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  • Validação de Método Computacional aplicado à Galantamina no Planejamento de Candidatos a fármacos para tratamento da doença de Alzheimer.

  • Data: 10/04/2024
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  • A doença de Alzheimer (DA) é uma patologia neurodegenerativa causada por múltiplos fatores, tais como: deficiência de acetilcolina nas sinapses; agregação de peptídeos beta-amiloides para formação de placas senis no tecido cerebral e formação de emaranhados neurofibrilares no interior dos neurônios. É uma doença cada vez mais prevalente em idosos e que ganha importância crescente com o desenvolvimento social e o aumento da expectativa de vida no mundo. Atualmente, existem cinco fármacos aprovados e disponíveis no mercado brasileiro como drogas anti-Alzheimer, que são a tacrina, o donepezil, a rivastigmina, a galantamina e a memantina, atuando como fármacos alvo-específicos para redução dos sintomas, porém sem apresentar cura conhecida até hoje. Na tentativa de modificar esta realidade, a comunidade científica continua buscando fármacos mais eficazes, de forma que a modelagem molecular tem sido uma importante ferramenta para acelerar o processo de triagem de compostos potencialmente ativos e obter propriedades específicas desses potenciais fármacos. Sendo assim, este trabalho analisou os parâmetros geométricos da estrutura cristalográfica da galantamina, otimizando-a sob diferentes métodos computacionais objetivando a validação do melhor método computacional e conjunto de bases quando comparado ao modelo experimental, para ser usado em futuros estudos de planejamento de fármacos anti-Alzheimer. Para isso, este estudo utilizou vários métodos de química quântica, análise multivariada e estatística, a partir dos quais percebeu-se que, dentre os 15 métodos computacionais avaliados, o método Hartree-Fock associado ao conjunto de bases 6-31G** (HF6-31G**) foi o que melhor reproduziu os parâmetros geométricos experimentais, sendo, portanto, o método validado para galantamina neste trabalho, sugerindo que possa ser utilizado para outros alcaloides com regiões farmacofóricas semelhantes.


  • Data: 10/04/2024
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  • Introdução: Mundialmente, o câncer de mama é o tipo com maior incidência e mortalidade na população feminina. Tanto os tumores primários quanto os metastáticos são tratados com drogas quimioterápicas, muitas vezes pouco seletivas, que atacam o câncer e as células normais.Para melhorar a adesão e reduzir os efeitos adversos, pesquisas vêm desenvolvendo metodologias baseadas em produtos naturais como as isobutilamidas graxas, tornando-se uma excelente alternativa, uma vez que estudos anteriores já relacionaram a atividade anticancerígena de oleamidas e anandamidas (amidas graxas), além disso nanosistemas entregadores de fármacos conseguem aumentar a biodisponibilidade e a concentração dos princípios ativos nos tumores mamários. Objetivo: Realizar semi-síntese de isobutilamidas de ácidos graxas a partir do óleo da andiroba, encapsular isobutilamidas em um sistema de distribuição de fármacos nanoestruturado contendo fibroína da seda, avaliar a estabilidade físico-química, coloidal e por última aplicar o sistema CLN/FAA-FS em linhagem de células de adenocarcinoma de mama murina 4T1 para avaliar o potencial citotóxico. Métodos: Para a obtenção das isobutilamidas, foi realizada uma reação de amidação direta a partir do óleo de andiroba e, em seguida, as isobutilamidas graxas foram caracterizadas por técnicas espectroscópicas (CG-MS, FT-IR e RMN 13H). As isobutilamidas graxas foram incorporadas no carreador lipídico nanoestruturado, contendo a fibroína da seda, como fase surfactante. Para determinar o tamanho da gotícula, perfil do índice de polidispersão (PdI) e potencial zeta (PZ) do nanocarreador nanoestruturado foi realizado o ensaio da estabilidade físico-química e coloidal em diferentes meios biológicos e a viabilidade celular contra linhagens celulares 4T1 e fibroblastos foi determinada através de ensaio de citotoxicidade. Resultados e discussão: Os resultados obtidos na semi-síntese mostraram que a N-isobutiloleamida foi o principal produto da reação (44%), sendo posteriormente confirmado na espectrometria de massa (MS) por impacto de elétrons (70 eV) com íon molecular de 337 m/z e pico base de 115 m/z. A avaliação físico-química da formulação mostrou baixos valores de índice de polidispersão (≤ 0,3) e tamanho médio de partícula ideal. Os resultados encontrados para NLC-FAA/SF em relação ao tamanho médio das partículas foi de 143,9 nm, PZ foi de -8,33 mV e PdI foi de 0,223, mostrando distribuição monodispersa, por último o ensaio colorimétrico Sulforodamina B detectou uma redução na viabilidade celular para culturas de células 4T1 incubadas com 0,18 ± 0,06 μg/mL de sistema nanoestruturado contendo isobutilamidas e fibroína de seda (CLN-FAA/FS). Conclusões: O óleo da andiroba é utilizado pelos povos originários para as mais diversas enfermidades, incluindo o câncer, o óleo é rico em triglicerídeos e ácidos graxos e essa característica torna o óleo uma excelente fonte lipídica para a síntese de FAA, o CLN mostrou-se um eficiente carreador lipídico para aprisionar as isobutilamidas, isto foi confirmado através do ensaio físico-químico e coloidal, além disso o sistema CLN/FAA-FS apresentou elevada citotoxicidade frente as células 4T1 e nenhuma citotocidade para fibroblastos saudáveis, isso é importante porque mostrou seletivo para as células tumorais e seguro para células saudáveis, diante destes achado, o sistema CLN/FAA-FS tem potencial para tornar-se um medicamente, contudo estudo futuros ainda precisam ser realizados, afim de que se possa conhecer sua farmacocinética e farmacodinâmica.


  • Data: 19/03/2024
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  • Introduction: Parkinson's disease (PD) is a neurodegenerative pathology characterized mainly
    by causing the destruction of dopaminergic neurons. Due to the decrease in dopamine (DA)
    concentration, several motor and cognitive functions in the brain are affected. The
    pathophysiology hasn’t yet been fully elucidated, but some hypotheses may explain the
    processes involved in triggering the disease, and one of them concerns oxidative stress caused
    by the enzyme monoamine oxidase B (MAO-B). With this, different drug therapies are
    proposed with the purpose of raising the levels of the neurotransmitter. However, the use of
    these drugs is associated with the appearance of several side effects, situation that contributes
    to non-adherence to treatment and, as a consequence, a worsening of the patient's condition. In
    this sense, the search for molecules of natural origin is an interesting alternative, since safe use
    and improvement in medication adherence are intended. Objective: Therefore, this study aims
    to evaluate the inhibitory action on the MAO-B enzyme of alkaloids, flavonoids and molecules
    obtained after virtual screening for the treatment of Parkinson's disease. Material and
    methods: The first stage of the study consisted of a search in the literature for molecules of
    natural origin belonging to the groups of alkaloids and flavonoids described with potential
    antiparkinsonian activity. Then, a pharmacophore for each group was generated through the
    PharmaGist online server and, based on this model, the ZincPharmer platform was used for
    virtual screening. After obtaining new structures, pharmacokinetic prediction was performed
    using the QikProp program, toxicological prediction using DEREK and ligand-target
    interaction evaluation, through molecular docking, using the GOLD program. The PASS and
    SEA prediction servers were used to predict the biological activity of the best results, after
    analyzing all the parameters. Results and discussion: The analyzes showed that the alkaloids
    group, in the ADME/Tox predictions, presented more favorable results in relation to the
    flavonoids group. However, after screening the flavonoids group, molecules with more
    significant results were obtained. As for molecular docking, most molecules tested (from all
    groups) showed potential interaction and affinity with the target. In a broader analysis, of all
    applied calculations, the secondary metabolites palmatin and genistein, an alkaloid and
    flavonoid, respectively, and the molecules ZINC00597214 (sorted from the alkaloid group) and
    ZINC72342127 (sorted from the flavonoid group), showed greater potential to be drug
    candidates compared to other structures. In the prediction the biological activity of the best
    results, in the PASS prediction online server, only the molecules genistein and ZINC72342127
    showed results, different from the prediction in SEA prediction, which none presented.
    Conclusion: Therefore, based on the use of computational methods, this study demonstrated

    the antiparkinsonian potential of several structures through the inhibitory action on the MAO-
    B enzyme. Future and complementary studies should be carried out, in order to better establish

    the properties of these structures, aiming with this, the development of new pharmacological
    therapies to be made available for the treatment of PD.


  • Data: 17/03/2024
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  • Introduction: Systemic arterial hypertension (SAH) is one of the most prevalent chronic
    diseases worldwide, and causes several other complications, having also been identified
    among the risk factors for COVID-19. Objective: The present study aimed to determine the
    impact of COVID-19 on the metabolomic profile and correlate it with the plasmatic levels of
    losartan (LOS) and its active metabolite (EXP3174), biochemical markers and blood
    pressure (BP) control in hypertensive patients. Methodology: Patients were divided in four
    groups, named: hypertensive with (HCP) and without (HCN) prior diagnosis of COVID-19,
    normotensive with (NCP) and without (NCN) prior diagnosis of COVID-19. Their
    metabolomic profiles were identified by 1H NMR and plasmatic levels of LOS and EXP3174,
    by liquid chromatography coupled to mass-mass spectroscopy, which were correlated with
    each other, with blood pressure control and biochemical markers related to COVID-19.
    Results and discussion: About 40.5% of patients reached the minimum therapeutic levels
    of EXP3174: 40% in the HCP group and 35.3% in the HCN group. The remaining patients
    did not reach therapeutic levels of LOS or EXP3174 before, 1.5h or 3h after oral
    administration of LOS. For these patients, the dose of LOS should be adjusted in order to
    obtain the therapeutic effect. Even though part of the patients reached the therapeutic levels
    of EXP3174, a considerable number maintained high BP levels: 10% in the HCP group and
    17.6% in the HCN group. This is an important finding, considering that uncontrolled SAH is
    a predisposing factor for several complications, such as heart failure and chronic kidney
    disease. Therefore, it is prudent that these patients have their therapeutic scheme revised,
    so that the clinical outcome of the antihypertensive treatment is achieved. No significant
    difference regarding the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of LOS and EXP3174
    was attributed to COVID-19, although BP control was affected, even in patients of the NCP
    group, where 28% had BP levels above normal.Regarding the biochemical analysis, the
    levels of CRP and glucose were found augmented in the HCP group. CRP may be related

    to several conditions, for instance, it is found increased after a positive diagnosis for COVID-
    19, the glucose levels also found elevated in the metabolomic results, may indicate that both

    hypertension and COVID-19 are factors that contribute to the dysregulation of its plasmatic
    levels. According to the metabolomic results, it was possible to identify several biomarkers
    related to SAH or COVID-19, such as: alanine, glutamine, arginine, glucose, erythritol,
    homogentisate, o-tyrosine, creatinine, 2-hydroxybutyrate and choline. Conclusion: An
    expressive number of hypertensive patients did not reach therapeutic levels of LOS and
    EXP3174, while BP control was also limited, also detected in some normotensive patients.
    Metabolomics proved to be an important tool to assess the effectiveness of the
    pharmacotherapy and also the damage caused by SAH and COVID-19 in hypertensive


  • Data: 22/02/2024
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  • Drug-food interaction: effects of açaí (Euterpe Oleracea MART.) on the pharmacokinetics of statin (simvastatin) metabolized by CYP3A4 in humans.

  • Data: 25/01/2024
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  • Introduction: Hypercholesterolemia can lead to serious cardiovascular damage and is
    a condition affecting at least 10 million individuals worldwide. In Brazil, this number can
    range from 250,000 to 300,000, with most cases being associated with genetic
    polymorphisms in the context of dietary factors and other lifestyle-related factors. For
    its treatment, medications from the statin class are used, primarily simvastatin,
    atorvastatin, and rosuvastatin, which act by inhibiting cholesterol biosynthesis. In the
    treatment process of these patients adverse reactions may occur due to interactions
    with medications and foods. Studies involving derivates of fruits from the Amazon
    region, such as açaí pulp (Euterpe oleracea Mart.), are rare. To ensure the safety and
    effectiveness of treatments, further research is needed. Objectives: The aim of the
    present study was to investigate the effect of açaí (Euterpe oleracea Mart.) on the
    pharmacokinetics of simvastatin metabolized by CYP3A4 in clinical and in silico studies.
    Material and Methods: 12 volunteers received simvastatin on day 1, with a dose of 20
    mg orally after a 10-hour overnight fasting. On days 2 to 5, participants ingested 300
    mL of Euterpe oleracea pulp, twice a day. On day 6, a dose of simvastatin (20 mg) was
    co-administered with the açaí pulp. The biological samples were prepared by the protein
    precipitation and detected by UHPLC-MS which provided a good separation of
    simvastatin, β,δ-hydroxy acid and the internal standard atorvastatin within 10 min.
    Results and discussion: The pharmacokinetic data indicate that the area under the
    plasma concentration–time curves (AUC) of simvastatin was decreased by 12,5%. In
    silico studies showed that the two main compounds found in açaí (Cyanidin 3-glucoside,
    Cyanidin 3- rutinoside) showed inductive activity for CYP3A4, which corroborates the
    data obtained in the quantification of blood plasma. Conclusions: In conclusion,
    Euterpe oleracea was found to probably inhibit the metabolism of simvastatin in
    humans. Based on the food–drug interaction, persons taking daily açaí pulp should be
    warned of this interaction possibility.


  • Data: 22/01/2024
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  • Introduction: Plants and microorganisms are important sources in the search for new chemical substances with pharmacological potential, so there is a need to know the active principles of the most varied species present in the Amazon region and analyze their therapeutic effects. In this context, the species Eleutherine bulbosa (Miller) Urb, popularly known as marupazinho, was chosen for this study. It is widely used in traditional medicine to treat many diseases, such as hypertension, ulcers, constipation and intestinal infection. Objective: The study aimed to evaluate the acute toxicity of the hexane fraction of the ethanolic extract of Eleutherine bulbosa (ExtFH) in adult zebrafish, with determination of the LD50, behavioral and histopathological evaluations, as well as the anti-inflammatory potential of ExtFH in carrageenan-induced abdominal edema. Methodology: To this end, an ethanolic extract was prepared from the bulbs of the plant, fractionated by means of a liquid-liquid partition using solvents of increasing polarity: hexane, chloroform and ethyl acetate, respectively. The hexane fraction was then rotaevaporated and characterized by Gas Chromatography - Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS). With this, the hexanic fraction of the ethanolic extract (ExtFH) was tested to assess acute toxicity in adult zebrafish, determining the lethal dose (LD50), behavioral changes, mortality and histopathological changes (intestine, livers and kidneys) of the animals. The anti-inflammatory activity of ExtFH was evaluated by inducing edema with carrageenan in the abdominal region of the zebrafish at different doses. Results and discussion: The acute toxicity study and histopathological analysis in zebrafish showed that ExtFH has a high toxic potential, with an LD50 of 346.74 mg/kg. ExtFH showed an anti-inflammatory effect by inhibiting abdominal edema at all doses used in the two methods tested, with the 2.5 mg/kg dose standing out, achieving 66.2% and 62.4% inhibition of abdominal edema, respectively. Therefore, ExtFH has an acceptable degree of safety for acute toxicity, defined in the analysis of behavioral alterations, mortality and histopathology, with significant anti-inflammatory action in zebrafish at all doses. Conclusion: Thus, this study showed that ExtFH was effective in preventing the formation of edema, in addition, it was demonstrated that ExtFH has the potential to reverse edema that has already been installed. With this, the in silico study showed that the eleutherol molecule from the chemical composition of E. bulbosa presented a dual inhibition profile of cyclooxygenase-1 and 2.


  • Data: 24/11/2023
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  • Introduction: The polymorphisms Arg72Pro (rs1042522) of the TP53 gene and Ile655Val (rs1136201) of the HER2 gene have been linked to susceptibility to different types of cancer and several studies show their association with a higher risk of developing breast cancer. Objective: To investigate the association of Arg72Pro and Ile655Val polymorphisms with the risk of developing breast cancer in women from the city of Macapá, located in the Legal Amazon region, northern Brazil. Material and Methods: 80 DNA samples from women with breast cancer and 83 DNA samples from women without the disease were analyzed. Collected at the Cancer Prevention Institute of Amapá Joel Magalhães - IJOMA and at the High Complexity Oncology Unit (UNACON) of the Hospital de Clinicas Dr. Alberto Lima. Molecular analyzes were performed using the polymerase chain reaction restriction fragment length polymorphism technique (PCR-RFLP). Statistical analyzes to investigate allelic and genotypic frequencies were performed using the R software for the chi-square (X2) and logistic regression by odds ratios (ORs) tests, where a P value less than 0.05 was defined as statistically significant. Results and discussion: The genotypic frequencies for the TP53 gene genotypes were: Arg / Arg 23.7%, Arg /Pro 47.5% and Pro / Pro 28.5% in patients and in controls were Arg / Arg 69.8 %, Arg
    / Pro 19.2% and Pro / Pro 10.8% (X2 = 34,798, p = <0.0001). For the HER-2 gene, the frequency of the genotypes Ile / Ile, Ile / Val and Val / Val, respectively, was 82.5%, 17.5% and 0% in patients and 75.9%, 20.4 % and 3.6% in controls (X2 =63,076, p = <0.0001). The TP53 Arg72Pro and HER-2 Ile655Val gene polymorphisms were statistically associated with the risk of developing breast cancer in women in the city of Macapá. The homozygous Val / Val genotype of the HER-2gene was not observed in the analyzed samples. Conclusion: This study found a significant association between the Arg / Pro and Pro / Pro genotypes for the
    rs1042522 polymorphism in the TP53 gene and the Ile / Val genotype for the rs1136201 in the HER-2 gene and the risk of developing breast cancer, suggesting the possibility of using these polymorphisms as a tool to assist in predictive tests for the evolution of breast cancer in diagnosed patients.

