification and characterization of the socio-environmental impacts resulting from the use and occupation of urban land in Laranjal do Jari. This is an applied research, with a qualitative and quantitative approach and with a descriptive, exploratory and empirical analysis, guided by the use of bibliographic and documentary research, in addition to the collection of field data. Identified and characterized the socio-environmental impacts resulting from the use and occupation of urban land in the municipality, having as a spatial cut, areas of floodplain and dissected plateau. Areas susceptible to risk to geomorphic processes and floods were identified, relating environmental problems to use, land cover and social issues. As a result, four (04) maps were prepared for the urban area of Laranjal do Jari, based on thematic Information Plans (IP): Geology (G), Geomorphology (R), Pedology (S) and Vegetation (V). This information helped to define two Geosystems for the area: Geosystem 1 - represented by the Amazonian Plain, covers about 29.7% of the urban area of the municipality and is characterized by the fluvial plain of the Jari River, indicating a flat area, under the effects of the flooding processes of the Jari River; Geosystem 2 - represented by the Uatumã-Jari Plateau, encompasses 70.3% of the urban area of the municipality, being at risk from geomorphic processes, such as: erosive processes (laminar; concentrated flow: furrows and gullies); and mass movements (slips, landslides). All the information collected, together with the data collected in the field work, allowed the elaboration of the Environmental Fragility Map of the urban area of Laranjal do Jari, which allowed the individualization of two (02) Basic Territorial Units (BTU): one with a degree of  MEDIUM fragility (2.1), located in the Uatumã-Jari Planalto Dissecado area, where erosive geomorphic processes and mass movements dominate; and another, with a VERY STRONG degree of fragility (2.8), in the Flood Plain region, where flood events associated with the floods of the Jari River and pluvial weather events prevail. Indeed, it is believed that the results and products/maps resulting from this research will greatly contribute to the urban planning of the municipality of Laranjal do Jari, as well as to the understanding of the potential and limitations of use and occupation of urban space, subsidizing decisions of managers. municipal and state, as well as the Civil Defense, Fire Department and civil society entities in general.

  • Data: 22/02/2022
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  • The cities of Macapá and Santana constitute the two largest urban centers in the state of Amapá. Located on the left corner of the Amazon River, they have a riverside essence and relationships that have been established since their genesis. To understand the space interactions between these two cities, its necessary to reflect on the formation process anteceents antecedents and territorial configuration that culminated in the both  of urban growth. In the course of its trajectories, the State acted in the creation of the Federal Territory of Amapá (1943), transforming it into a state in 1988, and, later, with the implementation of the Free Trade Area of Macapá and Santana. These administrative, economic and political actions reflected in the place dynamics of the two cities, which began to concentrate a large part of the state's population and the main economic activities, reinforcing the sharing of functions and, consequently, the correlation between them. The main objective of this work is to analyze the spatial interactions that happens through the Duca Serra Highway,  looking for understand some socio-spatial processes between Macapá and Santana that are part of the recent urban dynamics and colaborate these interactions. To analyze the relationship between these two cities, the historical context of their formation and territorial configuration, the production of urban space and the spatial interactions associated with the theory of circulation in the capitalist mode of production are considered, focusing on a dialectical approach to reality. experienced between two urban centers. The result of this work is relevant to characterize the socio-spatial processes of view inclusion of new agents that influence this context, as well as to understand the spatial interactions that makes through vehicle flows, seeking to spatialize and quantify them, verifying the different ways to move around and highlight segregation within the scope of urban circulation.

  • Analysis of Climate Variability in the Oiapoque River Basin by Satellite-Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission

  • Data: 10/12/2021
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  • The variation of the elements of climate results from a non-static atmosphere that can change in location over time and scale. The aspects of precipitation in Amazônia and Amapá have an influence on the hydrological cycle. It is a primary factor in the flow of the watershed. The products of the TRMM satellite and rain gauges are used to observe the climatic variability within watersheds obtaining results in the understanding of the variability and correlation with the hydrology of rivers. In this sense, it aimed to analyze the climatic characteristics and their influence on the river dynamics for the Oiapoque river basin using the TRMM satellite. To analyze the characteristics of the river dynamics through the fluviometric data, for the river basin. Understand the relationship and influence of climate on river dynamics. In order to establish a preliminary study of this relationship between precipitation and flow. Thus a series of flow and precipitation data from the rainfall stations and TRMM, product 3B43v7, from 1981 to 2019 were used, from these data were statistically treated using methods of comparison and statistical correlation. From the analyses performed, it was concluded that the TRMM satellite precipitation estimates have consistent accuracy for the Oiapoque River basin. They are able to reproduce values similar to those of the rainfall stations studied. The multitemporal analysis of climate variability provided by the 3B43v7 product using the PR sensor provided a very satisfactory rainfall spatialization parameter showing how precipitation volumes behave over the years. The correlation results between the data showed good agreement of the variants. Precipitation and flow measurements are linked to the displacement of the ITCZ and the El Nino and La Nino phenomena. An additional advantage of satellite precipitation estimates is the filling of gaps in areas where no rainfall stations exist or where rainfall stations are close to each other. Finally, the understanding of the net inflow elements in the water flow of a watershed is very important, due to the fact that this knowledge assists in planning for water resource management, development of large intervention projects in the watershed, such as hydropower construction, navigation strategies, and its relationship with precipitation that has a direct impact on the water balance, thus influencing the existing natural environments at the mouth of the watershed.

    Keywords: Watershed; Satellite TRMM; Precipitation; Climate Variability



  • Data: 06/12/2021
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  • This research was carried out in the municipality of Oiapoque (AMAPA STATE), which presents, in its relief units, aspects of geodiversity with geotouristic potential in geomorphosites, important records of the evolutionary actions of the landscape, that allow the development of various human activities. This Municipality is located in the extreme north of Amapá State, borders French Guiana and is located in crystalline terrain from the Pre-Cambrian region. The local landscape has several geological and geomorphological environments, which are formed by rocky outcrops, waterfalls, islands and rapids. According to the scenario presented, the research aimed at identifying the geomorphosites and to analyze their geotouristic potential, with a view to producing a folder for Oiapoque Municipality, when thinking about development. To achieve the objective, the research adopted the following methodological procedures: (i) - updating the theoretical-conceptual framework; (ii) - field work; (iii) - evaluation of the scientific and touristic values of the sites of geomorphological interest existing in the study area, based on criteria and parameters defined by Pereira (2006); (iv) - construction of the geodiversity inventory of geomorphological sites of interest; and (v)- analysis and tabulation of data through the construction of maps, graphs and tables. The results provided, in addition to the contribution to studies and research on geodiversity in the Amazon, the dissemination, valorization and geoconservation of the abiotic environment. The geotouristic folder will serve as a tool to disseminate local geodiversity, providing sustainable development, through the dissemination and enhancement of geomorphological heritage, as well as contemplation and education.

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