  • Avaliação da atividade anti-leishmania in vitro de nanoemulsões obtidas da oleorresina de sucupira-branca (Pterodon emarginatus vogel)

  • Data: 23/09/2023
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  • Introdução: A Leishmaniose é uma das doenças infectoparasitárias incluída pela Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS) entre as seis mais importantes. É causada por parasitos protozoários do gênero Leishmania onde a transmissão ocorre pelo repasto sanguíneo de fêmeas de flebotomíneos infectadas, levando a manifestações na forma cutânea, mucocutânea ou visceral. A variante Leishmaniose cutânea (LC) possui patogenicidade elevada, com lesões localizadas que podem evoluir para lesões crônicas. O tratamento é restrito a um pequeno número de medicamentos que exibem efeitos tóxicos, eficácia limitada, além de relatos de resistência aos mesmos. Tal fato justifica a procura de inovações e estratégias terapêuticas, notadamente partindo de compostos de produtos naturais bioativos, usados na medicina tradicional. Uma espécie vegetal conhecida por suas propriedades terapêuticas é a Pterodon emarginatus. No entanto, a baixa solubilidade intrínseca em água dos derivados vegetais da espécie, incluindo a oleoresina extraída dos seus frutos, dificulta a disponibilidade destes compostos bioativos. Uma alternativa para melhorar a sua solubilidade em água, otimizar sua estabilidade e permitir aplicações clínicas é o encapsulamento dos seus derivados como por exemplo com o desenvolvimento de nanoemulsões (NE). Objetivo: Preparar uma nanoemulsão da oleorresina dos frutos sucupira-branca (OS) (Pterodon emarginatus Vogel) e avaliar, in vitro, a ação anti-leishmania do produto. Material e Métodos: Obtido a OS por prensagem a frio, foram preparadas nanoemulsões a 2,5% (p/p), por 3 métodos diferentes, que foram caracterizadas por diâmetro hidrodinâmico médio, distribuição do tamanho e índice de polidispersão (IP) das partículas, técnica de espalhamento dinâmico da luz (DLS), associado ao potencial zeta (PZ), com análise morfológica por crio-microscopia de transmissão eletrônica (Cryo-TEM) e análise de nanopartículas (NTA), sendo eleita a que apresentou melhores parâmetros de estabilidade em tempos programados (0, 1, 7, 14, 30 dias) e observados os aspectos físicos para os ensaios in vitro de viabilidade. Avaliou-se a atividade leishmanicida frente à espécie Leishmania amazonensis com uso dos parasitos promastigotas em fase estacionária. Testando-se nas células de linhagem J774A.1, com determinação do parasitismo, prévia análise colorimétrica por metil tetrazólio (MTT) da viabilidade de amastigotas in vitro e sua concentração inibitória resultante, seguido da quantificação de óxido nítrico (NO), interleucinas (IL-10) e Fator de necrose tumoral (TNF). Fez-se também o estudo de similaridade por ancoragem dos compostos da OS de potencial leishmanicida para atividade ligante a enzima alvo Pteridina redutase1. Os ensaios foram feitos em triplicatas, descritos por programa GraphPad Prism 6,0 análise de Regressão linear e uso do Teste ANOVA. Resultados e discussão: percentuais significativos para β-cariofileno foram caracterizados no óleo por Cromatografia Gasosa associada à espectometria de massa (CG-MS). A NE-OS obtida por método de alta energia, eleita por parâmetros em função de interação eletrostática e dispersão coloidal, apresentou IP<0,2, PZ -20,7 ± 0,8, pH 5,9 ± 0,1, evidenciando formulações monodispersas e boa estabilidade das gotículas (DLS 77,6 ± 2,9 nm e NTA 95,9 ± 14,2 nm, concentração/mL de partículas 2.67x1012 ± 2.69 x1011), sem modificação física durante os 30 dias armazenadas sob variação de temperatura (8°C e 25°C). As células viáveis por MTT dos MΦs J774A.1 tratados com a NE-OS foi igual e/ou superior que 75% (62.25 μg/mL), com CC50 (Concentração Citotóxica 50%) de 125,6
    μg/mL, IC50 33,45 μg/mL considerada ativa, apresentando índice de seletividade (IS) 3,75 μg/mL. A NE-OS mostrou reduzir os protozoários in vitro progressivo às doses/concentração estabelecidas (31,25μg/mL à 500μg/mL), com expressivo aumento das funções efetoras NO, e equilíbrio interleucinas pró-inflamatória (TNF), após 48h de tratamento. Considerações Finais: Foi demonstrada a eficácia da NE-OS por células tratadas quanto sua capacidade antileishmania. Paralelamente, a docagem molecular dos compostos da OS por possível inibidor da PTR1, apresentou resultados de afinidade entre predições, o que sustenta e viabiliza estudos futuros associados a possíveis fármacos derivados da nanoemulsão de sucupira.


  • Data: 23/09/2023
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  • Introduction: The demand for tetrazole derivatives has intensified in recent years, as this substance is of great interest at a pharmacological and chemical level. Tetrazolic derivatives are present in drugs such as: Losartan, Valsartan (antihypertensive) and Pranlukast (antiasthmatic). These compounds have many applications in organic synthesis, as intermediates that can be used in reactions involving different reagents in the synthesis of fungicides, in the materials area, pharmacology and can be an alternative for the synthesis of new compounds for use in the fight against several vectors that cause diseases, among which Aedes aegypti, a mosquito of great epidemiological and vectorial importance for world public health, known for transmitting viruses that cause several diseases, such as Yellow Fever, Chikungunya, Rift Valley Fever, Zika and Dengue. Objective: Synthesize tetrazole compounds from Knoevenagel condensation reactions between aromatic aldehyde derivatives and malononitrile, establish the dose-response relationship to the susceptibility of the studied vector and determine the lethal concentrations for 50% and 90% mortality (LC50 and LC90). Materials and Methods: One-pot tetrazole syntheses compounds from aromatic aldehydes, malononitrile and sodium azide derivatives were carried out by microwave radiation and conventional heating. Compounds were identified through Infrared (IR) and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) spectra. The tetrazol compounds obtained were evaluated by bioassay procedures according to the guidelines of the World Health Organization (WHO) – Guidelines for Laboratory and Field Testing of Mosquito Larvicides. The results were analyzed with Tukey's test. Results: An optimization was performed for the synthesis of tetrazolic compounds: Reaction without the use of catalysts by microwave radiation and conventional heating, obtaining yields (95 and 94%) and in reaction times of 4 and 24h respectively. Subsequently, the reaction was improved through the use of acid-base catalysts. Was observed that the CuSO4-(Et)3N catalytic system provided a 90% yield in 2 hours of reaction via microwave (MO). Once the best reaction conditions were established, a series of 10 tetrazol compounds were synthesized, showing yields of 85-99%. These compounds were used for larvicidal assays of the Aedes aegypti vector, analyzing that the tetrazolic larvicides 3b and 3c provided the best IC50 and IC90 values.

  • Validation of a spectrophotometric method for quantifying total flavonoids from medicinal plants from the Amazon and optimizing the extractive process for potential application as a natural preservative

  • Data: 23/09/2023
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  • In Amapá, northern region of Brazil, the use of plant species for therapeutic purposes is very common among the local population, often from alcoholic or hydroalcoholic solutions, such as dyes, which are usually marketed by local manipulation pharmacies for use. However, the application of plant extracts in foods shows a higher potential to be explored, as there is a growing demand for the replacement of synthetic food additives with natural ones, since synthetic additives are associated with degenerative diseases sush as cancer. Based on this, the work determined through the ICH of October 27, 2014 and RDC Nº 166 of july 24, 2017, the validation parameters of analytical methodology for quantification of total flavonoids of 9 dyes, marketed by the Institute of Scientific Research of Amapá, giving conditions to evaluate the quality of those products by confirming the phamacological activity. The spectrophotometric method was sensitive (specifity) regarding the apparatus used, linear, precise, accurate and robust. The linearity of the mathod was determined comparatively between the rutin standards, which obtained a linear corralation coefficient of R² = 0.999 and quercetin R² = 0.9932 at concentrations ranging from 0.5 to 40 μg / mL. Two species with the best results for total flavonoid quantification were selected, Dalbergia subcymosa Ducke and Croton cajucara L., to study their application potential as food additives, aiming at inhibiting lipid oxidation in foods. For this, the extracts of these plants were produced, requiring quantitative characterization under optimized extraction conditions, with the variation of two factors: solvent concentration (% Ethanol), varying in: 100%; 70% and 40% and plant drug: solvent ratio, solute mass (SM), ranging from 10: 1 (0.1g); 20: 1 (0.05g) and 40: 1 (0.025g), searching for secondary metabolites such as phenols, confirmation of the presence of flavonoids and analysis of the presence of chemical marker by high performance liquid chromatography. After chemical characterization, the species were evaluated against the analysis of iron reduction power, DPPH · free radical scavenging and total antioxidant activity to determine antioxidant activity, using the synthetic antioxidant butyl hydroxytoluene (BHT) as standard. In all tests performed C.c.L. presented better results in the optimization condition of 0,05g SM e 70% Ethanol while D.s.D. presented better results in 40% and 100% Ethanol. The application in food rich of lipid was performed in the egg yolk through the Thiobarbituric acid reactive substance test (TBARS), in which both species showed promising results in the extraction conditions of 0.05g and 70% Ethanol, but Dalbergia. demonstrated lipid inhibition potential equal to the positive control, BHT, thus presenting itself as a great natural alternative to synthetic antioxidant.

  • Assessment of the/or genotoxicity and antigenotoxicity of perillyl alcohol nanoemulsion (npoh) on peripheral blood erythrocytes of swiss mice (in vivo)

  • Data: 22/09/2023
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  • Perillyl alcohol is a cyclic monoterpene with antineoplastic activity. Its action mechanism is related to the inhibition of the isoprenylation of the Ras protein, responsible for inactivating the p53 protein. The present study aimed to assess the genotoxicity and antigenotoxicity of the perillyl alcohol nanoemulsion through (in vivo) Micronucleus test (MN) applied to peripheral blood erythrocytes of Swiss mice after acute treatment. The perillyl alcohol nanoemulsion was obtained through low energy input with apolar (10%) and polar phases (90%). The animals were divided into groups (6 males each) according to the substance used in the treatment: negative control (water), positive control (doxorubicin), vehicle control (surfactants), genotoxicity test group (test substance nanoemulsion), and antigenotoxicity test group (test substance nanoemulsion associated with doxorubicin). Twenty-four and 48 h after treatment, peripheral blood was collected from the animal’s tail and smeared on a slide for the counting of two thousand polychromatic erythrocytes to perform the Micronucleus test. The nuclear division index was used to determine cytotoxicity. One-way ANOVA with post-hoc Tukey and Student t tests were used to analyze the data. The results of the genotoxicity test in 24- and 48-h samples revealed an increase in the MN frequency in all doses given compared with the negative control (p<0.001), in a time- and dose-dependent manner. The results of the antigenotoxicity test in 24- and 48-h samples revealed no reduction in PCEMN in comparison with the positive control (p<0.001). In conclusion, the perillyl alcohol nanoemulsion induced genotoxicity in a time- and dose-dependent manner, as well as it showed cytotoxic effects.

  • Assessment of the/or genotoxicity and antigenotoxicity of perillyl alcohol nanoemulsion (npoh) on peripheral blood erythrocytes of swiss mice (in vivo)

  • Data: 22/09/2023
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  • Perillyl alcohol is a cyclic monoterpene with antineoplastic activity. Its action mechanism is related to the inhibition of the isoprenylation of the Ras protein, responsible for inactivating the p53 protein. The present study aimed to assess the genotoxicity and antigenotoxicity of the perillyl alcohol nanoemulsion through (in vivo) Micronucleus test (MN) applied to peripheral blood erythrocytes of Swiss mice after acute treatment. The perillyl alcohol nanoemulsion was obtained through low energy input with apolar (10%) and polar phases (90%). The animals were divided into groups (6 males each) according to the substance used in the treatment: negative control (water), positive control (doxorubicin), vehicle control (surfactants), genotoxicity test group (test substance nanoemulsion), and antigenotoxicity test group (test substance nanoemulsion associated with doxorubicin). Twenty-four and 48 h after treatment, peripheral blood was collected from the animal’s tail and smeared on a slide for the counting of two thousand polychromatic erythrocytes to perform the Micronucleus test. The nuclear division index was used to determine cytotoxicity. One-way ANOVA with post-hoc Tukey and Student t tests were used to analyze the data. The results of the genotoxicity test in 24- and 48-h samples revealed an increase in the MN frequency in all doses given compared with the negative control (p<0.001), in a time- and dose-dependent manner. The results of the antigenotoxicity test in 24- and 48-h samples revealed no reduction in PCEMN in comparison with the positive control (p<0.001). In conclusion, the perillyl alcohol nanoemulsion induced genotoxicity in a time- and dose-dependent manner, as well as it showed cytotoxic effects.

  • Estudo da atividade anti-inflamatória e toxicidade aguda do extrato do fungo endofítico Acremonium sp.
    isolado da Euterpe oleracea mart. em zebrafish (Danio rerio)

  • Data: 14/10/2022
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  • Nos últimos anos os fungos endofíticos, têm sido alvo de inúmeras pesquisas devido ao seu potencial em produzir metabólitos secundários, especialmente compostos orgânicos voláteis (COVs), com notáveis atividades biológicas. Neste contexto, estes produtos do metabolismo fúngico, vêm sendo caracterizados como nova e promissora fonte de metabólitos biologicamente ativos. Alguns desses efeitos biológicos ainda são desconhecidos pelo homem. Sabe-se que os fungos, emitem uma ampla e complexa variedade de compostos
    orgânicos voláteis, principalmente álcoois, aldeídos, terpenos, hidrocarbonetos, compostos de enxofre, etc. Os COVs fúngicos, são utilizados em diversos setores da indústria, e apresentam diferentes aplicações biotecnológicas; como marcadores taxonômicos, micofumigação, aromatizantes e biocombustível. A pesquisa sobre COVs pode contribuir para a descoberta de novos produtos biotecnológicos, com possível atividade farmacológica. Não obstante, a necessidade por novas substâncias e compostos anti-inflamatórios, mais seguros e eficazes e com menos efeitos colaterais, têm se tornado objeto de estudo de inúmeros pesquisadores.
    Diante disto, na busca por novos metabólitos secundários de importância farmacêutica, o objetivo deste trabalho é extrair e caracterizar os compostos orgânicos voláteis dos fungos endofíticos isolados dos frutos da Euterpe oleracea e avaliar seu potencial efeito biológico, através de teste anti-inflamatório em modelo experimental Zebrafish (Danio rerio). Os compostos voláteis serão extraídos por hidrodestilação, utilizando aparelho do tipo Clevenger. Após a extração, será realizado a análise química dos compostos voláteis por Cromatografia gasosa acoplada a Espectrometria de Massas (CG-EM). Para avaliar o potencial efeito anti- inflamatório dos compostos voláteis, será utilizado o ensaio de indução de inflamação por carragenina em Zebrafish. A avaliação dos efeitos anti-inflamatórios será realizada por meio de análise comportamental em estágios, observação do edema formado e análise histopatológica. Os resultados encontrados serão utilizados para demonstrar a importância dos metabólitos secundários voláteis produzidos por fungos endofíticos, contribuir para o conhecimento da biodiversidade destes microrganismos, assim como poderão servir de referência para futuros estudos.


  • Data: 13/09/2022
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  • As N-alquilamidas é um grupo de lipídios bioativo, amplamente distribuídos em diferentes espécies de microrganismos, animais e vegetais. Entre elas se destaca a espécie Acmella oleracea pertencente à família Asteraceae, conhecida popularmente no Brasil como jambú. Um dos principais componentes químicos identificados e isolado das flores e folhas desta espécie é o espilantol, uma amida graxa que tem sido amplamente relacionada a efeitos biológicos, como atividades neuroprotetora, anticonvulsivante, antioxidante, analgésica e anti-inflamatória. No entanto, o baixo rendimento compromete sua aplicação em larga escala ou em maiores processos. Assim, para contornar essa limitação, amidas graxas podem ser sintetizadas pelo método de amidação direta a partir de triglicerídeos, como os presentes no óleo das sementes de Bertholletia excelsa (Castanha-do-Brasil). Portanto a reação de aminólise de trigliceridos será feita em um frasco vial (3 mL) uma mistura de (150 µL) de óleo de castanha do Brasil, isobutilamina (450 µL) e o catalisador (15 mg) - Lipase de Candida antarctica. A mistura permanecerá em agitação orbitalar (130 rpm) por 24 horas à temperatura ambiente. Os produtos formados serão purificados por cromatografia em coluna utilizando sílica gel 60 e serão calculados o rendimento do produto isolado, bem como serão caracterizados por técnicas espectroscópicas (RMN 1 H e 13 C, IV e CG-EM). Desta forma, o objetivo deste trabalho é avaliar comparativamente a atividade anti-inflamatória induzida por carragenina e a toxicidade aguda das amidas graxas obtidas a partir do óleo de castanha (Bertholletia Excelsa) e do extrato hidroetanólico de Acremella oleracea em Zebrafish (Danio rerio).


  • Data: 27/08/2022
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  • Introdução: A doença de Alzheimer é uma doença neurodegenerativa, sendo o tipo de demência mais comum entre pessoas idosas. Neste estudo, as enzimas acetilcolinesterase (AChE) e óxido nítrico sintase (NO) foram selecionadas por serem alvos significativos para drogas terapêuticas. A AChE constitui importante alvo farmacológico em decorrência de seu papel na fisiopatologia da doença de Alzheimer; assim como, a enzima NOS que colabora para o desenvolvimento e progressão da doença. Objetivo: Assim, o objetivo deste estudo foi planejar moléculas de produtos naturais isoladas de plantas medicinais capazes de inibir a atividade enzimática da AChE e NOS para o desenvolvimento de fármacos voltados para o tratamento da doença de Alzheimer. Material e Métodos: Incialmente, foram selecionadas 24 moléculas de produtos naturais da literatura, realizaram-se métodos de modelagem como: estudos de orbitais de fronteira (HOMO e LUMO), mapas de potencial eletrostático, estudo de docking molecular, identificação do padrão farmacofórico, avaliação de propriedades farmacocinéticas (ADME) e Toxicológicas (TOX). Resultados e discussão: Na análise estatística dos descritores o valor mais relevante segundo a correlação de Pearson foi entre HOMO e GAP, apresentando valor igual a 1. Os valores máximo positivo e negativo de MEPs variaram de 0,0871 a-0,11 para a luteolina. Na derivação do grupo farmacofórico, foram alinhadas 9moléculas, contendo três grupos farmacofóricos: dois aceitadores de ligação de hidrogênio e um anel aromático. No estudo de docking, as moléculas estudadas interagiram com o sítio ativo da AChE por meio ligações hidrofóbicas e de hidrogênio, com a NOS por meio de interações de hidrogênio. Na predição farmacocinética e toxicológica, a molécula calebina-A se destacou apresentando o melhor resultado. Dentre todas as moléculas, as que foram mais bem avaliadas em todas as predições, foram: calebina-A, luteolina e quercetina. Com o objetivo de melhorar alguns padrões das estruturas moleculares que obtiveram resultados satisfatórios entre os produtos naturais avaliados, foram feitas 30 modificações planejadas para a estrutura de luteolina, quercetina e calebina-A, sendo 10 análogos para cada uma dessas. Conclusões: O planejamento de análogos destas moléculas apresentou resultados satisfatórios no docking molecular, farmacocinética e toxicidade. Portanto, demonstraram serem análogos potenciais para futuros estudos in vivo e in vitro para o planejamento de moléculas com ação anti-Alzheimer.


  • Data: 31/05/2022
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  • Introduction: Donkeys are common animals in different parts of the world. In Brazil there is a large concentration of the animal in the northeast region, which in turn is widely used in rural and tourist areas. These animals are easily the target of accidents, compromising their well-being, which leads to the need for pharmacological interventions. There is a chain of analgesic drugs in the human literature, one of the most used and studied are tramadol (TRA) and metamizole (MT), highlighting the metabolites M1, M2, M3, M4 and M5 derived from tramadol and 4-MAA and 4 -AA derived from metamizole, however there is little information regarding its use in veterinary medicine, especially in donkeys. Thus, there is a need for pharmacokinetic
    studies and a better understanding of its metabolism so that a safe and effective pharmacological intervention is possible. Objective: The present study aimed to study the pharmacokinetic profile of analgesics TRA and TRA associated with MT in donkeys as well as to determine the presence and concentration of drug metabolites. Materials and methods: In this study, 10 adult animals (Equus asinus) weighing between 100 and 150 kg were used. Twelve hours before the beginning of the experiment, the animals were submitted to food fasting and four hours of water. Control blood was collected (white), then the animals were subjected to two different treatments, the first was 2mg/kg of TRA (T2) and the second was 2mg/kg of TRA + 25mg/kg of MT (T2M25)
    , b lood samples were collected at predetermined times up to 48h and were analyzed in LC-MS-MS after validation of the method for determination of TRA, MT and their metabolites Results and discussion: The results showed quantification up to 12h for TRA and up to 24h for the studied metabolites, with the exception of M5 which was detected up to 48 hours. Noting that the co-administration of drugs in general resulted in an improvement in the pharmacokinetic parameters of the TRA and its metabolites. Evidencing an increase in C0 (T2: 3871,939 ± 2522,152 ng/mL vs T2M25: 9284,420 ± 5215,979 ng/mL) and AUC0 → t (T2: 3519,120 ± 816,729 ng·h/mL vs T2M25: 4854,9546) of TRA. Conclusion: The study presented satisfactory results regarding the method developed to measure the metabolites and TRA, helping to establish a pharmacokinetic profile in donkeys, but clinical studies are necessary to determine the noceptive effects in relation to the co-administration of TRA and MT in donkeys.


  • Data: 21/04/2022
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  • Introdução: A ansiedade e a depressão são os transtornos mentais mais prevalentes mundialmente. Elas impactam diretamente na qualidade de vida e na produtividade, especialmente pelo seu difícil tratamento com a farmacoterapia disponível atualmente. Podem acompanhar um indivíduo por muitos anos, gerando grande impacto no fardo global de doenças. A busca por plantas medicinais potencialmente ansiolíticas tem sido uma abordagem relevante no desenvolvimento de alternativas terapêuticas. A catinga de mulata (Aeollanthus suaveolens Mart. Ex Spreng.), uma planta aromática da família Lamiaceae mostrou-se neuroativa, contando com atividades anticonvulsivante, antidepressiva e sedativa em pesquisas utilizando roedores. Assim, o uso de ensaios comportamentais utilizando zebrafish para a avaliação do óleo essencial e sua nano-emulsão visando comparar suas atividades no sistema nervoso central pode fornecer valiosas informações acerca dessa potencial alternativa terapêutica para as doenças mentais comuns. Objetivo: Obter uma nano-emulsão a partir do óleo essencial de A. suaveolens que seja neuroativa e comparar sua atividade ansiolítica após a nano-emulsificação. Metodologia: o óleo essencial foi obtido por hidrodestilação e a partir dele as nano-emulsões foram preparadas por um método de baixo aporte energético. Foram avaliados fatores de influência na geração e estabilização das nano-emulsões, bem como a influência do tempo e temperatura na nano-emulsão selecionada. Ensaios de toxicidade foram realizados utilizando embriões e adultos de zebrafish e a dose letal mediana do óleo essencial foi determinada por análise PROBIT. A comparação da neuroatividade do óleo essencial e sua nano-emulsão foi realizada a partir do ensaio do tanque novo e estudos in silico das substâncias majoritárias foram realizados a fim de predizer os potenciais mecanismos de ação sedativos. Resultados e discussões: Foram obtidas nano-emulsões com aspecto translúcido e azulado pronunciado, associado ao efeito Tyndall evidenteapres entando tamanho médio de diâmetro de gotícula de 70 nm e índice de polidispersão abaixo de 0,2. Esse fitocoloide, utilizada nesse estudo como nano- emulsão selecionada para os ensaios biológicos, não apresentou alterações nos primeiros dias de armazenamento. O teste de performance utilizando embriões de zebrafish permitiu sugerir o aumento da atividade biológica da nano-emulsão comparativamente a atividade observada para o óleo essencial não nano- emulsificado. Em estudos de toxicidade preliminar aguda, a neuroatividade e a intensificação a ação promovida pela nano-emulsificação foi visualizada a partir da indução de hipnose no grupo tratado com a nano-emulsão e apenas sedação no grupo tratado com o óleo essencial não nano-emulsificado. A dose letal mediana total foi de 502,808 mg.kg-1. Aumento semelhante do comportamento exploratório, relacionado à efeito tipo-ansiolítico, foi observado em dose da nano-emulsão selecionada 10 vezes inferior ao óleo essencial não-nanoemulsionado. No entanto, possíveis interferências de agregados de colóides que afetam curvas sigmóide clássicas, efeito sedativo com tendência à hipnose próximo a altas doses e outros fatores podem estar influenciando. Conclusão: Esse estudo abre perspectivas para uso de inibidores da Maturação de Ostwald, incluindo associados ao β-farneseno, considerado um dos possíveis constituintes bioativos, bem como verificação da atuação desses sob a forma livre ou absorção via fusão das nanogotículas com as membranas, com modificação do n e/ou novos aprimoramento do modelo em zebrafish. A mudança do par de tensoativos e redução drástica do tamanho de gotícula, através de técnica amigável ao meio ambiente, contribui para o estado da arte da nanobiotecnologia fitofarmacêutica e desenvolvimento de novos nanofitoterápicos.

  • Potencial para bioindicação e bioprospcção em microalgas e cianobactérias na Lagoa dos Índios, Macapá, Amapá

  • Data: 02/04/2022
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  • Introdução: Uma ferramenta importante que possibilita avaliar a qualidade da água é uso de organismos bioindicadores, o fitoplâncton é visto como marcador biológico, pois reagem de forma expressiva às mudanças ambientais naturais ou antrópicas. Objetivo: Este trabalho teve como objetivo realizar um levantamento das microalgas e cianobactérias da Lagoa dos Índios nos anos de 2008, 2012 e 2016/17 e comparar as espécies encontradas avaliando se ocorreram mudanças que possam indicar algum tipo de impacto ambiental. Metodologia: As amostras foram coletadas com auxílio de rede de fitoplâncton 20 µm, realizando uma análise qualitativa, acondicionado as amostras em frascos de vidro com um volume de 200 ml, fixados e preservados com solução formalina 4% imediatamente após a coleta. Foram mensurados o potencial hidrogeniônico (pH), condutividade (µS/cm), temperatura (ºC) e oxigênio dissolvido (mg/L) da água. Resultados e discussão: Foram identificados 347 entre gêneros e espécies, distribuídos em 14 grupos taxonômicos, o grupo mais representativo foi Conjugatophyceae. A análise de variância demonstrou significância para temperatura da água e oxigênio dissolvido entre os anos 2008 e 2016/17. A composição de riqueza foi maior na estação chuvosa, para os anos 2008 e 2012, enquanto para o ano de 2016/17, foi maior na estação de estiagem. A análise de correspondência canônica (CCA) mostrou que foi significativo a relação das variáveis físicas e químicas com a composição da comunidade fitoplanctônica da Lagoa dos Índios. Conclusões: A alta riqueza ncontrada evidência a importância biológica deste ecossistema e como a população utiliza sua água para diferentes finalidades, é necessário o monitoramento constante, pois foram identificadas cianobactérias que podem produzir toxinas. As microalgas e cianobactérias podem ser utilizadas como bioindicadoras pois demonstraram estatisticamente associação com os fatores físicos e químicos mensurados e as espécies podem ser isoladas para cultivo em laboratório resultando em diversos estudos de bioprospecção.


  • Data: 28/01/2022
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  • Introdução: Em muitos casos de hipertensão arterial, o controle pressórico não é alcançando mesmo com o tratamento sendo realizado adequadamente, podendo ser influenciado por diferentes fatores. A variação interindividual no metabolismo de fármacos é também bastante comum e pouco explorada frente aos casos de resistência terapêutica, sendo, portanto, um dos aspectos a ser considerado na farmacoterapia anti-hipertensiva. O losartana é um dos fármacos mais utilizados para controle da pressão arterial, contudo tanto este como o seu metabólito ativo (EXP3174), apresentam um elevado grau de diferenças interindividuais em seus níveis plasmáticos, os quais podem afetar tanto a eficácia como o surgimento de efeitos adversos decorrentes do tratamento. Para tal, a farmacometabolômica tem sido aplicada na predição das respostas terapêuticas a partir da análise do perfil metabolômico relacionando o uso de fármacos à alterações nos metabólitos em um determinado espaço de tempo. Objetivo: Este estudo objetiva avaliar e correlacionar o perfil metabolômico (plasma e urina) e os níveis plasmáticos de losartana e EXP3174 ao controle dos níveis pressóricos em pacientes hipertensos. Metodologia: Através de um estudo do tipo caso-controle baseado na aplicação de questionário sociodemográfico e clínico para seleção dos pacientes, teste de bioimpedância para obtenção das medidas antropométricas, assim como o monitoramento das concentrações plasmáticas de losartana e EXP3174, mediante Cromatografia Líquida de Ultra Eficiência acoplada a Espectroscopia de Massas sequencial (CLUE-MS/MS). Resultados e discussão: Os achados permitirão determinar a efetividade clínica do tratamento anti-hipertensivo com o losartana e avaliar a correlação das medidas antropométricas e do perfil metabolômico com os níveis plasmáticos e com o controle pressórico alcançado nestes pacientes.

  • A aplicação da metagenômica na detecção de vírus entéricos em comunidades ribeirinhas do Município de Santana, Amapá, Amazônia oriental.

  • Data: 29/10/2021
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  • Introdução: A incidência da diarreia aguda permanece sendo um grave problema de saúde pública no mundo, principalmente em paises em desenvolvimento onde o impacto da doença na população afeta o desenvolvimento infantil, sendo a segunda causa de morte entre crianças menores de cinco anos. Apesar do surgimento de vacinas os casos de diarreia continuam persistentes nas populações pobres. Geralmente, muitos casos de surtos de diarreia continuam sem uma definição do seu agente etiológico, provavelmente trata-se de agentes infecciosos ainda não identificados por métodos tradicionais, dificultando diagnósticos claros e nas estratégias epidemiológicas que promovam ações de prevenção a partir do conhecimentos destes agentes. Neste sentido, a aplicação da metagenômica viral contribui para a detecção de vírus entéricos, na identificação de novos vírus, na vigilância de vírus emergentes e na compreensão do viroma gastrintestinal humano. Objetivo: Nesta perspectiva, o objetivo deste trabalho foi Identificar vírus entéricos em amostras fecais de pacientes residentes de comunidades ribeirinhas do município de Santana, Amapá, Amazônia Oriental. Metodologia: Foram coletadas 50 amostras fecais de pacientes que buscavam atendimento médico em quatro Unidades básica de Saúde - UBS de distintas comunidades ribeirinhas seguindo um rigor ético, e um protocolo preciso para a armazenagem e transporte das amostras, de forma de manter - se os vírus ativos. Em laboratório, as amostras foram submetidas a purificação, extração e amplificação do DNA e RNA, na preparação das bibliotecas de metagenômica viral, sequenciamento, e na análise de dados por bioinformática. Resultados e discussões: Foram detectadas 227.502 leituras de sequências analisadas e identificadas, relacionadas a 20 famílias virais. Apenas três famílias estão diretamente relacionadas com a ocorrência de diarreia e foram detectadas nas amostras de três crianças menores de dois anos: As famílias Astroviridae, Caliciviridae e Picornaviridae. Outros vírus que causam infecções em humanos foram identificados, porém ainda é deconhecida a sua relação gastrointestinal. Conclusões: Neste contexto, este estudo contribui diretamente para a compreensão do viroma humano, a técnica metagenômica viral se demostra sensível e eficaz na definição dos surtos de diarreia, permitindo associar adequadamente com seus agentes etiológicos.


  • Data: 15/10/2021
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  • Introdução: A mucosite intestinal é uma complicação comum associada à terapia do câncer, como o uso do quimioterápico cisplatina (CDDP). É caracterizada por dano ao epitélio gastrointestinal que debilita o paciente e prejudica o tratamento. Apesar de sua importância clínica, não existe tratamento até o momento. Na literatura, o óleo de sucupira (OS) (Pterodon emarginatus Vogel) mostrou atividade anti-inflamatória, porém não há relatos para mucosite intestinal. O OS possui caráter lipofílico e viscoso dificultando sua aplicação in vivo. O desenvolvimento de nanoestruturas como as nanocápsulas (NC) representam uma estratégia inovadora para contornar esses inconvenientes. Objetivo: Avaliar a ação de nanocápsulas poliméricas contendo o óleo de sucupira (NC OS) na mucosite intestinal induzida por cisplatina em camundongos. Metodologia: O OS foi caracterizado por cromatografia líquida acoplada à espectrometria de massas. As NC de OS foram produzidas empregando diferentes tensoativos pelo método de nanoprecipitação e caracterizadas físico-quimicamente em relação à distribuição de tamanho e potencial zeta. Os animais foram distribuídos em grupos: Controle (sem mucosite + água), Mucosite (com mucosite + água), Pré-tratado 1 (com mucosite + OS por 7 dias antes e durante a indução da doença) e Pré-tratado 2 (com mucosite + NC OS por 7 dias antes e durante a indução da doença). A mucosite foi induzida através da administração i.p. de 10 mg/kg de CDDP no 5o dia. Para verificar a permeabilidade intestinal, no 8o dia os animais receberam solução de 99mTc-dietilenotriaminopentacético. O íleo foi coletado para análise histológica, dosagem de citocinas (IL-10 e TNF-α) e infiltrado inflamatório (NAG e MPO). Resultados e discussão: O diâmetro médio calculado por espalhamento dinâmico da luz foi inferior a 350 nm e o potencial zeta apresentou valores negativos. NC OS apresentaram adequada estabilidade. O tratamento com NC OS produzidas com os tensoativos Tween e Span na mucosite intestinal demonstrou aumento da permeabilidade intestinal, diminuição de NAG, porém não alterou MPO e as citocinas. Já o tratamento com as NC OS produzidas com tensoativo lecitina, demonstrou diminuição da permeabilidade intestinal, não alterou infiltrado inflamatório, porém aumentou níveis de TNF-α. A avaliação dos tensoativos frente a mucosite intestinal confirmam a piora da inflamação promovida pela administração de Tween e Span devido ao aumento da permeabilidade intestinal e de TNF-α. Conclusão: A avaliação das NC OS produzidas em modelo de mucosite intestinal induzida, apresentou melhora parcial de alguns parâmetros avaliados dependendo dos tensoativos empregados. Contudo, a formulação de NC OS produzida com lecitina promoveu melhores resultados frente a mucosite intestinal quando comparado a OS, sugerindo cautela na escolha de tensoativos em uma formulação.


  • Data: 15/10/2021
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  • Introdução: As pragas urbanas são uns dos maiores problemas de saúde pública nas cidades, principalmente nos países em desenvolvimento, que se disseminam devido o saneamento básico precário ou inexistente e o descarte inadequado de resíduos domésticos. Um dos recursos utilizados nesse controle é a aplicação de inseticidas, porém a utilização desenfreada dessas substâncias a médio e longo prazo pode causar contaminação ambiental e do manipulador. Por esse motivo, vem crescendo o estudo com plantas com atividade repelente e inseticida. Dentre as espécies estudadas para esse fim, se destacam as espécies do gênero Copaifera, uma planta cujo óleo tem inúmeras propriedades, inclusive, atividade repelente contra insetos. Objetivo: Assim, o objetivo foi desenvolver formulações semissólidas contendo óleo de Copaifera reticulata como repelente e inseticida para baratas da espécie Periplaneta americana. Material e Métodos: Foram desenvolvidas duas formulações semissólidas com 10% de óleo de C. reticulata com diferentes polaridades, uma à base de lanolina e outra à base de PEG. Testes de atividades repelentes e biocidas foram realizados para avaliar e melhorar a nutrição. Análises reológicas e de perfil de textura das formulações também foram realizadas.Resultados e discussão: Comparando a viscosidade apresentada pelas duas formulações testadas, percebe-se que a formulação 2 apresentou maior viscosidade (3885,53 Pa/s) se comparado a formulação 1 (2556,79 Pa/s). Após a APT a formulação 1 apresentou baixa dureza e compressibilidade e alta adesividade e coesividade, enquanto isso a formulação 2 apresentou todos os parâmetros altos. Observou-se que o Índice de preferência (IP) da formulação 1 foi de -0,69, e da formulação 2 foi de -1,00, demonstrando que ambas as formulações apresentaram atividade repelente. Entretanto, a formulação 2 demonstrou melhor atividade repelente. Após o período de exposição das baratas às formulações, não foi observado morte de nenhum dos insetos, também não houve morte nas 72h após o experimento, não havendo atividade inseticida.Conclusões: Ambas as formulações
    estudados se mostraram promissoras no combate a P. americana, tendo a formulação 2 apresentado melhor atividade e melhores caracteristicas de textura e reologia, embora ainda seja necessário adequações, visando otimizar ainda mais o efeito e o aspecto da formulação.


  • Data: 21/05/2021
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  • Introdução: A epilepsia é uma das doenças neurológicas mais comuns no mundo, acometendo em torno de 1% da população mundial. Embora uma gama de medicamentos anticonvulsivantes esteja disponível, aproximadamente um terço dos pacientes não respondem adequadamente aos medicamentos atuais. Objetivo: O objetivo desse trabalho foi avaliar o efeito do Álcool Perílico (AP) sobre convulsões epilépticas in vivo e in silico. Materiais e Métodos: A convulsão foi induzida por pentilenotetrazol (PTZ, 170 mg/kg, i.p.) em zebrafish
    adulto, e o anticonvulsivante controle usado foi Diazepam (DZP, 2 mg/kg, p.o.); o AP foi testado nas doses de 10, 50 e 100 mg/kg (p.o.). Para mensurar a convulsão, foram avaliados manualmente comportamentos tipicamente convulsivos, e então, com o auxílio de um software de rastreamento animal (Toxtrac v2.90), os parâmetros motores foram analisados. Por fim, foram executados estudos
    in silico para elucidar um possível mecanismo de ação envolvido na atividade do AP (structure-based prediction e docking). Resultados e
    Os resultados mostram que o PTZ induziu o comportamento convulsivo em todos os animais do grupo controle negativo (n = 10), começando com episódios de hiperlocomoção, convulsão propriamente dita e então perda de postura e imobilidade. O DZP inibiu a ocorrência de convulsão em todos os animais do grupo. O AP inibiu a ocorrência de convulsão de forma dose-dependente, com frequências de 90%, 70% e 40% para os grupos tratados com 10, 50 e 100 mg/kg, respectivamente. O tratamento com AP também diminuiu a
    frequência e o tempo de perda de postura, a frequência e o tempo de imobilidade induzida por convulsão, o tempo de convulsão, o número de nados em círculo/espiral, e atenuou o déficit motor causado pelas convulsões. A diferença do grupo tratado com a maior dose de AP foi estatisticamente diferente do grupo controle negativo para todos os parâmetros convulsivos avaliados (p < 0,05; Kruskal-wallis). A análise
    in silico sugere envolvimento do sistema GABAérgico na atividade anticonvulsivante do AP, com predição de inibição da enzima
    Conclusão: Em suma, os resultados sugerem um potencial anticonvulsivante no AP tanto in vivo quanto in silico

  • Introduction: Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is a set of metabolic disorders, which are clinically characterized by hyperglycemia, a problem that is caused by reproduction in the production or action of insulin in the body. Poor adherence to treatment is one of the main obstacles to disease control. Natural products, widely used in traditional medicine of the Amazonian population, can be a potential source for the discovery of new products. Libidibia ferrea is a native plant of the Brazilian flora that presents several biological activities, among them, an antidiabetic. Objective: To evaluate Acute Toxicity (AT) in adult zebrafish and embryos, and antidiabetic activity hydroethanolic extract of fruits of Libidibia ferrea (EHEFLf) in zebrafish with diabetes induced by intraperitoneal injection of alloxane. Methodology: EHEFLf was administered to adult zebrafish at a dose of 2g / kg for acute toxicity study and for embryos at doses of 25, 50, 125, 250, 500 mg / L (as recommended by OECD 425 and 236, respectively). Hyperglycemia was induced by intraperitoneal injection of 350 mg / kg alloxane. Hyperglycemic animals were kept for 7 days with EHEFL at doses of 50, 75, 150, 300 mg / kg. In addition to the groups that received water, 1% propylene glycol solution and metformin 2.4 mg / kg. Results: No adult animal, although showing no behavioral signs of toxicity, alters histopathological changes in the liver and kidneys; AT in embryos also presents toxicity and morphological / teratogenic changes. There is no antidiabetic test, or EHEFLf at all doses, highly significant activity in relation to the water resource and SP1% groups. Conclusion: The present study described the 2g / kg dose, although EHEFLf does not cause behavioral damage, neither death, it has toxicity in the liver and kidneys of zebrafish; in embryos, EHEFLf alters morphological / teratogenic changes at high highs: 250 and 500 mg / kg; while an antiabetic activity was proven, significantly lowering glucose levels in all groups: 50, 75, 150 and 300 kg / kg, compared to water and SP1% group, and improvements of other biochemical tests.

  • Data: 25/10/2020
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  • Diabetes Mellitus; Caesalpinia; Toxicity; Zebrafish.


  • Data: 02/10/2020
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  • Introduction: Parkinson's disease (PD) is the second neurodegenerative disease that affects society, especially in individuals over 60 years of age, and its pathophysiology is characterized by the death of dopaminergic neurons, thus decreasing dopamine production. One of the forms of treatment of PD is the inhibition of monoamine oxidase B (MAO-B), in which recent studies have identified natural products with this activity. One of the safest and fastest ways to study PD is using the animal model ZebraFish, as it has the brain structure of the dopaminergic system with more than 80% compatibility with humans. Objective: Thus, the objective of the study was to design molecules, using in silico methodologies, with MAO-B inhibitory activity, based on natural products, perform the synthesis and test them in vivo. Methodology: A search was made in the literature on natural antiparkinsonian products; subsequently, four were selected for studies, in silico, of pharmacophore derivation, prediction of pharmacokinetic and toxicological properties and molecular docking. With that, it was possible to design three molecules with possible MAO-B inhibitory activity and synthesize them, in order to perform the tests in vivo. Results and discussions: We selected 4 natural products that showed in vitro and / or in vivo antiparkinsonian activity and the drug Selegiline, which was used as a standard molecule for comparison in the in silico study. For pharmacokinetic analyzes, natural products showed satisfactory results and, for the prediction of toxicological properties, natural products showed between low or no toxicity. In docking, molecular all natural products interacted with more than three amino acids from the active site of MAO-B indicating that they have interaction with the enzyme and suggesting the probable inhibitory activity. After the analysis, Amburoside A was selected as a prototype for the modifications and then 3 analogs (PMC1, PMC2 and PMC3) were obtained with a result between average and good synthetic viability and all three showed a prediction of MAO inhibition activity. Later, the prototypes were synthesized, and due to the fact that PMC3 does not have activity studies described in the literature, it was selected for the acute toxicity test in vivo in the Zebrafish model. Conclusions: The planned molecules showed good results in silico, in addition to having good synthetic viability, they also did not manifest toxicity in Zebrafish, being a possible candidate for a safe drug. 


  • Data: 08/09/2020
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  • Introduction: The use of chemical products to control agricultural pests is widespread today. Thus, studies on the use of essential oils and substances extracted from plants with biological activity have become promising for pest control, such as Tribolium castaneum. Activities that involve insecticidal and repellent action found on plants are of great interest to combat these insects. Considering that the agricultural pest, T. castaneum present in stored grains causes great financial loss for grain producers, new strategies Objective: Thus, the objective was to develop nanoformulations based on essential oil from Baccharis reticularia DC and three of its main constituents, R - (+) - limonene, α-pinene and β-pinene, and to evaluate repellent action against the insect Tribolium castaneaum.. Methodology: The stabilities of the four nanoemulsions were developed and evaluated in specific periods for each one. As well as the evaluation of these nanoemulsions with possible repellent activity in different concentrations against T. castaneum. Results and discussion: The results were promising, the nanoemulsions showed kinetic stability for a longer period than is generally evaluated in studies, which proved the possibility of developing a large scale product based on essential oil, with greater bioavailability and specificity. The concentrations tested against T. castaneum had excellent results, mainly at higher concentrations, such as 17.6 and 8.8 ug / mg-2, classified by McDonalds with the highest repellency index (Class V). Conclusions: The nanoemulsions showed a repellent action and were shown to be kinetically stable during the analyzed period. Keywords: Rosemary-of-the-beach; Brown beetle; Agricultural pests; Nanoformulations


  • Data: 28/08/2020
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  • Introdução: A leishmaniose é uma das doenças infecciosas mais importantes do mundo, segundo a OMS. Distribuída em vários países das Américas, temos a Leishmaniose Tegumentar Americana (LTA) causada pela Leishmania (L) amazonensis, que possui uma grande capacidade de causar deformidades, além disso, o tratamento é bastante incômodo ao paciente, o que tem levado à busca por novos fármacos. Objetivo: Diante disso, o objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a potencial atividade leishmanicida, frente ao protozoário da LTA, de uma nanoformulação para uso tópico obtida a partir do oleoresina dos frutos de Pterodon emarginatus. Material e métodos: O teste utilizado para o estudo in vitro foi o ensaio colorimétrico de resazurina que avaliou a IC50 de uma nanoemulsão, obtida por um método de baixo aporte de energia, composta por um par de tensoativos (monooleato de sorbitano e o polissorbato 80), OS e água (NEOS5), contra promastigotas de L. amazonensis. O ensaio in vivo avaliou a eficácia da formulação polissorbato 80 (6,26%) monooleato de sorbitano (3,73%), etanol 96% (2%), OS (20%) e água (68%) (NEOS20) em associação a um medicamento de referencia , o antimoniato de Meglumina (Glucantime®), no tratamento de lesões causadas por L. (L) amazonensis em 4 grupos de animais. Resultados e discussão: Após 48h de incubação a NEOS5 apresentou melhor resultado na inibição parasitária com IC50 de 21,83 ± 1,09 ppm, enquanto o OS não encapsulado apresentou IC50 de 32,38 ±3,87ppm. Diante deste resultado seguiu-se para o estudo in vivo, onde observou-se que a lesão com maior redução de tamanho foi a do grupo tratado com a combinação de Glucantime® e NEOS20, com redução de 41%. A lesão passou de 7,4 ± 0,62mm para 4,3 ± 0,88mm durante o período de tratamento, além de apresentar melhor resolução do processo inflamatório e cicatricial, diminuição da carga parasitária na lesão e diminuição dos nivesis de citocinas. Conclusão: A utilização tópica de NEOS20 combinada com Glucantime® apresentou os melhores resultados, melhorando o aspecto geral das lesões e diminuindo significativamente as interleucinas IL10 e IFN-g, indicando uma possível atividade antiinflamatória e cicatrizante da formulação proposta frente ao modelo de leishmaniose tegumentar. 


  • Data: 30/07/2020
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  • O uso de preparações medicinais como garrafadas e xaropes são muito utilizadas, devido a sua tradicionalidade de uso na terapêutica popular. As garrafadas, produtosde misturas de plantas com fins medicinais veiculados em bebidas alcoólicas, não possuem uma legislação que as regulamentem e comisso, podegerar um grande risco para a população por serem apresentados com inúmeras indicações terapêuticas e sem contra indicação. Com a manipulação caseira, sem o cumprimento das boas práticas defabricação, o que pode carrear ao final do processo, contaminação por micro-organismos patogênicos, e por se tratar de uma mistura não se tem o conhecimento das substâncias presentes, adicionadas ou não, podem causar mal para quemas utiliza. Neste contexto, as operações policiais têm se intensificado para combater o comércio e a produção destes preparados visandoresguardar a população. Objetivos:Aregião Amazônica possui uma grande diversidade em sua flora e ainda, possui a cultura de consumo destas preparações medicinais como as garrafadas, e nesse sentido, objetivou este trabalho a avaliar as características físicas, químicas e a qualidade microbiológica de xaropes e garrafadas, suspeitas de adulteração apreendidas pela Polícia Ténico Científica do Ama-POLITEC.Métodos:Entreos testes empregadosforam realizados,a análise física (pH e grau brix°), análise química por espectrômetrode massa de ressonância de íon ciclotron com transformada de Fourier(FT-ICR MS) e investigação microbiológica de fungos e bactérias patógenas(Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa,Salmonellaspp. e Staphylococcus aureus) através da técnica de semeadura por superfície.Resultados e Discussão:As amostras das garrafadas e xaropesobtiveram valores de pH ácido, o que pode causar instabilidade química aos componentes e com relação ao teor de grau brix° as amostras estavam dentro dos padrões. A partir da análise química foi possível elucidar a presença de alguns compostos relacionados as plantas descritas nos rótulos e ausência de substânciassintéticas. O resultado da avaliação microbiológica detectou a presença de Staphylococcusspp. em quatro amostras e ainda, em dois xaropes “xarope de cumaru” e “xarope de quebra pedra e boldo” ocorreu o crescimento de fungos, no entanto, dentro dos limites estabelecidos na Farmacopeia Brasileira paraeste micro-organismo. Conclusão:Contudo, é necessário regulamentação desses produtos fabricados de forma irregular, pois não há como garantir a eficácia, sobretudo a segurança para seus consumidores.

  • Evaluation of Cytotoxicity, Genotoxicity and Antigenotoxicity of Nanoencapsulated ellagic acid.

  • Data: 10/07/2020
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  • Introduction: Ellagic acid is a naturally occurring phenolic phytochemical belonging to the group of ellagitannins, which in turn belong to the group of hydrolyzable tannins of polyphenols. The same can be found in plants in their free form, or in the form of ellagitannins, and in the cell membrane. Zeina is a natural polymer whose biological potential has also gained attention. Objectives: To evaluate the cytotoxic, genotoxic, antigenotoxic and histopathological potential of nanoencapsulated ellagic acid by the in vivo test system. Methodology: The method used to determine the cytotoxic effect was determined by calculating the nuclear division index (IDN). To determine genotoxicity and antigenotoxicity, the micronucleus test method was used in peripheral blood cells of male Swiss mice from the Vivarium of the State University of Campinas. For genotoxic evaluation, the animals were treated with nanoencapsulated ellagic acid (ZNP-EA); ellagic acid in free solution (EAS) and blank nanoparticles (BNZp) each solution with a concentration of 5.3 mg / kg p. c .. Peripheral blood samples were collected 24, 48 hours 7, 14 and 21 days for the subchronic treatment. For the antigenotoxic effect, the animals were treated with pre-established concentrations, followed by intraperitoneal injection of doxorubicin - DXR (15 mg / kg p. C.). Results and discussion: The administered substances did not show genotoxic activity compared to the negative control group. However, when administered with DXR they showed an antigenotoxic activity with a reduction rate of 92.01% in 48 hours compared with the positive control group showing that it was able to decrease micronuclei in polychromatic erythrocytes. There was no cytotoxicity in the tested substances and the Histopathological result revealed that there was no toxicity in relation to the liver, spleen, heart and kidney organs. Conclusion: The results reinforce the potential of ellagic acid in combination with zein, providing its great antioxidant and antigenotoxic potential. Key words: Ellagic acid; Nanoencapsulation; Micronucleus; toxicity; Mutagenicity.

  • Estudo in vitro da atividade antitumoral em células de glioma por lapachol emulsificado em fibroína da seda.

  • Data: 19/06/2020
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  • INTRODUÇÃO: O câncer é uma doença que tem crescido exponencialmente nos últimos anos. O tratamento na maioria das vezes é extremamente agressivo ao paciente, pois inclui altas doses de quimioterapia, radioterapia ou procedimentos cirúrgicos. O Glioblastoma é um tipo de tumor desenvolvido em células do tronco encefálico, progenitores gliais e astrócitos no sistema nervoso central, é o subtipo mais maligno de glioma. Os produtos naturais são fontes promissoras para a descoberta de novas drogas. O lapachol é uma susbtância de origem natural extraído da casca do ipê-roxo (Tabebuia impetiginosa), pertencente a família das quinonas, consagrado na literatura científica como um veemente antitumoral, e a fibroína, proteína extraída do bicho da seda que tem despertado interesse por também apresentar atividade antitumoral. Ambos serão utiliizados ao decorrer deste trabalho para teste de suas propriedades antitumorais. OBJETIVO: Preparar microemulsões de lapachol produzidas com fibroína da seda sobre a atividade antitumoral em células de camundongo de glioma c6 in vitro. METODOLOGIA: o lapachol (LP) foi extraído da casca do ipê-roxo por métodos químicos e identificado molecularmente por Cromatografia Gasosa e Ressonância Magnética Nuclear 1H. A fibroína foi extraída do bicho-da-seda e utilizada nesse estudo. Em seguida foram preparadas duas soluções, uma nanoemulsão com lapachol e tween (NLP) e uma microemulsão lapachol, fibroína e tween (LP-SF) utilizando como componente aquoso a solução de fibroína desenvolvida no laboratório de Biocatálise e Síntese orgânica. Além disso, soluções brancas também foram preparadas para excluir a inteferência do tween e DMSO no teste. Testes in vitro foram realizados no laboratório de Neuroquímica Molecular e Celular da Universidade Federal do Pará em células tumorais de glioma C6, cultivadas por 72 H e posteriormente eram submetidas a teste em placas de 96 poços com lapachol (LP), Nanoemulsão de Lapachol (NLP) e Microemulsão lapachol e fibroína (LP-SF) para analisar o potencial antitumoral, pela técnica de viabilidade celular (MTT). Para analisar a toxicidade dos compostos em contato com as células, realizou-se o teste de MTT em células sadias da glia nas concentrações de 10, 25, 50, 75 e 100 µg/ml. Também foi realizado o teste de hemólise que objetivava analisar se as nanoemulsões eram prejudiciais às células sanguíneas. RESULTADOS E DISCUSSÕES: as análises espectroscópicas de cromatografia gasosa e ressonância magnética nuclear confirmaram o lapachol. Nanoformulações foram desenvolvidas com o intuito de testar sua atividade antitumoral e, se apresenta menor agressão as células. O teste de viabilidade celular (MTT) realizado sobre células de glioma C6 mostrou que LP apresentou ótima atividade antitumoral (16,8 µg/ml), conforme descrito na literatura. Porém, não tem uso constante em seres humanos devido sua alta toxicidade conforme constatado em nossos estudos. NLP apresentou viabilidade celular de 7,9 μg/ml, enquanto LP-SF apresentou a melhor atividade antitumoral comparada as duas soluções apresentando viabilidade celular na maior concentração de 3,5 µg/ml. Apesar de apresentar uma veemente atividade antitumoral testes de MTT em células sadias da glia evidenciaram que NLP apresentou baixa viabilidade celular em células sadias da glia, ou seja, além de causar morte em células de glioma também matou células sadias. LP-SF apresentou o melhor resultado no que tange ao desenvovimento de um antitumoral eficiente e que não agrida as células sadias, tornando uma droga seletiva e segura. O teste de hemólise que objetiva analisar se a droga causa morte às hemácias foi realizado e as três drogas testadas apresentaram taxa hemolítica menor que 10 μg/ml, o que é aceitável de acordo com a literatura. CONCLUSÕES: Portanto, NLP apresenta melhor atividade antitumoral do que LP, porém apresenta toxicidade às células sadias da glia, o que o torna uma droga não segura, apesar de no teste de hemólise não apresentar agressão a integridade da célula eritrocítica. LP-SF apresentou-se como uma droga eficiente como antitumoral, não apresentou toxicidade às células sadias da glia e não ofereceu dano às hemácias, caracterizandose como uma droga segura e seletiva in vitro. São necessários mais estudos, sobretudo in vivo, Resumo xi para que essa droga promissora seja testada e avaliada sua atividade antitumoral e redução de sua toxicidade comparada a LP. 


  • Data: 03/06/2020
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  • Alzheimer's disease (DA) is considered the main and most common agerelated
    dementia, accounting for 50-60% of the cases. The most commonly used
    pharmacotherapeutic approach for the symptomatic control of DA is the use of
    anticholinesterasic drugs, but lately, several research advances in the feeling of proposing
    new alternatives, such as multitarget drugs. Objectives: The aim of this study was to
    design new candidates for the AChE/BACE1 multitarget inhibitors for the treatment of DA.
    Methodology: For this, 17 natural products were selected from the literature with
    anticholinesterase activity and 1 synthetic molecule with inhibitory activity for BACE1.
    Subsequently, the study of molecular docking was performed using the GOLD software,
    followed by derivation of the pharmacophoric pattern in the PharmaGist webserver,
    prediction of the pharmacokinetic properties (ADME) with the QikProp module of the
    Schrödinger software and toxicological (TOX) by the DEREK software, finally, the hybrid
    prototype was designed. Results and discussion: In the study of molecular docking, it
    was verified that the selected compounds presented interactions of hydrogen and
    hydrophobic with the targets, AChE and BACE1. When performing the derivation of the
    pharmacophoric pattern, 9 molecules were aligned presenting 3 pharmacophoric regions:
    an aromatic ring, an electron acceptor region and a hydrophobic region. A good result of
    the molecules was observed in relation to the pharmacokinetic properties and
    toxicological, not presenting mutagenicity and carcigenocity. After the hybridization
    process, three hybrid molecules were obtained, which showed inhibitory activity for both
    targets. Conclusions: It is concluded that research in the field of medicinal chemistry is
    advancing, increasingly towards the discovery of new drug candidates that bring a better
    quality of life to patients with AD.
    Keywords: Alzheimer's disease; Anticholinesterasic; β-secretase; Molecular modeling.
    Acknowledgements: Medicinal Chemistry Laboratory (PharmedChem); Federal
    University of Amapá (UNIFAP).


  • Data: 21/05/2020
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    Introduction: Carapa guianensis (Andiroba) oil is an important natural resource widely used in the Amazon due to its medicinal properties, including protection and repellency against insects that transmit diseases such as the Aedes aegypti mosquito. Due to its lipyl profile,

    C. guianenesis oil is promising for biocatalytic applications that can improve its use in biological systems. Objective: To use biocatalytic techniques in C. guianensis oil for applications in active formulations against Aedes aegypti mosquito larvae. Methodology: Oils were collected at different times and transesterification hydrolysis reactions and direct amidation were performed using Candida antarctica lipase immobilized in acrylic resin (CALB Novozyme 435®, 5,000 U) as a catalyst. The products generated were characterized by spectroscopic techniques and used in emulsions and nanoemulsions, these were characterized according to particle size, polydispersity index and zeta potential, then they were tested in a controlled environment against A. aegypti larvae in concentrations of 25,

    50 , 75 and 100 µg / mL, mortality was assessed at 24 and 48 hours. Results and discussions: The lipid profile of the oils was shown to be different by the time of colerta. Fatty acids were used in the preparation of nanoemulsions using fibroin as a surfactant, ethyl esters were used to form nanoemulsions without surfactants, fatty amides were used as surfactants in nanoemulsions with C.guianensis oil, the particle sizes were 3124 nm, 130 nm and 120 nm respectively. Conclusions: The products obtained through the biocatalytic

  • Virtual screening based on phytocannabinoids for anti-obesity activity

  • Data: 13/03/2020
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  • Introduction: The search for pharmacological alternatives to combat obesity is based on the development of compounds that assist in weight loss, being used safely and effectively for a long period. The endocannabinoid system is related to obesity, increasing orexigenic signs and reducing satiety signs. In silico evaluation through
    virtual screening and molecular modeling of Cannabis sativa phytocannabinoids for this purpose stems from their polypharmaceutical potential and the existence of synthetic cannabinoid drugs that have already shown this result. Objective: Perform virtual screening based on the phytocannabinoid pharmacophore of C. sativa, to
    search for anti-obesity agents with the potential to interact with the cannabinoid receptor 1 (rCB1). Methodology: The virtual screening included the prediction of biological activity, the evaluation of the physico-chemical, pharmacokinetic and toxicological properties of cannabinoids (to obtain a reference pharmacophore) and ZINC molecules, as well as molecular docking in rCB1 (PDB: 5U09). Results and discussion: The pharmacophore obtained revealed a 5-point model, with a hydrogen acceptor region and four hydrophobic regions, and this was submitted to the ZINC server for virtual screening, where 78 molecules were obtained that
    signaled antagonistic activity on rCB1, in addition to anti-obesity activity. Among the ZINC molecules evaluated, after analysis of their physical-chemical, pharmacokinetic and toxicological profiles, the ZINC33053402 and ZINC19084698 pointed out as promising anti-obesity agents. Conclusions: The best profile of the ZINC molecules screened to act as an antagonist of rCB1 in peripheral anti-obesity activity were: ZINC33053402 and ZINC19084698 (for presenting a key bond for the blocking of the anandamide endocannabinoid agonist) and high GoldScore. In addition, these molecules have a possible factor favorable to the safety of using a cannabinoid antagonist at the peripheral level, due to their pharmacokinetic profile, which can overcome the barriers of adverse effects inherent to this pharmacological class.

  • Standardization and Characterization of dry Muirapuama Root Extract (Ptychopetalum olacoides Benth)

  • Data: 17/02/2020
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  • Introduction: Muirapuama (Ptychopetalum olacoides BENTH) is an Amazonian plant used for various therapeutic purposes as well as having aphrodisiac effect, giving it great pharmacological potential. “Green” analytical methodologies have gained strength today as characterize the development and enhancement techniques less harmful to the environment by reducing the use of toxic reagents, time, energy and costs. Such methodologies are essential for the quality control of products with regard to the characterization of phytochemicals aspects of the plant. Objective: To standardize the drying process from the ethanolic extract of Muirapuama root and to characterize it through green analytical techniques. Methodology: Dry extracts were obtained by spray drying first without the addition of adjuvant, then at a ratio of 1: 1 extract/adjuvant. Then the 2³ factorial design was performed to optimize the technological properties of the dry extract. These were characterized by UHPLC, NIR and SEM. Total flavonoid content was expressed as mgEQ (quercetin equivalent) per milligram of extract. Results and Discussions: the drying process was efficient, with higher yield for the 1: 1 sample and samples with higher percentage of added adjuvant. The UHPLC analyzes showed that there is no statistical significance for the factorial design variables, indicating a total flavonoid content compatible with that found in the literature for hydroalcoholic extracts. The developed NIR method is effective in differentiating between dry extracts with and without adjuvant, but not to quantify them. SEM images show that samples with higher concentration of adjuvant have better morphological characteristics and lower moisture absorption rate. Conclusions: It was evidenced that the drying process can be optimized and that the green analytical methodologies optimize the analysis time, generate less residues and can be applied in the quality control of herbal medicines. Keywords: Ptychopetalum olacoides. Green analytical chemistry. Spray drying. Dry extract. UHPLC. NIR. SEM. Muirapuama.

  • Standardization and Characterization of dry Muirapuama Root Extract (Ptychopetalum olacoides Benth)

  • Data: 17/02/2020
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  • Introduction: Muirapuama (Ptychopetalum olacoides BENTH) is an Amazonian plant used for various therapeutic purposes as well as having aphrodisiac effect, giving it great pharmacological potential. “Green” analytical methodologies have gained strength today as characterize the development and enhancement techniques less harmful to the environment by reducing the use of toxic reagents, time, energy and costs. Such methodologies are essential for the quality control of products with regard to the characterization of phytochemicals aspects of the plant. Objective: To standardize the drying process from the ethanolic extract of Muirapuama root and to characterize it through green analytical techniques. Methodology: Dry extracts were obtained by spray drying first without the addition of adjuvant, then at a ratio of 1: 1 extract/adjuvant. Then the 2³ factorial design was performed to optimize the technological properties of the dry extract. These were characterized by UHPLC, NIR and SEM. Total flavonoid content was expressed as mgEQ (quercetin equivalent) per milligram of extract. Results and Discussions: the drying process was efficient, with higher yield for the 1: 1 sample and samples with higher percentage of added adjuvant. The UHPLC analyzes showed that there is no statistical significance for the factorial design variables, indicating a total flavonoid content compatible with that found in the literature for hydroalcoholic extracts. The developed NIR method is effective in differentiating between dry extracts with and without adjuvant, but not to quantify them. SEM images show that samples with higher concentration of adjuvant have better morphological characteristics and lower moisture absorption rate. Conclusions: It was evidenced that the drying process can be optimized and that the green analytical methodologies optimize the analysis time, generate less residues and can be applied in the quality control of herbal medicines. Keywords: Ptychopetalum olacoides. Green analytical chemistry. Spray drying. Dry extract. UHPLC. NIR. SEM. Muirapuama.

  • Kefir associado ao gérmem de soja: estudo físico-químico e farmacológico in vivo (atividade ansiolítica e antidepressiva).

  • Data: 14/02/2020
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  • Presente a anos na cultura oriental, a soja (Glycine max L. Merr.) é uma leguminosa rica em substâncias nutritivas e bioativas, como as isoflavonas, estas por se assemelharem ao estrogênio, possuem a capacidade de se ligarem aos receptores estrogênicos e apresentarem benefícios a saúde, como redução de doenças cardíacas, prevenção de câncer (próstata, mama e cólon), osteoporose e alívio dos sintomas da menopausa. O kefir é um probiótico produzido artesanalmente a partir da fermentação do seu substrato. Os grãos são uma associação simbiótica de bactérias e fungos, a bebida é levemente gaseificada e possui um gosto ácido, entre suas principais qualidades, está a restauração da flora intestinal, alívio da constipação e melhora da imunidade. Este trabalho teve como objetivo estudar os perfis de liberação de isoflavonas do gérmen de soja associado a cultura de kefir e, no meio intestinal. Inicialmente será realizada extração aquosa do gérmen de soja, nos tempos de 10, 30, 60, 90 e 120 minutos as amostras serão filtradas e as isoflavonas agliconas genisteína, gliciteína e daidzeína serão quantificadas em cromatógrafo líquido de alta eficiência. Em seguida, utilizando as concentrações do método padronizado por Oliveira (2016), de 40 g/L de açúcar mascavo, 10 g/L de gérmen de soja e 60 g/L de kefir, fermentado à temperatura de 25°C, no 3º, 6º e 9º dias de fermentação, será analisado e quantificado o teor das isoflavonas genisteína, gliciteína e daidzeína liberadas do meio, a extração de isoflavonas será elaborada de acordo com a metodologia de Carrão-Panizzi; Favoni; Kikuchi (2002). Posteriormente será realizada análise estrutural utilizando microscópio eletrônico de varredura, as amostras de kefir e de gérmen de soja associado ao kefir serão previamente liofilizados. Será avaliado a liberação de isoflavonas do gérmen de soja associada à cultura de kefir em meio intestinal baseado no método descrito por Breynaert et al. (2015) com modificações. E será observado a liberação de isoflavonas genisteína, gliciteína e daidzeína do complexo de gérmen de soja com kefir em membrana sintética e biológica em sistema de permeação.

  • Evaluation of the pharmacological potential of zein nanoparticles loaded with anacardic acid.

  • Data: 13/12/2019
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  • Introduction: nacardic acid is the major compound of cashew nut (Anacardium occidentale L) peel liquid and has been widely studied due to its biological properties, including antimicrobial, antioxidant, anticancer and attenuating cardiomegaly. However, anacardic acid naturally presents as a caustic brown viscous liquid with low solubility in water, limiting its use for biomedical purposes. In order to improve the stability, the functional characteristics of anacardic acid, polymeric nanoparticles were developed in order to enable its pharmacological use. Objective: To evaluate the pharmacological potential of zein nanoparticles loaded with anacardic acid in vitro and in vivo. Methodology: The zein nanoparticles containing anacardic acid were properly developed and characterized, and then subjected to antimicrobial potential evaluation by determining the minimum inhibitory and bactericidal concentration and antibiofilm activity against Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. They were then subjected to subacute toxicity and genotoxicity testing at the doses of 2.25 and 112.5 orally administered to mice. Finally, the attenuating potential of phenylephrine-induced cardiomegaly at doses of 22.5 and 112.5 µg / kg was evaluated, and its effect was compared to anacardic acid in solution. Results and discussion: The zein nanoparticles loaded with anacardic acid had a size of 381.6 nm, pdI of 0.215, zeta potential of -15.9 mV, and remained stable over 90 days. Its bacteriostatic (49 ng/ml) and bactericidal (196 ng/ml) action against S. aureus and only bacteriostatic action (> 3.125 ng/ml) against P. aeruginosa at very low concentrations has been demonstrated. They were more efficient in reducing the viability of bacterial biofilms than anacardic acid in solution. No relevant signs of subacute toxicity or nanoparticle-related genotoxicity were observed at the doses tested. Nanoparticles at the lowest dose (22.5 µg/kg) were more efficient in attenuating induced cardiomegaly compared to the highest dose and equivalent anacardic acid in solution. Conclusions: Nanoencapsulation of anacardic acid in zein nanoparticles was successfully performed, improving its biological properties, achieving important pharmacological effects at extremely low doses, which did not show relevant signs of toxicity, which demonstrates its innovative pharmacological potential as an agent. antibacterial or noticeably attenuating cardiomegaly, as there is no specific treatment available.

  • Evaluation of the pharmacological potential of zein nanoparticles loaded with anacardic acid.

  • Data: 13/12/2019
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  • Introduction: nacardic acid is the major compound of cashew nut (Anacardium occidentale L) peel liquid and has been widely studied due to its biological properties, including antimicrobial, antioxidant, anticancer and attenuating cardiomegaly. However, anacardic acid naturally presents as a caustic brown viscous liquid with low solubility in water, limiting its use for biomedical purposes. In order to improve the stability, the functional characteristics of anacardic acid, polymeric nanoparticles were developed in order to enable its pharmacological use. Objective: To evaluate the pharmacological potential of zein nanoparticles loaded with anacardic acid in vitro and in vivo. Methodology: The zein nanoparticles containing anacardic acid were properly developed and characterized, and then subjected to antimicrobial potential evaluation by determining the minimum inhibitory and bactericidal concentration and antibiofilm activity against Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. They were then subjected to subacute toxicity and genotoxicity testing at the doses of 2.25 and 112.5 orally administered to mice. Finally, the attenuating potential of phenylephrine-induced cardiomegaly at doses of 22.5 and 112.5 µg / kg was evaluated, and its effect was compared to anacardic acid in solution. Results and discussion: The zein nanoparticles loaded with anacardic acid had a size of 381.6 nm, pdI of 0.215, zeta potential of -15.9 mV, and remained stable over 90 days. Its bacteriostatic (49 ng/ml) and bactericidal (196 ng/ml) action against S. aureus and only bacteriostatic action (> 3.125 ng/ml) against P. aeruginosa at very low concentrations has been demonstrated. They were more efficient in reducing the viability of bacterial biofilms than anacardic acid in solution. No relevant signs of subacute toxicity or nanoparticle-related genotoxicity were observed at the doses tested. Nanoparticles at the lowest dose (22.5 µg/kg) were more efficient in attenuating induced cardiomegaly compared to the highest dose and equivalent anacardic acid in solution. Conclusions: Nanoencapsulation of anacardic acid in zein nanoparticles was successfully performed, improving its biological properties, achieving important pharmacological effects at extremely low doses, which did not show relevant signs of toxicity, which demonstrates its innovative pharmacological potential as an agent. antibacterial or noticeably attenuating cardiomegaly, as there is no specific treatment available.


  • Orientador : RAFAEL LIMA RESQUE
  • Data: 06/09/2019
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  • Introduction: The biological evolution of bacteria to antibiotics represents a condition that implies a shelf life for these drugs, as they are static molecules and lacking the evolutionary capacity of bacteria. Against this background, bacteriophages (bacteria-infecting viruses) are natural bacterial predators, with therapeutic and biotechnological potential for bacterial control, with the advantage of co-evolving with bacteria. The characterization of these viruses is one of the first steps for their use in therapeutics and biotechnology for the control of pathogenic bacteria Objective: To characterize bacteriophages isolated from sewage and evaluate their lytic activity against pathogenic bacteria. Methodology: Microbiological enrichment and viral isolation assays, host range analysis, viral filtrate storage stability at 4 ° C analysis, transmission electron microscopy assays for viral classification, and EcoRI and HindIII enzyme restriction assay for RFLP molecular differentiation between the isolated. Results and discussion: Two phages from the Siphoviridae family (vB_EcS_LMPC and vB_EcS_IPC) and one from the Myoviridae family (vB_SaM_NLFC) were isolated, all with polivalent host range, stable to the storage as filtrates at 4 ° C  for more than six months. Also being detected five phages belonging to the Myoviridae family obtained with Escherichia coli, and a filtrate obtained with Staphylococcus aureus, it was not possible to detect viral particles by transmission electron microscopy and assure it solation status. the molecular assays with Eco RI and HindIII revealed ds DNA in all the samples, corroborating with the viral taxonomy data obtained;  The analysis and comparison of the results obtained with those in the literature suggest that the phages obtained are jumbo type. Conclusion: The isolates and the filtrates obtained display very large viral particles and have potential applicability to the antibacterial therapy, as well as to bacterial biocontrol for some industrial applications, but further characterization studies and application tests should be conducted.


  • Efeito protetor do extrato hidroetanólico padronizado do açaí (Euterpe oleraceae Mart.) na indução do tumor de Walker 256 em cérvice uterina de ratas Wistar.

  • Orientador : CLARISSA SILVA LIMA
  • Data: 12/08/2019
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  • Cancer is characterized by the uncontrolled growth of cells that might invade several tissues, being one of the most common causes of death in the world. The oxidative damage is considered one of the main promoters of carcinogenesis. Several problems in cancer therapy, such as low effectiveness, toxicity and development of
    resistance to the treatment have been driving the search for new drugs. In this context, the chemopreventive agents stand out, which are phytochemicals with has high antioxidant capacity. Euterpe oleracea Martius (açai palm) is a tropical palm, with fruits widely investigated by the chemical composition, in which the anthocyanins are the most abundant and more biologically active polyphenols. Objective: To investigate the quimiopreventive effect of the Standardized Hydroethanolic Extract of E. oleracea Mart. (SHEEo) in the tumor growth of Walker 256 (W256) in the uterine cervix of female Wistar rats. Methodology: The extract was obtained by using multifactorial planning with the purpose of obtaining a higher concentration of e anthocyanins. Using FTIR, HELC-UV-S- UV and HELC-UV-S-MSn made the chemical characterization. The chemopreventive treatment was carried out in the animals, which were divided into 5 experimental groups: Negative Control Group (0.5mL of distilled water/70 days), Positive Control Group (N- Acetyl Cysteine 300mg/Kg/70 days), Treated Group I (SHEEo 150mg/Kg/70 days), Treated Group II (SHEEo 300mg/Kg/70 days) and Treated Group III (SHEEo 300mg/Kg/82 days). The W256 cells were inoculated in the vaginal canal of the rats and were assessed by cytology and histopathology. Results: The phytochemical analysis revealed thepresence of cyanidin-3-glucoside and cyanidin-3-rutinoside, which are the most abundantly found anthocyanins in E. oleracea. The tumor engraftment index was of 100%, with a lower tumor growth at the concentration of 300mg/Kg of the SHEEo. The cytomorphological criteria of malignancy, cell pleomorphism and hyperchromasia were more evident in the Negative Control Group. The histopathological analysis revealed less tumor cellularity at the concentration of 300mg/Kg. Conclusions: Therefore, the conclusion is that the SHEEo presented chemopreventive capacity at the dosage of 300mg/Kg.

  • Evaluation of the seasonal (rainfall) effect on phenolic composition and antioxidant potential of medicinal plants of the Amazon rainforest

  • Data: 31/07/2019
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  • Introduction:Medicinal plants are often used by the population to treat a variety of conditions, and this improvement is usually associated with secondary metabolites, which may be pharmacologically active. However, it is important to understand that these organisms may vary in their chemical composition to the detriment of environmental factors such as seasonality and precipitation, which consequently positively or negatively influence biological activity. Objective: In this sense, the present work aimed to evaluate the seasonal variation of chemical composition and antioxidant activity of extracts of leaves of Croton cajucara (Sacaca), stem bark of Dalbergia monetaria (Verônica) and Licania macrophylla (Anauerá). add value to these vegetables that are widely used in the Amazon. Methodology: Using methodologies such as quantification of phenolic compounds (phenols and total flavonoids) by spectrophotometry, and to evaluate the antioxidant activity through DPPH (2,2-diphenyl-1-picrilhydroxyl), FRAP and Phosphomolibdenum methods. For this, monthly collections were performed over a period of twelve months, from the same individual of each species studied and the data were represented in graphs and tables and treated by ANOVA methods followed by Tukey and pearson correlation. Results and discussions: C. cajucara presented high rates of phenols and total flavonoids in June with strong correlation (r = 0.89), however, both showed weak and negative correlation with precipitation; Rain correlated moderately only with FRAP and Phosphomolibdenum, but negatively. D. monetaria showed better (higher) results for chemical composition and antioxidant activity than the other species analyzed, with emphasis on the less rainy period which showed the highest concentrations; phenols and flavonoids correlated moderately with each other (r = 0.38) and weak and moderate correlated with precipitation; Rain presented a strong negative correlation with Phosphomolibdenum (r = -0.65). For L. macrophylla, there was no correlation between phenols and flavonoids (r = 0.09) and rainfall moderately correlated only with DPPH (r = 0.36). Conclusions: Seasonal variation occurred during the analyzed season for the three studied species, some more accentuated and others less. Precipitation influenced little more and more negatively.

  • Evaluation of the seasonal (rainfall) effect on phenolic composition and antioxidant potential of medicinal plants of the Amazon rainforest

  • Data: 31/07/2019
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  • Introduction:Medicinal plants are often used by the population to treat a variety of conditions, and this improvement is usually associated with secondary metabolites, which may be pharmacologically active. However, it is important to understand that these organisms may vary in their chemical composition to the detriment of environmental factors such as seasonality and precipitation, which consequently positively or negatively influence biological activity. Objective: In this sense, the present work aimed to evaluate the seasonal variation of chemical composition and antioxidant activity of extracts of leaves of Croton cajucara (Sacaca), stem bark of Dalbergia monetaria (Verônica) and Licania macrophylla (Anauerá). add value to these vegetables that are widely used in the Amazon. Methodology: Using methodologies such as quantification of phenolic compounds (phenols and total flavonoids) by spectrophotometry, and to evaluate the antioxidant activity through DPPH (2,2-diphenyl-1-picrilhydroxyl), FRAP and Phosphomolibdenum methods. For this, monthly collections were performed over a period of twelve months, from the same individual of each species studied and the data were represented in graphs and tables and treated by ANOVA methods followed by Tukey and pearson correlation. Results and discussions: C. cajucara presented high rates of phenols and total flavonoids in June with strong correlation (r = 0.89), however, both showed weak and negative correlation with precipitation; Rain correlated moderately only with FRAP and Phosphomolibdenum, but negatively. D. monetaria showed better (higher) results for chemical composition and antioxidant activity than the other species analyzed, with emphasis on the less rainy period which showed the highest concentrations; phenols and flavonoids correlated moderately with each other (r = 0.38) and weak and moderate correlated with precipitation; Rain presented a strong negative correlation with Phosphomolibdenum (r = -0.65). For L. macrophylla, there was no correlation between phenols and flavonoids (r = 0.09) and rainfall moderately correlated only with DPPH (r = 0.36). Conclusions: Seasonal variation occurred during the analyzed season for the three studied species, some more accentuated and others less. Precipitation influenced little more and more negatively.

  • Evaluation of the seasonal (rainfall) effect on phenolic composition and antioxidant potential of medicinal plants of the Amazon rainforest

  • Data: 31/07/2019
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  • Introduction:Medicinal plants are often used by the population to treat a variety of conditions, and this improvement is usually associated with secondary metabolites, which may be pharmacologically active. However, it is important to understand that these organisms may vary in their chemical composition to the detriment of environmental factors such as seasonality and precipitation, which consequently positively or negatively influence biological activity. Objective: In this sense, the present work aimed to evaluate the seasonal variation of chemical composition and antioxidant activity of extracts of leaves of Croton cajucara (Sacaca), stem bark of Dalbergia monetaria (Verônica) and Licania macrophylla (Anauerá). add value to these vegetables that are widely used in the Amazon. Methodology: Using methodologies such as quantification of phenolic compounds (phenols and total flavonoids) by spectrophotometry, and to evaluate the antioxidant activity through DPPH (2,2-diphenyl-1-picrilhydroxyl), FRAP and Phosphomolibdenum methods. For this, monthly collections were performed over a period of twelve months, from the same individual of each species studied and the data were represented in graphs and tables and treated by ANOVA methods followed by Tukey and pearson correlation. Results and discussions: C. cajucara presented high rates of phenols and total flavonoids in June with strong correlation (r = 0.89), however, both showed weak and negative correlation with precipitation; Rain correlated moderately only with FRAP and Phosphomolibdenum, but negatively. D. monetaria showed better (higher) results for chemical composition and antioxidant activity than the other species analyzed, with emphasis on the less rainy period which showed the highest concentrations; phenols and flavonoids correlated moderately with each other (r = 0.38) and weak and moderate correlated with precipitation; Rain presented a strong negative correlation with Phosphomolibdenum (r = -0.65). For L. macrophylla, there was no correlation between phenols and flavonoids (r = 0.09) and rainfall moderately correlated only with DPPH (r = 0.36). Conclusions: Seasonal variation occurred during the analyzed season for the three studied species, some more accentuated and others less. Precipitation influenced little more and more negatively.

  • Obtenção e caracterização de nanoemulsão contendo óleo essencial de Matricaria chamomilla L.

  • Data: 25/06/2019
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  • Introdução: Matricaria chamomilla L. é uma espécie vegetal utilizada para o tratamento de diversas afecções e como planta alimentícia. Seu óleo essencial possui uma coloração azulada característica devido a presença do sesquiterpeno camazuleno. No entanto, devido a baixa solubilidade em água seu uso em sistemas alimentícios, como matrizes aquosas, é um desafio. Objetivo: Diante disso o objetivo deste trabalho foi obter nanoemulsões do tipo O/A contendo o óleo essencial de camomila. Material e métodos: O OEC foi obtido por hidrodestilação usando aparato do tipo clevenger analisado por cromatografia gasosa acoplada a espectrometria de massas. Foram preparadas nano-emulsões livres de tensoativo, com tensoativos derivados do polissorbato (polissorbato 20, 80 ,81 ou 85) e com pares de tensoativos (polissorbato 20/monooleato de sorbitano ou trioleato de sorbitano e polissorbato 80/monooleato de sorbitano ou trioleato de sorbitano). Todas as formulações obtidas foram caracterizadas quanto ao tamanho de gotícula e índice de polidispersão. Após a escolha da nano-emulsão otimizada, análises adicionais de estabilidade foram realizadas. A atividade antimicrobiana desta nano-emulsão frente às bactérias Staphylococcus aureus e Escherichia coli foi avaliada através do teste de microdiluição e também foi verificada a influência do armazenamento na relação de metabólicos secundários. Resultados e discussão: A composição fitoquímica do óleo essencial apresentou diversos sesquiterpenos, sendo encontrados os óxidos de a- bisabolol A e B, a-bisabolol, camazuleno e farneseno. As nano-emulsões livres de tensoativos apresentaram inicialmente um diâmetro médio de 185,3 a 238,8 nm (dia 0) e, após 1 dia, de 227,7 a 268,8 nm. Em relação as nano-emulsões preparadas com pares de tensoativos, foram obtidos alguns sistemas com boa distribuição de gotícula e baixa variação, especialmente em pares que utilizaram polisorbato 20. No entanto, considerando todos os parâmetros avaliados, o sistema que apresentou os melhores resultados foi a nano-emulsão obtida com polissorbato 20 (relação tensoativo-óleo = 1), além da vantagem de utilizar apenas um tensoativo não iônico. Portanto, foi escolhida como a nano-emulsão otimizada, apresentando satisfatória estabilidade térmica. Foi observado que a nano- emulsificação induziu maior proteção aos óxidos de bisabolol, quando comparados ao camazuleno. Em relação ao teste antibacteriano, se verificou que a nano-emulsao otimizada apresentou uma melhor bioatividade, quando comparada ao óleo essencial ruto. Conculsão: Dessa forma, o presente trabalho demostrou a possibilidade de obtenção de nano-emulsões a base do óleo essencial de camomila por diferentes métodos e composições, sugerindo possíveis mecanismos envolvidos e diversas vantagens e potencialidades desses novos sistemas coloidais a base de uma importante matéria-prima vegetal.


  • Data: 16/05/2019
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  • INTRODUCTION: The search for biological methods to obtain metallic nanoparticles is highlighted due to the diverse biotechnological applications, these procedures appear as alternative to traditional, physical and chemical methods. OBJECTIVE: Biosynthesis of silver metallic nanoparticles (AgNP) and copper (CuNP) by endophytic fungi isolated from Bertholletia excelsa (Brazil nut) almonds from Amazonia. METHODOLOGY: An initial screening with six endophytic fungi was carried out: Aspergillus sp. (Biorg 5), Trichoderma sp. (Biorg 7), Phaeoacremonium sp. (Biorg 15), Rhizopus sp. (Biorg 16), Aspergillus sp. (Biorg 22) and Clamidosporium sp. (Biorg 36), an experimental design was used to obtain the best AgNps biosynthesis conditions for the fungus that produced Nps in smaller size. For the CuNPs, different co-substrates were used: NpBP, NpEtOH, NpGly and NpAsc, followed by infrared characterization with fourier transform, besides evaluating the effects of copper on the growth and morphology of Phaeoacremonium sp. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: after screening with endophytic fungi, Phaeoacremonium sp. (Biorg 15) produced AgNPs up to 44.06 nm in size. The characterization of AgNPs by FTIR suggests interactions between the phosphate cofactor and mycelial components of the fungus Phaeoacremonium sp. with AgNPs. The silver NPs showed antibacterial activity against the strains Staphylococcus aureus (ATCC33591), Staphylococcus epidermidis (ATCC12228), Proteus mirabilis (ATCC 15290) and Klebsiella pneumoniae (ATCC 4352) and the ecotoxicity tests on microalgae Chlorella vulgaris showed high toxicity in concentrations (10 mmol and 0.001 mmol). Regarding the CuNPs, the results showed that the co-adjuvant phosphate produced CuNPs of 66.84 dm with -34 mV zeta potential. The FTIR analysis corroborates the formation of CuNPs. In the case of growth analysis of halo in solid medium in the presence of the metal, there was slight deformation in the growth of Phaeoacremonium sp. While in the absence of the metal, no morphological effect was observed.CONCLUSIONS: The endophytic fungi isolated from Bertholletia excelsa were able to produce AgNPs at CuNPs in sizes ranging from 50-300 nm as a viable alternative, low cost, no addition of toxic agents and mild conditions, and demonstrate potential biocides against bacteria and toxicity in microalgae C. vulgaris. While to obtain the CuNPs the reducing agents played the role of cappers and protectors.

  • “Avaliação larvicida frente o Aedes (Stegomyia) aegypti (L.) de Origanum majorana (L.) e Origanum vulgare (L.)”.

  • Data: 26/04/2019
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  • Estudo fitoquímico e avaliação da atividade antioxidante, de citotoxicidade, inseticida e repelente de óleos essenciais e extratos brutos etanólicos das espécies Origanum majorana (L.) e Mentha arvensis (L.)

  • Avaliação da efetividade de nanopartículas poliméricas carregadas com ácido anacárdico em um modelo de biofilme ortodôntico de Streptococcus mutans in vitro.

  • Data: 28/03/2019
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  • Data: 15/03/2019
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  • Introduction: Pogostemon cablin (Blanco) Benth, popularly known as Oriza and Patchouli is a plant of the family Lamiaceae, which has several biological activities including antimicrobial, antioxidant, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antithrombotic, antidepressant, cytotoxic and recognized entomotoxic potential that serve as alternative strategy for the chemical control of Aedes aegypti. Objective: To carry out the chemical study and evaluation of the antioxidant, cytotoxic, antimicrobial and larvicidal activity of the essential oil and crude ethanolic extract of P. cablin. Methodology: The identification of metabolites was performed by phytochemical tests, quantification of total phenolics for extracts, and GC-MS for essential oil. The larvicidal activity was performed against the larvae of A. aegypti. The antioxidant activity was evaluated by the sequestering ability of 2,2-diphenyl-1-picryl-hydrazyl (DPPH). As for the microbiological evaluation, the technique of dilution in microplates against three bacteria was used. The cytotoxic activity was evaluated against larvae of Artemia salina. Results and discussion: The species P. cablin presented the following major compounds in the essential oil: patchouli alcohol (33.25%), Seyshellene (6.12%), α-bulnesene (4.11%), Pogostol 33%) and Norpatchouleno (5.72%), in the extract the classes of compounds: steroids and triterpenoids, depsides and depsidones, which in synergy with the other substances potentiated the significant larvicidal action of the species with LC50 of 28.43 μg.mL-1 for oil, and LC50 of 63.91 μg.mL-1 for the extract, in 24 h. There was no antioxidant activity, however, the essential oil presented antimicrobial activity against all bacteria tested with MIC and CBM of 62.5 μg.mL-1 and the extract showed inhibition of bacterial growth against E. coli with MIC of 31.25 μg.mL -1 . The essential oil showed a significant LC50 toxicity of 24.25 μg.mL-1 and the moderate extract LC50 toxicity of 257.93 μg.mL-1. Conclusions: The P. cablin species showed a significant larvicidal potential with antimicrobial action, absence of antioxidant action and high toxicity.

  • Introduction: Tridax procumbens L., belongs to the Asteraceae and is commonly known as bull weed. Parts of the plant are used in folk medicine. Objective: To evaluate the antioxidant, cytotoxic and larvicidal potential of essential oil (EO) and crude ethanol extracts (EBE) from the leaves of T. procumbens, as well as to identify the main classes of secondary metabolites. Methodology: The antioxidant activity was evaluated by the sequestration method of the 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl radical; Cytotoxic activity was assessed using A. salina; The microbiological activity of the extracts were performed by the microdilution method with bacteria Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus. The larvicidal bioassay was performed with larvae of the A. aegypti mosquito and the identification of the metabolites was performed by phytochemical tests, quantification of total phenolics for the extracts, and GC-MS for the oil. Results and discussion: Phytochemical analysis of the extracts showed the presence of depsidones and depsidones, flavanoids, phenols and tannins and alkaloids, proteins and amino acids, saponins. The phytochemical analysis of OE showed the presence of 20 compounds, being the main ones: thymol and γ-Terpinene. The microbiological results for the EBA were positive, and it was possible to identify the MIC and CBM, at the concentrations tested, for the three bacteria used. For the cytotoxic activity against A. salina presented low activity. EBA showed good larvicidal activity when compared to literature and EBE. OE presented antioxidant activity with IC50 of 194.51 μg.mL-1, demonstrating activity in the highest concentrations tested. It presented low cytotoxic activity against A. salina, with LC50 of 1238.67 μg.mL-1, demonstrating the toxicity of the oil tested. OE presented good larvicidal activity when compared to the literature, with LC50 = 79.0 μg.mL-1 in 24 hours and LC50 = 69.15 μg.mL-1 in 48 hours. Conclusion: It was possible to identify that both the EBA and EO of the leaves of T. procumbens present potential for the development of natural insecticides.

  • Data: 15/03/2019
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  • Erva de touro; Asteraceae; Biological assay.


  • Data: 14/03/2019
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  • Introduction: The therapeutic monitoring of Losartan and its metabolite by bioanalytical methods in chronic renal patients aims to promote the posologic individualization and optimization of pharmacological treatments, as well as to prevent invasive therapies and to guarantee patient safety. Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the pharmacotherapeutic profile of ambulatory kidney patients at a public hospital in amapá, in addition to developing and validating a method by Liquid Chromatography of Ultra Efficiency coupled to sequential Mass Spectroscopy (UHPLC-MS/MS) for quantification of Losartan and its active metabolite for plasmatic monitoring in kidney chronic patients. Methodology: At the first moment, we obtained data on comorbidities and medications used by the patients, resulting in hypertension as main comorbidity and Losartan as the most frequently used medication, being the same and its active metabolite (Losartan Acid) selected for the development of method able to monitor their concentrations in human plasma. Blood was collected from five chronic renal patients who were taking Losartan. The developed method was validated analytically and bioanalytically for the plasma matrix. Results and discussion: The method presented linearity, precision, accuracy, sensitivity, robustness, extraction efficiency and selectivity for the concentration ranges from 0.005 - 1 μg/mL for Losartan and 0.001 - 6 μg/mL for Losartan. In the application of the method in the patient samples, it was observed that two patients presented subtherapeutic levels of Losartan and the metabolite after administration of maintenance dose, demonstrating the need to monitor this antihypertensive administered to renal patients for control of blood pressure, and ensure efficacy and safety in pharmacological treatment. Conclusion: Therefore, efficient and sensitive method was presented, enabling the implementation of clinical protocols for the
    monitoring of Losartan

  • Biodegradation of chloramphenicol by endophytic fungi isolated from Bertholletia excels (Brazil nuts)

  • Data: 28/01/2019
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  • Introduction: Antibiotics are a group of micropollutants at great risk to ecosystems and contribute to the development of resistance in bacterial strains when discarded incorrectly or by indiscriminate use Chloramphenicol, the compound addressed in this study, resists conventional degradation procedures in the treatment of residual water. Thus, the biodegradation process employing specific and efficient microrganisms, including filamentous fungi, is an ecologically viable and low cost option that has already been used successfully for the biodegradation of other chemical agents. Objective: The objective of this study was to evaluate the biodegradability of the decoranphenicol molecule by five endophytic fungi isolated from Bertholletia excelsa collected in the Brazilian Amazon. Methodology: For this, the strains of BIORG 4, BIORG 5, BIORG 6, BIORG 7 and BIORG 9 were screened in solid / liquid medium and the experimental design was performed to optimize the culture conditions by varying the pH of the medium, the chloramphenicol concentration and the reaction time. Analysis by High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC-UV) was performed to quantify the biodegradation content and Gas Chromatography coupled to Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS) was used for the detection and identification of metabolites. In addition, an environmental toxicological assessment was performed using the Chlorella vulgaris algae. Results and Discussion: Results of fungal cultures on solid medium showed that chloramphenicol significantly affected the growth of fungal strains. In addition, the initial scarification of biodegradation at 3, 6 and 9 days showed that all strains succeeded in increasing the degradation of this antibiotic; Trichoderma sp. (5, 7 and 9), period (24, 48 and 72 hours), which was submitted to an experimental design (Box-behnken) ) and chloramphenicol concentration (50, 100 and 150 mg.L-1), reaching a biodegradation percentage of about 30%. The metabolite 4-nitrobenzaldehyde was identified and showed toxicity to these microorganisms, a metabolite that may be related to the diseases caused in different organisms. Conclusions: Endophytic fungi have been able to accelerate the biodegradation of chloramphenicol and can be better studied in waste treatment facilities. In addition, it was the first biodegradation study with isolated fungi of the Amazon.

  • Study of essential oil and nanoemulsion based on Rosmarinus officinalis L. on dyslipidemia in Wistar rats.

  • Data: 14/12/2018
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  • Introduction: Dyslipidemias are metabolic alterations of lipids which induce increased serum lipoproteins, cholesterol, and triglycerides, being a risk factor for the development of atherosclerosis.Objective: This study aimed to assess the effect of Rosmarinus officinalis’ essential oil (ORO), and its nanoemulsion (NEORO) on dyslipidemia induced by Triton and Cocos nucifera saturated fat (GSC) in Wistar rats. Methodology: To induce dyslipidemia was performed treatment either with 2 mL of GSC or Triton at 150 mg/kg. In both models, animals were treated with ORO (100 mg/kg) and NEORO (500 μg/kg). Then, blood samples were collected for biochemical analysis; after animals were euthanized, their organs and abdominal fat were removed for analysis, and the aorta was assessed through MEV for atheromatous processes. Statistical analysis was performed using the software GraphPad Prism (7.0), values were represented as a mean and standard deviation. Results and Discussion: In the phytochemical evaluation of ORO, the major compounds detected by gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry (GC-MS) shows the presence of α-pinene (8.13%), limonene (21.99%), 1,8-cineole (33.70%), and camphor (27.68%). Triton-induced dyslipidemia led to a significant increase of total cholesterol, LDL, and triglycerides. Groups treated with ORO and NEORO had a significant decrease in total cholesterol, LDL, and triglycerides, just as the group treated with simvastatin (SIN). GSC-induced dyslipidemia resulted in an increased amount of abdominal fat, hypercholesterolemia, hyperglyceridemia, increased levels of LDL, and atheromatous process formation in the aorta. All treated groups (ORO+GSC, NEORO+GSC, SIN+GSC) had a significant decrease of hypercholesterolemia, hyperglyceridemia, abdominal fat, and inhibition of atheromatous process formation in the vascular endothelium.Conclusion: The results reported in this study evidence that treatment either with ORO or NEORO exerts anti-dyslipidemic and anti-atherogenic effects in the tested models.

  • Soroprevalência do vírus da Hepatite B (HVB) no município de Macapá, Amapá, Brasil.

  • Data: 16/07/2018
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  • Introdução: As hepatites virais são doenças desencadeadas por vírus com tropismo pelos hepatócitos, com apresentação de sinais e sintomas semelhantes, porém com diferenças relacionadas aos possíveis meios de contaminação e grau de infecção. Atualmente é considerado um grave problema de saúde pública devido à morbidade associada, com evolução para carcinoma hepatocelular, ocupado a nona causa de morte no cenário mundial. Objetivo: Determinar a prevalência e estabelecer o perfil epidemiológico da hepatite B viral no município de Macapá, Amapá. Metodologia: Trata-se de um estudo quali-quantitativo. Todos os participantes deste estudo responderam um questionário padronizado, contendo questões referentes à identificação pessoal, composição familiar e hábitos e práticas que podem estar relacionados ao risco de infecção pelos vírus da hepatite B e foram submetidos a teste rápido para HBV e determinação de anticorpos contra o antígeno de superfície do vírus da hepatite B. Resultados e discussões: Identificaram-se os principais fatores de risco que a população em estudo está exposta, evidenciado como provável meio de contaminação o convívio familiar (compartilhamento de objetos pessoais) e o contado sexual desprotegido. Nos testes rápidos nenhuma amostra foi reagente para a presença do vírus. No ensaio para determinação de anticorpos 65,17% das amostras foram positivo para a presença de anticorpos, desde 12,36% apresentaram concentração inferior a 20 mUI/mL, confirmando, de acordo com a prática clínica a presença do anticorpo, porém não necessariamente imunidade. Conclusões: Esses resultados servem de base para auxiliar na elaboração de campanhas ou estratégias mais adequadas de prevenção e controle dessas infecções para cada regional de saúde e nas estratégias básicas de planejamento do programa estadual de DST/AIDS e HEPATITES VIRAIS.

  • Genotyping of A1298C polymorphism of the MTHFR gene in HEMOAP patients diagnosed with iron deficiency anemia.

  • Data: 11/07/2018
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  • Introduction: Anemia, characterized by low concentration of hemoglobin levels, is caused by several factors. Iron deficiency anemia is the most common and especially affects children and adolescents, women of childbearing age and pregnant women due to the high iron requirements. MTHFR helps maintain the pool of folate and methionine, avoiding the accumulation of homocysteine. Patients with elevated levels of homocysteine have a wide range of clinical features. Cysteine is a protein derived from the metabolism of homocysteine and is related to the regulation of iron in the body. Objective: To identify the A1298C polymorphism of the MTHFR gene in patients with iron deficiency anemia, compared with socioeconomic data. Methods: We analyzed the genetic polymorphism of the blood samples from the blood donors who were part of the control group and the patients with HEMOAP iron deficiency anemia through PCR and electrophoresis techniques. We also applied a socioeconomic questionnaire. The same questionnaire was applied to the control group and to the patients who agreed to participate in the study through the signing of the Informed Consent Term. Samples and hematological data of the patients were obtained by authorization of HEMOAP with the signature of the Term of Consent. Results and Discussion: In a total of 42 patients, 21 (50%) had the AC genotype, 5 (12%) CC genotype and 16 (38%) normal AA genotype. Regarding the socioeconomic data, the majority of the patients presented low family income and with education level up to high school completed. Conclusion: Through the results of the molecular analyzes and the comparison with the questionnaire data presented in the tables, it can be concluded that the A1298C polymorphism of the MTHFR gene and the social and economic characteristics may contribute to the development of iron deficiency anemia.

  • Anti-Biofilm activity of anacardic acid loaded polymeric nanoparticles in bovine enamel and its demineralization effect.

  • Data: 21/05/2018
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  • Introduction: Caries represents a public health problem, which despite the prophylactic methods, is still very prevalent. It can be triggered by several factors, but its formation is dependente on the bacterial biofilm. Objective: To evaluate the anticaries prophilatic activity and the demineralization associated with anacardic acid loaded zein nanoparticles in bovine enamel slabs. Methodology: Standard cavities were made in 36 slabs, restored with conventional glass ionomer cement subjected to different treatments, while 12 sound slabs, without cavities were used as controls, 6 cleansed with the test nanoparticles and 6 with sterile saline solution. The slabs were submitted to Streptococcus mutans biofilm formation assay in BHI sterile broth supplemented with 10% glucose, cultured in microanaerobiosis. The antimicrobial effect was assessed by counting the CFU per mg of biofilm dried weight. The microhardness loss (ΔS) was measured at distances of 50 μm and 150 μm at different depths. The results were submitted to analysis of variance (ANOVA) with Tukey post-test, assuming a confidence level of 5%. Results and discussion: Although the CHX and AaNp-L-GIC groups were prominently superior to their pairs, no significant difference was found in the biofilm inhibition within the groups. However, the groups treated with anacardic acid nanoparticles presented a notorious reduction in the mean growth in comparasion to the other groups, demonstrating its antimicrobial effect. Regarding the loss of hardness, BNp-C-GIC group differed statistically from some groups, presenting the highest demineralization, what could be related to the nutrients removal from the biofilm. Conclusions: Our findings indicate that the use of polymeric anacardic acid nanoparticles, incorporated into the GIC or as cleanser, could be a prophylactic option against the S. mutans biofilm in both restored and unrestored enamel and as such could be tested as a potential anticaries agent.

  • Atividade antimicrobiana e larvicida de cinco importantes plantas da Amazônia.

  • Data: 09/05/2018
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  • Avaliação da atividade antineoplásica de chalconas sintéticas utilizando modelos de glioblastoma in vitro e docking molecular para Topoisomerase-II-a e Tubulina.

  • Data: 23/04/2018
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  • Avaliação do potencial da atividade citotóxica do óleo e nanoemulsão de Copaifera reticulata em linhagens celulares de glioma.

  • Orientador : DEYSE DE SOUZA DANTAS
  • Data: 23/04/2018
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  • Introduction: The mineral exploration in the Amazon, has determined impacts for the environment and for the populations exposed to different agents in the production process. The extraction and beneficiation of ore developed in the state of Amapá left the environmental damages and problems that influence the health of the population, such as contamination by metals. Studies have shown that some forms of metals are toxic, causing neurological and genetic problems. The present study considers the toxicological evaluation fundamental in the identification of possible damages to the health. Objectives: the objective of this study is to investigate toxic effects through laboratory analysis in a population group of the Elesbão county in the municipality of Santana / AP exposed to residues of minerals and metals. Methodology: In this way, the amount of metals in the waters of the Elesbão region was evaluated by spectrophotometer and hematological and biochemical tests were performed for laboratory evaluation. The paired t-test was applied for statistical evaluation with a significance of 5% (p <0.05). Results and discussion: It was concluded that iron and manganese are present in high concentrations in the waters of the region. Haematological and biochemical exams presented statistically significant alterations. Microscopic analysis of the cells detected significant differences in their morphology. Conclusions: This study demonstrated that it is important to investigate sources of metal exposure and to take preventive measures to eliminate or minimize the risks of adverse effects related to excessive exposure to multiple metals.

  • Data: 16/04/2018
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  • Amazon; Laboratory; Metals; Toxic.

  • Estudo da molhabilidade e flexibilidade de filmes de quitosana com glicerol para aplicações biomédicas.

  • Data: 20/03/2018
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  • -Introdução: O uso do filme de quitosana em aplicações biomédicas tem um grande potencial terapêutico, devido as suas boas propriedades que incluem biodegradabilidade e atividade antimicrobiana. Objetivo: Assim, o objetivo foi de avaliar os efeitos do glicerol, incorporado ao biomaterial, sobre a molhabilidade e a flexibilidade do filme de quitosana. Metodologia: Foram preparados por casting, filmes sem glicerol e filmes contendo 3,125%, 6,25% e 25% (p/p) de glicerol. Em seguida, foram realizadas medidas de espessura; medidas de ângulo de contato; medidas de propriedades mecânicas; caracterização morfológica por Microscopia Eletrônica de Varredura (MEV) e Microscopia de Força Atômica (AFM); análises de Espectroscopia no Infravermelho e Difratometria de Raio X, além de testes de sorção e solubilidade em água. Todos os resultados comparados através de análise de variância (ANOVA), seguido por Teste de Tukey (p<0,05). Resultados e discussões: Apenas a espessura do filme contendo 25% de glicerol apresentou diferença significativa em relação à amostra padrão. Todas as amostras apresentaram grande capacidade de sorção e baixa solubilidade em água. As medidas de ângulo de contato indicaram que a molhabilidade do filme aumentou com o aumento da concentração de glicerol. Os resultados da Nanoindentação indicaram que a flexibilidade do filme melhorou com a adição de plastificante. As imagens de MEV revelaram uma estrutura interna fibrosa em forma de placas, enquanto que as topografias por AFM denunciaram a superfície nanoporosa e irregular dos filmes de quitosana, sendo que a rugosidade diminuiu com o aumento da concentração de glicerol. Os espectros e os difratogramas dos filmes obtidos mostraram que a adição de glicerol não modificou significativamente a estrutura química do filme de quitosana. Conclusões: O filme de quitosana com 25% de glicerol foi o que apresentou melhores características para uma possível aplicação na área biomédica, sendo o mais molhável e flexível entre todas as amostras.

  • Medicinal Chemistry Techniques for identification of new inhibitors of Protein Kinase Receptor type 2 with potential anti-inflammatory activity

  • Data: 09/03/2018
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  • Introduction: The Protein Kinase Receptor type 2 (RIPK2) plays an important role in the pathogenesis of inflammatory diseases, whcich signals downstream of the NOD1 and NOD2 intracellular sensors to promote a productive inflammatory response. However, excessive signaling of NOD2 has been associated with various diseases including sarcoidosis disease and inflammatory arthritis, so that the pharmacological inhibition of RIPK2 is an affinity strategy that demonstrates an increased expression of pro-inflammatory secretion activity. Objectives: The objective of this study was to plan new inhibitors with potential anti-inflammatory activity in rheumatoid arthritis. Methodology: In this work, a pharmacophoric model based on the crystallographic pose of Ponatinib, a potent RIPK2 inihbitor, and 30 other ones selected from the BindingDB repository database, was built. Selection of the compounds was carried out from the available ZINC compounds database, followed by in silico predictions of pharmacokinetic, toxicity and potential biological activity of the selected compounds. Then, molecular docking was performed in order to identify the probable interactions as well as binding affinity with RIPK2. Compounds here selected were analyzed to ponatinib and WEHI-345, also used as a control. Results and discussion: After calculations, at least one of the compounds here proposed shows suitable pharmacokinetic, low toxicity and interesting binding affinity and high fitness when compared to the crustallographic pose of WEHI-345 in complex with RIPK2. Conclusions: Such compound also has suitable synthetic accessibility, resulting it as a potential and very promising RIPK2 inhibitor to be further investigated with interest in different diseases, in special the inflammatory ones.


  • Data: 09/03/2018
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  • Introduction: The synthesis of fatty amides is an important branch of organic chemistry that aims to develop new substances with bioactive characteristics and pharmacological applications such as antifungal, fungicide, anti-inflammatory cosmetics, among others Objectives: The objective of this work was the chemical synthesis of an amide compound derived from the esterified fatty acids present in the patauá oil and to analyze its effectiveness in combating strains of bacteria Staphylococcus aureus (ATCC 33591). Methodology: The fatty amides were synthesized using 3 ml of patauh oil and 1 mL of solvent-free isopropylamine, varying the types of catalysts between CAL-B, TiO2, SiO2 and Al2O3 - 10 mg in individual reactions, for 24 hours at room temperature (27 ± 2 °C). The compounds were characterized by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) of Carbon 13 - 13C, Mass Spectrometry (GC - MS) and Infrared (IV) with Fourier Transform. The antimicrobial tests were carried out in vitro against the Staphylococcus aureus strain (ATCC 33591), being tested in natura form, OP (patauá oil), EE (ethyl esters of patauá oil), and AG (amide grease) , with positive control of vancomycin. Results and discussion: Among the conditions studied, the results of direct and solvent-free amidation presented higher yield when 5% of Al2O3 was used as catalyst, with a conversion of 94% at 24 h of reaction when compared to CAL-B lipase that yielded 82% conversion after 24 h. After the spectroscopic characterization, AG antimicrobial tests against Staphylococcus aureus (ATCC 33591), showing a MIC activity of 1.9612 mg / mL while the ES with MIC of 3.4125 mg / mL. Conclusions: The solvent-free amidation process proved to be advantageous in relation to the described literature, where the products obtained showed relative activity against the selected microorganisms, thus being considered a viable and innovative synthesis.


  • Data: 07/03/2018
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  • Introduction: Alzheimer's disease (AD) is characterized by appearance of senile plaques and neurofibillary tangles. Acetylcholinesterase inhibitors (AChEI) and memantine are used as treatment, however, other therapeutic alternatives for AD treatment has been searched, such as Glycogen Synthase Kinase-3β inhibitors (GSK-3βI). Although, one-target drugs can not always modify complex systems, which has several pathological mechanisms. Objectives: Therefore, the aim of this research was to design new AChEI-GSK-3βI multi-target drug candidates for AD treatment. Methodology: Initially, 13 compunds with proven anti-Alzheimer activity were selected. Molecular docking was performed using the GOLD program. Subsequently, pharmacophoric modeling was derived from the PharmaGist webserver. Pharmacokinetic properties were computed using QikProp module of Schrödinger and toxicity profile was evaluated using the DEREK program. Finally, molecular hybridization was performed between the structural subunits of AChEI and GSK-3βI. Results and discussion: In docking study, hydrogen and hydrophobic interactions between AChE and GSK-3β enzymes and selected compounds were observed. In derivation of pharmacophore group, 8 molecules with 3 pharmacophoric points were aligned: one aromatic rings and two hydrogen bond acceptors. Inhibitors demonstrated good pharmacokinetic and toxicological prediction results. After, Physostigmine and Luteolin were chosen as prototypes for design of new AChEI and GSK-3βI drugs candidates. 9 proposals, 5 AChEIs and 4 hybrids AChEI-GSKI-3β were designed. In prediction of biological activity, 9 proposals exhibited anti-Alzheimer activity. In addition, results showed that proposals 1, 2 and 5 obtained the best results in pharmacokinetic and toxicological predictions, still hybrids 6, 7, 8 and 9 presented higher affinity for both AChE and GSK-3β enzymes. Conclusions: Therefore, proposals 1 and 2 and Hybrids 6 and 8 were chosen as potent AChEI and AChEI-GSK-3βI drugs candidates.

  • Study of the physical properties and evaluation of the larvicidal activity of Rutin-Zn(II) metal complexes

  • Data: 07/03/2018
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  • The Aedes aegypti mosquito has been a public health problem worldwide as one of the main transmitters of dengue, zika, chikungunya and yellow fever. The control of A. aegypti is realized mainly by the application of synthetic chemical pesticides, some with high toxicity, which has been caused adverse impacts on human health and damages on biodiversity. Therefore, natural products and their derivatives are being used in the control of A. aegypti larvae, thus, flavonoids arise as an alternative potential in the development of products for vector control. Objectives: In this sense, the objective of this work was to analyze the physical properties of complexes derived from rutin and to carry out the development of larvicidal activity against larvae of the Aedes aegypti mosquitoes. Methodology: Initially, the rutin-Zn (II) complex was synthesized mixing dropwise a methanolic solution of Zn(CH3OO)2.2H2O (0.4 mol.L-1) with a methanolic solution of rutin (0.1 mol L-1). The mixture was stirred at 300 rpm for 24h at a temperature of 37-40 °C and subsequently the complex was vacuum filtered. Then its physics properties were determined by FT-IR, UV-Vis, DRX and DLS spectroscopies. The larvicidal activity was evaluated against Aedes aegypti mosquito larvae by exposure to different concentrations of formulations containing the metal complexes compared to the free rutin in 24h and 48h. Results and discussion: FT-IR UV-Vis and DRX analyzes indicated the formation of a Rutin- Zn complex with possible binding sites in the system between the ring C carbonyl and the 5-OH group and the dihydroxyl groups 3'-OH and / or 4'-OH evidenced by chemical shifts observed in these measurements. The DLS study showed that the complexes presented higher average particle size and higher polydispersion index (Pdi) than the ligand, expected values due to formation of the complexes, these measurements indicated good homogeneity in the distribuition of the particle size of the Zn-rutin complexes. The data from the biological assay suggest that the complexes obtained an increase in larvicidal activity against Aedes aegypti larvae, presenting better LC50 and LC90 values for 24h and 48h compared to rutin. Conclusions: From the results obtained, it was possible to conclude that this work was promising for the study of new larvicidal agents based on flavonoid-metal, providing good perspectives for the control of larvae with an ecofriendly approach to the environment.
    Keywords: Flavonoid. Metal complex. Rutin-Zn (II). Larvicidal activity.


  • Data: 06/03/2018
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  • Nanosuspension of quercetin: obtainment, characterization and larvicidal action against Aedes aegypti (Linnaeus, 1762) (Diptera: Culicidae).

  • Data: 06/03/2018
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  • Introduction: Viral diseases transmitted by vectors such as Aedes aegypti (Diptera Culicidae), constitute an important public health problem in Brazil. The use of synthetic chemical insecticides in vector control demonstrates environmental toxicity and causes resistance to mosquitoes. It is observed the need to develop insecticides of natural origin in order to avoid the use of these substances and reduce environmental toxicity. Quercetin is flavonol widely found in foods and has many biological activities. Its actions against certain pests, can be considered an alternative for the control of A. aegypti. However, its low aqueous solubility makes it difficult to produce a water-dispersible product, where the larvae of the mosquito develop. Objective: This work aim to produce quercetin nanosuspension (NS-QUE) and evaluateits the toxicity in A. aegypti larvae compared to its bulk form (QUE). Thus it also evaluate its environmental impact on algae of the species Chlorella vulgaris. Methodology: NS-QUE was prepared by solvent displacement method followed by evaporation. The physico-chemical characteristics were monitored for 30 days. The efficacy of NS-QUE and bulk QUE was performed against A. aegypti larvae for 240 h with concentrations of 100 ppm, 175 ppm, 250 ppm, 375 ppm and 500 ppm and the larval morphology was performed by scanning electron microscopy. Results: NS-QUE were successfully obtained by a low energy method cost technique. NS-QUE and bulk QUE demonstrated toxic effect against the larvae, especially the nanosuspensions. A superior larvicidal activity of NS-QUE was observed when compared to its bulk form, especially in high concentrations. No environmental toxicity was observed for concentrations tested with NS-QUE. Conclusion: These data may contribute to the future use of NS-QUE as a promising candidate for the control of vectors such as A. aegypti, since they present a selective toxic activity in the larvae.


  • Data: 05/03/2018
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  • Currently, the search for innovative and renewable substituents, mainly derived from plants, that present significant biological activities, are gaining more space in the scientific community, as these are obtained from renewable and environmentally profitable sources. The species Acmella oleracea popularly known as jambu, is a species rich in isobutylamides, where the main molecule of this species is the alkaloid N-isobutylamide. The objective of this work was to evaluate larvicidal activity of the crude hydroethanolic extract of the leaves of Acmella oleracea against larvae of Aedes aegypti and Culex quinquefasciatus. The extract was prepared using 70% alcohol, this was rotoevaporated and lyophilized. This was then dissolved in dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) in different concentrations, (2.5, 5, 7.5, 10 and 15 ppm) for Ae. aegypti, (5, 10, 20, 30 and 40 ppm) to Cx. quinquefasciatus. The test was performed in quintupleta using Becker of 100 mL with 10 larvae in each. For the test, distilled water and DMSO (1%) were used as controls. The mortality rate was determined after 24 hours, where larvae that did not respond to stimulation were considered dead. In the bioassay the mortality in 24 hours for Ae. aegypti at 15 ppm was 58% and at 2.5 ppm it was 18%, with the LC50 values 11.41ppm and LC90 being 23.23 ppm. The larvicidal action for Cx. Quinquefasciatus showed 54% mortality at 40 ppm and 13% at 5 ppm, showing values of LC50 32.40 ppm and LC90 68.24 ppm. In this way, the extract showed high mortality, even in low concentrations, and this may be associated with the presence of the alkylamide spilanthol, which was identified by gas chromatography and mass spectroscopy. In this way this study contributes with information about material of vegetal origin that can be used in the integrative practices in the control of vectors of diseases.


  • Data: 02/03/2018
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  • O uso de plantas medicinais é comum como alternativa no tratamento de algumas doenças que acometem a população. Tem-se como exemplo, a espécie Spondias mombin que é utilizada popularmente para o tratamento de várias doenças, dentre elas, transtornos neuropsiquiátricos. Apesar do uso dessa planta ser frequente, são escassas as pesquisas que avaliem a segurança de sua utilização como medicamento, assim como a toxicidade da mesma. Objetivo: Dessa forma, o objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os efeitos tóxicos agudos, a atividade ansiolítica e antidepressiva do extrato hidroetanólico das folhas de Spondias mombin (EHEFSm) em Danio rerio (zebrafish). Metodologia: A toxicidade foi avaliada determinando-se a concentração letal (CL50) e a dose letal (DL50). A atividade ansiolítica foi avaliada no teste de preferência claro/escuro e, a atividade antidepressiva pelo teste de mergulho em tanque novo. Resultados e discussões: Na avaliação da atividade ansiolítica, os resultados dos parâmetros observados mostraram que o extrato apresentou atividade similar a do controle positivo (buspirona) nas duas vias de administração (imersão e oral) na concentracão de 25 mg/l e com a dose 25 mg/kg. Na avaliação da atividade antidepressiva, os resultados obtidos pela avaliação dos parâmetros apontaram que o extrato demonstrou atividade semelhante ao grupo controle positivo (fluoxetina) nas duas vias de administração utilizadas no teste. A exposição por imersão com as diferentes concentrações do extrato (25, 50 e 75 mg/l) permitiu a determinação de CL50 que foi de 49.86 mg/l. O tratamento por via oral com as diferentes doses (1, 3, 5, 7 e 9 g/kg) possibilitou a determinação da DL50 que foi de 4,515 g/kg em 48h. Os resultados evidenciaram que as doses utilizadas nos testes de ansiedade e depressão não foram tóxicas, não apresentando alterações histopatológicas. Conclusão: A partir desses resultados é possível sugerir que o uso das folhas de Spondias mombin na medicina popular para o tratamento de transtornos neuropsiquiátricos foi evidenciado neste estudo.

  • Development and characterization of chitosan and zein films containing ellagic acid for biomedical applications.

  • Data: 07/02/2018
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  • Introduction: Chitosan (CHI) is a biocompatible, biodegradable, biofunctional natural polymer with antimicrobial and antioxidant effects. Zein is a protein that has the ability to carry different molecules of therapeutic interest. Ellagic acid (EA) is a polyphenol that has some activities of pharmaceutical interest, such as antimicrobial and antioxidant action. In view of these, it was aimed to evaluate its functionality for biomedical applications. Objective: To evaluate the biopharmaceutical potential of ellagic acid, chitosan and zein in the films composition for biomedical applications. Methodology: The antimicrobial activity was determined by the microdilution method through the determination of the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) and minimum bactericidal concentration (MBC). The antioxidant activity was studied using the DPPH free radical scavenging method. The possible drug-polymer interactions were evaluated by NMR spectroscopy. The anti-collagenase and antielastase activities were determined using colorimetric tests A central composite design was used to evaluate the effects of different polymer concentrations on the response variables of the films obtained. The morphology and possible chemical changes of the films were studied by SEM and FTIR. It was also determined the modulus of elasticity and the strength of films with better performance. Results and discussion: EA presented antimicrobial activity against Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and an IC50 of 0.079 mg/ml regarding its antioxidant activity. Zein improved the inhibitory activity of EA against P.aeruginosa and improved its antioxidant activity, demonstrating antimicrobial and antioxidant activity itself. CHI enhanced the inhibitory activity of EA against both bacteria and also showed itself a more discrete antimicrobial activity. NMR spectroscopy revealed the interaction between EA with zein. The films obtained presented satisfactory morphology and biofunctional and mechanical properties. Conclusions: The association of EA with CHI-zein has shown to be favorable, considering the biological aspects studied. The obtained films from this association showed favorable characteristics for their use in biomedical applications.

  • Study of the hydroethanolic extract of Acmella oleracea (L.) R. K. Jansen on the reproductive function of adult Wistar rats.

  • Data: 01/02/2018
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  • Introduction: The species Acmella oleracea (L.) R.K. Jansen (Asteraceae), known as jambú, has several established pharmacological activities and literature data demonstrate its efficacy in sexual disorders. Objectives: To evaluate the effects of oral administration of the hydroethanolic extract of A. oleracea flowers at doses of 88.91 mg / kg (G2) and 444.57 mg / kg (G3) on systemic toxicity and fertility on Wistar rats. Methodology: The extract obtained was analyzed by gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry and then used in biological assays. Evaluation was performed at 90 days of age for both sexes and the treatment period for females from 104 to 124 days of life and for males from 90 to 120 days of life. Measurements of feed intake, water intake and weight, estrous cycle (females), sexual behavior (males), reproductive parameters, biochemical and hematological (female), hormonal (male), sperm (male) and histopathological (females). Results and discussion: Gas chromatographic analysis detected (2E, 6Z, 8E) -N-isobutyldeca-2,6,8-trienamide as major compound of the extract (84%). The extract did not cause toxicity in females, and in estrous cycle it was observed that the frequency of the fertile phases increased, whereas the non-fertile phases showed a significant reduction in the animals treated with the EHAo in relation to the control. There was a significant increase in water intake (p <0.01), triglyceride levels, total cholesterol and fractions (p <0.05) and neutrophil percentage (p<0.05). In males, treatment did not cause toxicity, improved sexual behavior and increased hormone levels (p <0.001) at both doses. Conclusion: The treatment with EHAo is safe in the concentrations and time of treatment studied, being able to influence the estrous cycle, without altering the folliculogenesis in females and in males increases the libido without affecting the spermatogenesis.

  • Evaluation of the healing effect of the hidroethanolic extract and the cream gel produced from the husks of the fruit of Punica granatum L.

  • Data: 18/12/2017
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  • Introduction: The incorporation of plant extracts with biological activity has been presented as a relevant alternative in the improvement of the scarring process, with P. granatum already been used as herbal in skin lesions. Objective: This study aimed to develop and evaluate the healing activity of the extract hidroethanolic and the cream gel based on the husk of the fruit of P. granatum, using an experimental model in vivo. Results and discussions: the elucidation of the compounds present in the EHE of the husks of the fruit of P. granatum through LC-MS revealed 18 phytocomplexes, among them, gallic acid, ellagic acid and punicalagine. The pomegranate extract hidroethanolic of P. granatum produced a significant antibacterial activity (bacteriostatic and bactericide) in vitro on the studied lineages of Staphylococcus aureus (ATCC6538P) and Pseudomonas aeruginosa (ATCC9027). The cream gels containing the EHE of P. granatum, at the concentrations of 0.5 and 1.0%, presented amendments considered acceptable in stability and accelerated stability tests. The formulations incorporated with EHE of P. granatum, in vitro study, presented microbial activity in front of the strains of S. aureus, P. aeruginosa, Escherichia coli and Salmonella sp. in the established concentrations, as well as inhibited the growth of fungi and moulds and aerobic bacteria. As for acute cutaneous toxicity, no change has been found in the behavioral aspects of the animals subjected to the test. Topical application of the hidroethanolic extract and cream of P. granatum To 1% on excisionais-induced wounds experimentally accelerated the scarring process over the period of 7 days, modulating the inflammatory response and the colageneization of the tissue. Conclusion: The extract hidroethanolic and the cream gel containing the EHE of P. granatum to 1% presented the most promising results in the healing of cutaneous wounds, especially during the exudate phase.

  • Preparação de nanoemulsões a base da fração lipofílica obtida de frutos de açaí (Euterpe Oleraceae Mart.)

  • Data: 28/07/2017
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  • Introduction: Euterpe oleracea is a Brazilian palm species and its fruits are commonly known as açaí. The oil extracted from açaí fruits is chemically comparable to olive oil, being oleic acid considered its main constituent. Despite the great potential of açaí, to our knowledge, it remains almost unexplored concerning obtainment of nanoemulsions with its lipophilic fraction.Objectives: Therefore, the purpose of this study is to develop oil-in-water nanoemulsions from açaí fruits.  Methodology: The transesterification reaction catalyzed by lipase from Candida antarctica (CAL-B) was used for characterization of the fatty acids present in the sample and oleic acid was the main compound. Anthocyanins were also found in the lipophilic fraction. Nanoemulsions were prepared using different methods, using organic solvent or heating or organic solvent-free/non-heating methods.  Results and discussion: Several formulations were obtained by changing surfactant nature. Lower mean droplet size (184.7 ± 0.92 nm) and narrow distribution (polydispersity index = 0.218 ± 0.003) was observed using polyethylene glycol 400 dioleate 1% (w/w, expressed as surfactant content at former aqueous phase) in the organic solvent method. No phase separation, satisfactorily particle size distribution (mean droplet size = 313.3 ± 8.84 nm and polydispersity index = 0,400 ± 0,036) and zeta potential (-37.4 ± 0.551) were observed for the nanoemulsion prepared with polysorbate 80/sorbitan monooleate (HLB 11) in the organic solvent-free/non-heating method. Conclusions: The present study allowed a critical understanding of some aspects of nanoemulsification of the lipophilic fraction from Euterpe oleracea O/A nanoemulsion. Thus, this study it contributes to valorization of acai oil and development of potential phytopharmaceuticals innovative nanoproducts with this natural Amazon raw material.

  • Evaluation of bioacumulation of metals in medicinal plants and quantification of metals in water and soil of Elesbão Vila in Santana-AP

  • Data: 21/07/2017
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  • Introduction: The use of medicinal plants by the population is a millenary culture attributed to treat various diseases, however, the use of these plants should be carried out with caution, as these plant species can harbor serum concentrations of heavy metals, which may accumulate in the body and cause poisoning. This study had as study area the Vila do Elesbão in Santana-AP, because it is located in a region of transportation and ore deposit and for decades was exposed to these wastes. Objectives: The present research had the objective of investigating the bioaccumulation of metals in medicinal plants, soil and water, from Vila do Elesbão in Santana-AP, thus determining the concentration of metals Fe, Cr, Cu, Ni, Ca, Mg, Pb, Mn, Cd and Co. Thus, the study sought to investigate the relationship between the metals in soil and those absorbed by the plant and the toxicity of these metals in water. Methodology: For the determination of the metals, the atomic absorption spectrometry was performed, and the data obtained for water were compared with the parameters recommended by CONAMA, WHO and EPA. A comparative study was carried out between the soil and plant samples collected in Elesbão with samples from the center of Santana-AP and the city of Macapá-AP. Results and discussion: The research verified the existence of high concentrations of metals in samples of water, soil and plant in the community of Elesbão, and through a statistical study it was possible to establish the existence of the relationship between the metals present in soil and their availability in plants mainly for the concentration of lead. When comparing the concentrations of metals detected in water with the reference parameters, the toxicity of the Fe, Mn and Pb metals present in the water samples was observed, with concentrations above the permitted limits. The comparison between the concentrations of samples from different regions revealed that there are significant differences between the concentrations of metals in plants and soils collected in Vila do Elesbão and the other localities surveyed, showing that the region has higher concentrations of metals. Conclusions: The metals found in the Vila do Elesbão region of Santana show contamination in soil, plant and water samples by metal species, revealing the importance of monitoring the area to ensure the health of the residents of the region, considering the risk of contamination of this population by trace metals present mainly in water and community plants.

  • Avaliação dos riscos associados à farmacoterapia e impacto do seguimento farmacoterapêutico de pacientes renais crônicos do Estado do Amapá.

  • Data: 05/05/2017
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  • Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) is characterized by slow, progressive and irreversible loss of renal functions, which may result in adaptive processes that keep the patient asymptomatic. For patients who maintain at least 10-15% of normal renal function, treatment is performed with medications and appropriate diet. When renal function is further reduced, it is necessary to use other treatment methods, such as hemodialysis. Therefore, the objective of this study was to evaluate the risks associated with medications and to conduct a pilot study of the implementation of the pharmaceutical care service at the Nephrology Unit of Amapá, the only hemodialysis clinic available through the Unified Health System in the state. One-hundred fifty-six patients on dialysis were interviewed to assess the risks associated with medications, outlining their sociodemographic profile and identifying Potentially Inappropriate Medications (MPIs) and potential drug interactions. It was observed that the majority of the patients were male and hypertensive. The consumption of drugs among women was higher. There was a positive association between the number of drugs used and the presence of drugs with potential risk to the clinic and the presence of potential drug interactions. The prevalence of risks was related to the presence of hypertension. Subsequently, 16 patients were selected to participate in the pilot study of implementation of the Pharmaceutical Care service, using the Pharmacist's Work-up of Drug Therapy method. Eighty-six Drug-Related Problems (DRPs) were identified during the follow-up period (seven months), especially those related to non-compliance. The interventions were mostly related to monitoring and dosage adjustment and were considered significant to their impact on therapy. At the end of follow-up, an improvement was observed in blood pressure and hemoglobin dosage, which are essential in the control of hypertension and CKD. It is concluded that the assessment of risks related to drugs is an important tool in the care of patients to develop risk prevention strategies and to support the conduct of Pharmaceutical Care. The implementation of this service was able to contribute to the prevention and resolution of DRPs, improvement of clinical and laboratory parameters, helping to recover the health of patients with nephropathy.

  • Obtenção de nanodispensões aquosas contendo extrato de urucum (Bixa orellana L.) com potencial aplicação em alimentos.

  • Data: 27/04/2017
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  • A espécie Bixa orellana L. pertence à família Bixaceae e é endêmica do Brasil, sendo popularmente conhecida como urucum. O extrato obtido das sementes possui marjoritariamente o carotenóide bixina e apresenta alto potencial corante para diversos segmentos industriais, especialmente na área de alimentos. A baixa solubilidade em água dos carotenóides torna a sua utilização em produtos aquosos um grande desafio tecnológico. Nanodispersões contendo carotenóides são consideradas alternativas viáveis para disponibilização dessas substâncias de origem natural em meio aquoso. Neste contexto, o presente trabalho tem o intuito de obter nanodispersões contendo extrato de urucum (Bixa orellana L.), com potencial aplicação em produtos alimentícios. O extrato de sementes de urucum foi obtido por maceração e posteriormente liofilizado até sua utilização. A caracterização do extrato foi realizada através de espectrofotometria por UV/Vis, espectroscopia de absorção na região do infravermelho com transformada de Fourier (FTIR), termogravimetria (TG) e cromatografia em fase gasosa acoplada a espectrometria de massas (CG-EM). As nanodispersões foram preparadas por método de baixo aporte de energia, sem uso de solvente orgânico, adicionando-se água destilada em uma solução contendo mistura de tensoativos não iônicos (monooleato de sorbitano e polisorbato 80) e extrato acetônico de urucum. Foram preparadas diversas formulações variando-se a proporção da mistura de tensoativos. Avaliou-se também a influência da adição de uma solução aquosa de monooleato de polietilenoglicol 400 nas nanodispersões formadas. Elas foram caracterizadas através do método de espalhamento dinâmico da luz para medição do tamanho de partícula, índice de polidispersão e potencial zeta. Após a escolha da formulação com melhores características (nanodispersão otimizada), avaliou-se o efeito da exposição ou não a luz. Por fim avaliou-se a a influência da temperatura (25-80ºC) nos parâmetros físicos da nanodispersão escolhida. Análise de variância (Anova One-way) foi realizada para avaliar todos os parametros. No extrato foi possível identificar a presença de bixina e do terpenóide geranilgeraniol. Não foi verificada diferença significativa na distribuição do tamanho de partícula da nanodispersão preparada com os tensoativos monooleato de sorbitano/polisorbato 80 (equilibrio hidrofilo-lipofilo igual a 13), quando comparados os sistemas diluídas em água ou solução aquosa de monooleato de polietilenoglicol 400 (1%). A nanodispersão otimizada (EHL 13 diluída em água) apresentou aspecto homogêneno, fino e alaranjado, sendo observada maior perda de coloração quando exposta a luz. Na diluição de 1:10, ela manteve características satisfatórias de tamanho de partícula e potencial zeta até 35 ºC. O presente trabalho demonstrou que é possível obter nanodispersões a base de urucum por técnica de baixo custo, livre de solventes orgânicos durante a etapa de geração de nanoestruturas. Portanto, através de uma abordagem não agressiva ao meio ambiente, abre perspectivas para a aplicação do extrato de Bixa orellana em produtos alimentícios aquosos, além de ser potencialmente útil para outras matérias-primas contendo carotenoides.

  • Novos candidatos a fármacos inibidores da enzima glicogênio sintase quinase 3-ß (GSK-3ß) no tratamento da doença de Alzheimer utilizando cálculos de modelagem molecular.

  • Data: 10/03/2017
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  • Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a progressive degenerative disease, the most common type of dementia incident on the population over 60 years of age. The strategy further applied in the treatment of patients with DA is targeting the cholinergic pathway, which involves the use of drugs with inhibitory effect on the biological function of the enzyme acetylcholinesterase (AChE). However, this strategy is not very effective. GSK-3β enzyme is associated with hyperphosphorylation of tau protein which destabilizes microtubules in cell and leads ultimately result in neuronal cell degeneration, being a promising target in actuality, may be more effective than current cholinergic alternative. The aim of this study was to propose new candidates to GSK-3β enzyme inhibitors. For this, 40 inhibitors were selected from BindingDB database, molecular modeling calculations using various chemical-quantum descriptors selected using a Pearson correlation matrix, the pharmacophore profile search, screening ADME / Tox, electrostatic potential maps, orbital border (HOMO and LUMO), beyond docking simulation and prediction activity and synthetic feasibility of new potential GSK-3β enzyme inhibitors. In descriptors calculations, the quantum-chemical parameters calculated at B3LYP/6-31G **, more relevant according to Pearson correlation due to the IC50 value were: LUMO + 1; Softness Molecular and LogP with values of 0.4326; 0.4450 and 0.4248, respectively. The HOMO of CID44219658 inhibitor is in the imidazole pyridine ring and the part of the pyrrole and the LUMO is on the aromatic ring of the C-C bond six carbons. The maximum positive and negative values of MEPs ranged from 0.101155 ua (CID 6639576) at -0.09879 ua (CID 44219658). The pharmacophoric region was expected to 5 aromatic rings, two hydrogen bond acceptor, one hydrogen bond donor and a positive region. No inhibitor showed blood-brain barrier permeability. Among the 40 selected inhibitors, the substance CID 44219658 has the lowest IC50 value, and then used as a prototype for proposing modifications molecular, they obtained four proposals. The predictions of ADME properties, all proposals had a good profile of absorption and distribution. The four proposals have values of Pa> Pi (Proposal 1: Pa = 0.363, Proposal 2: 0.172; Proposal 3: 0.180 and proposal 4: Pa = 0.180), thus indicating the biological activity for GSK 3β, furthermore, the proposed indicate averages synthetic accessibility structures. Based on these results, the proposed one (3-(5-chloro-1-benzofuran-7-yl)-4-(1-methyl-1H-indol-3-yl)-1H-pyrrole-2,5-dione) is possibly the most promising, indicating the possibility of study for evaluation of biological activity in vitro and in vivo.

  • Estudo das atividades cicatrizantes não clínica do extrato e do gel de Portulaca pilosa L. em feridas cutâneas de ratos Wistar.

  • Data: 24/02/2017
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  • Portulaca pilosa L. belongs to the family Portulacaceae, is a common herbaceous plant in Americas and in Amazon is popularly known as love-grown. It is used traditionally in the treatment of burns, buds, insect bites and wound healing. This study aims to evaluate the non-clinical topical healing activities of P. pilosa 10% gel (GPP) and P. pilosa propylene glycol extract (PPE) in Wistar rats. In analysis of the EPP by high performance liquid chromatography showed the presence of gallic acid at a concentration of 2,135 ± 0,081 mg/mL. For the healing activity, Wistar rats were divided into the following groups: negative control (GVE - vehicle, 150 mg/kg), positive control (Fibrinase®- FIB, 100 U/kg), Portulaca pilosa gel 10%, (GPP, 150 mg/kg), and propylenglycollic extract of Portulaca pilosa (EPP, 150 mg/kg), which were submitted to the surgical procedure for wound production and were treated for 7 consecutive days, one time a day by topical route, during which they were evaluated macroscopically. EPP significantly modulated the tissue inflammatory response, presenting low number of inflammatory cells in the histopathological study. Treatment with EPP and GPP significantly stimulated angiogenesis and this response was superior to the fibrinase® group. Treatment with EPP and GPP significantly stimulated the proliferation of fibroblasts. The groups treated with EPP and GPP presented an organization pattern of the epidermis and dermis better than the control group, with a mild inflammatory process, with fibroblasts proliferation and increased formation of collagen fibers. Thus, from the obtained results, it can be suggested that the phytochemical marker of the P. pilosa species for cicatrizant activity is gallic acid and, together with the macroscopic and microscopic findings triggered by the topical applications of EPP and GPP, it can be concluded that this plant species has topical healing activity, with great potential for use, since this pharmacological action is associated with a possible topical anti-inflammatory activity.

  • Determinação do perfil de ácidos graxos produzidos por microalgas e cianobactérias da Região Amazônica, Macapá-AP.

  • Data: 20/02/2017
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  • Studies using microalgae for a variety of purposes have been growing significantly in recent years. Its biotechnological potential and the advantages of cultivation compared to other raw material vegetables were the main factors that triggered these researches, highlighting the high productivity of molecules corresponding to carbohydrates, proteins and lipids, of these especially fatty acids, organic components used in the human diet, usually employed in the pharmaceutical and food industry. Thus, the present work aimed to determine the profile of the fatty acids produced by microalgae and cyanobacteria collected and identified in aquatic environments of the city of Macapa-AP. For this, fourteen species were collected, isolated and identified, among these twelve were analyzed by Infrared Spectrometry - Fourier Transformed and identified the main functional groups present in the samples. In front of that, considering the species Scenedesmus ecornis with high biomass productivity, it was chosen to evaluate the best method of lipid extraction. The method by magnetic stirring using a chloroform-hexane solvent mixture was more efficient (40.6 ± 3.03) in crude lipid extraction when compared to Soxhlet extraction (10.66 ± 1.02), followed by hexane and chloroform solvents. Both by acid catalysis (sulfuric acid) and by enzymatic catalysis (Candida antarctica lipase) using the hydrolysis followed by esterification and transesterification it was possible to identify ethyl esters of fatty acids (palmitic, linoleic, oleic and stearic acid). As palmitic acid is the major component with the use of both catalysts, but with different percentage concentrations. However, the enzymatic catalysis hydrolysis method was more feasible for the lipidic extraction of Scenedesmus ecornis, since the catalyst can be reused for up to two consecutive cycles, with the yield of ethyl fatty acid esters of 83% being changed in the first use to 78 % on second use. Thus, it is suggested that enzymatic catalysis via hydrolysis-esterification was the most viable method in the lipid extraction of the microalga Scenedesmus ecornis.

  • Caracterização Fractal na nanotextura superficial da folha da copaifera sp. por microscopia de força atômica (AFM)

  • Data: 16/12/2016
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  • e

  • Propostas de fármacos alternativos baseados em ligantes naturais do receptor canabinoide CB1 para a síndrome de abstinência em dependentes químicos de Cannabis sativa.

  • Data: 29/09/2016
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  • A síndrome de abstinência a Cannabis sativa resulta da inibição da interação da substância ∆9-tetrahidrocanabinol com receptores canabinoides do tipo1 (CB1). Objetivou-se propor candidatos a fármacos para esta síndrome utilizando-se métodos computacionais. Na database BindingDB selecionou-se moléculas agonistas do receptor CB1 das quais no webservidor Pharmagist derivou-se o grupamento farmacofórico utilizado no webservidor ZINCPharmer para a triagem de moléculas baseadas neste farmacóforo. A similaridade estrutural calculada no BindingDB teve o resultado analisado no software Discovery Studio onde as moléculas ZINC975899 (01), ZINC1730183 (02), ZINC2131499 (03), ZINC3850100 (04), ZINC3850106 (05), ZINC4023027 (06) e ZINC4023028 (07) apresentaram maior semelhança estrutural com a molécula Pivô CID104895 (A). As predições das propriedades farmacocinéticas e de toxicidade foram calculadas, respectivamente, nos programas QikProp e DEREK. Todas as moléculas apresentaram valores de 100% de absorção no trato Gastrointestinal; alta predição de permeabilidade aparente tanto para células Caco2, células MDCK e barreira hematoencefálica. Nenhuma apresentou violação a regra dos 5 de Lipinski, além de, não apresentarem alertas de toxicidade. A predição da atividade biológica realizada pelo site PASS indicou que todas as moléculas,com execeção da molécula 06, tiveram predição de atividade sobre estimulação sobre quinases ativadas por mitógenos e/ou inibição da adenilato ciclase. Somente a molécula 02, segundo o website SEA, demonstrou predição positiva ao receptor CB1 humano e camundongo, além de ser a única considerada de fácil acessibilidade química, de acordo com o software SYLVIA. Baseado nas predições apresentadas neste trabalho conclue-se que a molécula 02 demonstra ser uma favorável proposta a ser estudada para o desenvolvimento de um fármaco que pode ser utilizado na síndrome de abstinência de dependentes químicos de C. sativa, sendo indicado a continuidade desta pesquisa aplicando-se outros métodos computacionais e experimentais.

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